001    package users.stdforms;
003    import sale.*;
004    import util.swing.*;
005    import util.swing.AbstractTableModel;
006    import users.User;
007    import users.UserManager;
008    import users.swing.JUserTable;
010    import java.util.Comparator;
011    import javax.swing.*;
012    import javax.swing.table.*;
014    /**
015     * A FormSheet displaying the contents of a {@link UserManager}.
016     *
017     * @author Thomas Medack
018     * @author Andreas Bartho
019     * @version 3.0 13/06/2001
020     * @since v3.0
021     */
022    public class UserTableFormSheet extends FormSheet {
024        /**
025             * ID for serialization.
026             */
027            private static final long serialVersionUID = -3562437116191352316L;
029            /**
030         * Reference to the currently selected index.
031         *
032         * @serial
033         */
034        private int[] m_anSelection = new int[] {
035                 -1};
037        /**
038         * The {@link TableModel} of the table displayed.
039         */
040        private transient util.swing.AbstractTableModel m_atmModel;
042        /**
043         * The {@link TableColumnModel} of the table displayed.
044         */
045        private transient TableColumnModel m_tcmModel;
047        /**
048         * The displayed {@link JTable}.
049         */
050        private transient JTable m_jtTable;
052        /**
053         * The {@link ListSelectionModel} of the table displayed.
054         */
055        private transient ListSelectionModel m_lsmModel;
057        /**
058         * The UserManager from which the table is created.
059         */
060        private UserManager m_umMan;
062        /**
063         * The {@link Gate} at which the FormSheet is being displayed.
064         *
065         * @serial
066         */
067        private UIGate m_uigGate;
069        private transient JComponent m_jcComp;
071        /**
072         * Create a new UserTableFormSheet. The "{@link FormSheet#waitResponse}" property will default
073         * to true.
074         *
075         * @param sCaption the FormSheet's caption.
076         * @param um the UserManager which will be displayed
077         * @param c a JComponent which can be optionally displayed with the JUserTable. The
078         * JComponent of the FormSheet will be a JPanel. The JPanels contains a JSplitPane.
079         * The first JComponent of the JPanel is the JUserTable and the second is this JComponent.
080         * If it is null, only the JUserTable will be displayed.
081         * @param uigGate the Gate at which the FormSheet is displayed.
082         * @param cmp a comparator defining the order in which to display the individual users. If <code>null</code>
083         * the Userrecords will be ordered by their names.
084         * @param ted a TableEntryDescriptor that can split the UserManager's entries into a table's cells.
085         * Must not be <code>null</code>.
086         */
087        public UserTableFormSheet(String sCaption, UserManager um, JComponent c, UIGate uigGate,
088                final Comparator<User> cmp, final TableEntryDescriptor ted) {
090            super(sCaption, (JComponent)null, true);
091            setGate(uigGate);
093            m_umMan = um;
094            m_jcComp = c;
096            addContentCreator(new FormSheetContentCreator() {
097                            private static final long serialVersionUID = -2022512596984999513L;
099                            protected void createFormSheetContent(FormSheet fs) {
100                    JUserTable jut = new JUserTable(m_umMan, cmp, ted);
102                    if (m_jcComp == null) {
103                        fs.setComponent(new JScrollPane(jut));
104                    } else {
105                        JSplitPane p = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, new JScrollPane(jut), m_jcComp);
106                        p.setDividerSize(4);
107                        p.setDividerLocation(200);
109                        fs.setComponent(p);
110                    }
112                    ((UserTableFormSheet)fs).m_atmModel = (util.swing.AbstractTableModel)jut.getModel(); ((
113                            UserTableFormSheet)fs).m_lsmModel = jut.getSelectionModel(); ((UserTableFormSheet)fs).
114                            m_tcmModel = jut.getColumnModel();
116                    jut.setSelectionObserver(((UserTableFormSheet)fs).m_anSelection);
117                    m_jtTable = jut;
118                }
119            });
120        }
122        /**
123         * Gets the table.
124         *
125         * @override Never
126         */
127        public JTable getTable() {
128            return m_jtTable;
129        }
131        /**
132         * Changes the {@link TableModel} of a table.
133         * @param the new TableModel
134         */
135        public void setTableModel(AbstractTableModel tm) {
136            m_atmModel.fireTableDataChanged(); //unselect a possibly selected record
137            if (tm instanceof TableSorter) {
138                m_atmModel = tm;
139            } else {
140                m_atmModel = new TableSorter(tm);
141            }
142            m_jtTable.setModel(m_atmModel);
144            ((JAbstractTable)m_jtTable).initialize();
145        }
147        /**
148         * Get the table's source.
149         *
150         * @override Never
151         * @return the UserManager from which the table was built. The class of the returned UserManager
152         * is <code>Object</code> to keep consistency with {@link data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet}.
153         */
154        public Object getTableSource() {
155            return m_umMan;
156        }
158        /**
159         * Set the gate at which to display the FormSheet. This will also move the FormSheet to that gate, i.e. make
160         * the FormSheet the FormSheet of the given gate.
161         *
162         * @param uigGate the new Gate.
163         *
164         * @override Never
165         *
166         * @see UIGate#setFormSheet
167         */
168        public void setGate(UIGate uigGate) {
169            if (m_uigGate != null) {
170                m_uigGate.setFormSheet(null);
171            }
173            m_uigGate = uigGate;
175            if (m_uigGate != null) {
176                m_uigGate.setFormSheet(this);
177            }
178        }
180        /**
181         * Get the Gate this FormSheet is currently being displayed at.
182         *
183         * @override Never
184         */
185        public UIGate getGate() {
186            return m_uigGate;
187        }
189        /**
190         * Get the record currently selected.
191         *
192         * <p>The actual class of the record depends on the concrete type of
193         * TableModel used. See the TableModel's <code>getRecord()</code> method for
194         * details.
195         */
196        public User getSelectedRecord() {
197            return (User)m_atmModel.getRecord(m_anSelection[0]);
198        }
200        /**
201         * Get the ListSelectionModel of the JUserTable which is displayed.
202         */
203        public ListSelectionModel getSelectionModel() {
204            return m_lsmModel;
205        }
207        /**
208         * Get the TableColumnModel of the JUserTable which is displayed.
209         */
210        public TableColumnModel getColumnModel() {
211            return m_tcmModel;
212        }
213    }