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In a area in Java, more precisely within the ex-residential area of Banyumas, you can find traditional folk art within the form of dances and songs, while others. Somewhat dissimilar to the folk art of Central Java generally, the folk art of Banyumas has dynamic and special rhythmic patterns that reflect the individuality of the area culture so it is widely used with the name Kesenian Banyumasan. Just as Tari Selot which we watched before Selot means key.

Tari Selot portrays the religious life of kids from Banyumas who are studying religion in the pesantren or Islamic school. These are building their spiritual and physical capacity in order that later on they may become strong women who secure the recommendations for a life obedient to God, loyal to america and loving for their families and themselves. Upper class ladies from Banyumas always carry a bunch of secrets to complete their traditional costume, not merely as the symbol of wealth, but additionally for a symbol of the superiority of women.

Ladies and gentlemen, the art of Banyumas may not be separated with the gamelan that accompanies it. That is, Calung, which is made of bamboo. Calung is always used as accompaniment of various forms of Banyumas traditional arts, not only songs including 'Uyon-Uyon' but also songs and dances for example 'Lengger Banyumasan'. We will see what sort of bamboo is willing to manufacture Calung.

The project of making Calung requires spiritual and mental preparation over decades. The bamboo utilized to make Calung isusually of the 'Tutul' or brown 'Wulun' types. However, to get the best results when felling the bamboo, the right day ought to be chosen. It needs to be a good day in respect with traditional beliefs. That is, it must be at a Kliwon Friday or perhaps Kliwon Tuesday. The bamboo cutter should fast beforehand. The chosen bamboo really should be mature and straight. After it is felled, it ought to be left ready for a couple of months to dry slowly and allow every one of the leaves to falloff. All of small branches are chop off. The bamboo is then carried home.

The bamboo is dried for another several months in your house yard. It is stood within a upright position To ensure that 'it dries evenly and stays straight.

The tools which might be familiar with make Calung are: a saw, a brace and bit, a ruler, a machete and a knife.Most of the tools need to have keen edges so that the work can progress quickly with quality results. Initially1 the bamboo is cut to size. The shortest piece is 23 cm and the longest is 90 cm. From then on, the bamboo is smoked in the ceiling of the kitchen. The bamboo has to beinspected monthly and turned so the smoking is even. This process moves on for six or nine months. After time the other job is to tune the Calung towards the pitch required of each piece.

This method needs to be performed upon an auspicious day and the craftsperson is required to fast for the duration of the process. The bamboo is sliced little by little with a sharp knife while testing for the right tone.Next, the bamboo is drilled so that it could be racked together while still checking a negative produced. The regular note is taken from an existing Javanese-gamelan. In making the Calung more inviting, it is sandpapered and varnished.

Each of the components is attached with plastic as a tonal unit referred to as a 'krancak'. The Calung krancak is usually curved like a bow and arrow. Finally the tones of the assembled instrument are checked again to ascertain if they may be right or if perhaps they should be done further adjusted.So, the bamboo continues to be changed to a Calung gamelan consisting of two sets of gambang, one set of ketuk kenong, and one set of selentung, one set of gendang ketipung and one set of gong punggung.

Ladies and gentlemen, this instrument is all set to begin playing beautiful Gending-gending and Lengger Banyumasan for you.

Lengger arises from the people, particularly the people of Banyumas. Even now, Lengger remains very well liked with the Banyumas population and is referred to as Lengger Banyumasan. Lengger was originally performed for the entertainment of victorious soldiers. The performance has since you have to be cultural and is employed to welcome guests on the court, to brighten wedding ceremonies, village tidying and other ceremonies that keep this time.The performance of Lengger Banyumasan begins with the Lengger Panceran dance. This begins with several beautiIul female dancers that happen to be joined by several male guests. Before they'll dance with the Lengger dancers, your guests should pay. Inside the language of Banyumas this payment is called Bancer. The accompaniment is from Calung playing gending-gending when using the sindu scales. The Lengger Banyumasan dance is indeed splendid, however is an effect of eroticism. Originally Lengger Banyumasan wouldn't employ dialogue but mainly because it developed, small dialogue partswere inserted. These are inside the Banyumas dialect and contain allusions, humour or other messages about modern development. The performance can embark upon forever, in a choice of a pavilion or on a stage.

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