001    package sale;
003    import javax.swing.*;
005    /**
006     * An object that can contain and display {@link FormSheet FormSheets}. FormSheetContainers are usually also
007     * {@link Display displays}. The two interfaces FormSheetContainer and Display are two sides of one coin,
008     * with Display being the view of the application developer and FormSheetContainer the framework (i.e.
009     * FormSheet) view.
010     *
011     * @author Steffen Zschaler
012     * @version 2.0 21/05/1999
013     * @since v2.0
014     */
015    public interface FormSheetContainer {
017        /**
018         * Close a FormSheet.
019         *
020         * <p>Closing a FormSheet must hide all the GUI elements that stem from displaying the
021         * FormSheet. It must then {@link FormSheet#detachDisplay detach} this display
022         * from the FormSheet. Any {@link Display#setFormSheet} calls waiting for this FormSheet to
023         * be closed, must be unblocked.</p>
024         *
025         * @override Always
026         *
027         * @param fs the FormSheet to be closed.
028         */
029        public void closeFormSheet(FormSheet fs);
031        /**
032         * Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
033         *
034         * @override Always
035         *
036         * @param fs the FormSheet whose caption changed.
037         * @param sNewCaption the new caption of the FormSheet.
038         */
039        public void onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet fs, String sNewCaption);
041        /**
042         * Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
043         *
044         * @override Always
045         *
046         * @param fs the FormSheet whose component changed.
047         * @param jcmpNew the new component of the FormSheet.
048         */
049        public void onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet fs, JComponent jcmpNew);
051        /**
052         * Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
053         *
054         * @override Always
055         *
056         * @param fs the FormSheet whose button bar changed.
057         * @param fb the button that was added to the FormSheet.
058         */
059        public void onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb);
061        /**
062         * Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
063         *
064         * @override Always
065         *
066         * @param fs the FormSheet whose button bar changed.
067         * @param fb the button that was removed from the FormSheet.
068         */
069        public void onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb);
071        /**
072         * Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
073         *
074         * @override Always
075         *
076         * @param fs the FormSheet whose button bar was cleared.
077         */
078        public void onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet fs);
079    }