001    package data.filters;
003    import data.*;
005    import java.text.ParseException;
007    /**
008     * A CatalogFilter that filters {@link Currency Currencies}.
009     *
010     * @author Steffen Zschaler
011     * @version 2.0 19/08/1999
012     * @since v2.0
013     */
014    public abstract class CurrencyFilter extends CatalogFilter implements Currency {
016        /**
017         * Create a new CurrencyFilter.
018         *
019         * @param c the Currency to be filtered.
020         */
021        public CurrencyFilter(Currency c) {
022            super(c);
023        }
025        /**
026         * Convert the given value to its {@link String} representation using the source Currency.
027         *
028         * @override Never
029         */
030        public String toString(NumberValue nv) {
031            return ((Currency)m_cOrg).toString(nv);
032        }
034        /**
035         * Try to parse the given {@link String} as a Currency value using the source Currency.
036         *
037         * @override Never
038         */
039        public NumberValue parse(String s) throws ParseException {
040            return ((Currency)m_cOrg).parse(s);
041        }
042    }