001    package users.swing;
003    import users.*;
005    import javax.swing.*;
006    import java.awt.*;
007    import java.util.*;
009    /**
010     * A list box that will display all users managed by a UserManager.
011     *
012     * @see UserManager
013     * @see User
014     *
015     * @author Steffen Zschaler
016     * @version 2.0 05/05/1999
017     * @since v2.0
018     */
019    public class JUserList extends JList {
021        /**
022             * ID for serialization.
023             */
024            private static final long serialVersionUID = -4966223401461249244L;
026            /**
027         * Create a new JUserList displaying the set of users managed by the global
028         * UserManager. All Users will be displayed and they will be
029         * sorted by their names.
030         */
031        public JUserList() {
032            this(UserManager.getGlobalUM());
033        }
035        /**
036         * Create a new JUserList displaying the set of users managed by a given UserManager. All Users will be
037         * displayed and they will be sorted by their names.
038         *
039         * @param um the UserManager to be displayed.
040         */
041        public JUserList(UserManager um) {
042            this(um, null, null);
043        }
045        /**
046         * Create a new JUserList modelling the global UserManager.
047         *
048         * @param uf a filter that defines the set of users to be displayed. If <code>null</code>, no filtering will
049         * occur.
050         * @param cmp a Comparator that defines the order of the users to be displayed. The objects to be compared
051         * by this comparator will be Users. If <code>null</code>, users will be ordered by their names.
052         */
053        public JUserList(UserFilter uf, Comparator<User> cmp) {
054            this(UserManager.getGlobalUM(), uf, cmp);
055        }
057        /**
058         * Create a new JUserList modelling a given UserManager.
059         *
060         * @param um the UserManager to be modelled.
061         * @param uf a filter that defines the set of users to be displayed. If <code>null</code>, no filtering will
062         * occur.
063         * @param cmp a Comparator that defines the order of the users to be displayed. The objects to be compared
064         * by this comparator will be Users. If <code>null</code>, users will be ordered by their names.
065         */
066        public JUserList(UserManager um, UserFilter uf, Comparator<User> cmp) {
067            super();
069            setModel(new UserListModel(um, uf, cmp));
071            setCellRenderer(new UserListCellRenderer());
072        }
074        /**
075         * The list cell renderer to render {@link User} objects in list cells.
076         *
077         * <p>This list cell renderer can be used with JComboBoxes as well.</p>
078         *
079         * @author Steffen Zschaler
080         * @version 2.0 05/05/1999
081         * @since v2.0
082         */
083        public static class UserListCellRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {
085            /**
086                     * ID for serialization.
087                     */
088                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1333707750194832347L;
090                    /**
091             * Create a new UserListCellRenderer.
092             */
093            public UserListCellRenderer() {
094                setOpaque(true);
095            }
097            /**
098             * Configure this list cell renderer to display the given user's data and return
099             * <code>this</code>.
100             *
101             * @param list the list in which to render the User object
102             * @param value assumed to be the User object to be rendered
103             * @param index the position in the list at which to render the User object.
104             * @param isSelected true if the User object is to be rendered in a selected state
105             * @param cellHasFocus true if the cell to be rendered has the input focus.
106             *
107             * @return this list cell renderer configured to render the given User object.
108             *
109             * @override Sometimes
110             */
111            public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected,
112                    boolean cellHasFocus) {
113                if (value != null) {
114                    setText(((User)value).getName());
115                } else {
116                    setText("");
117                }
119                setFont(list.getFont());
121                setBackground(isSelected ? list.getSelectionBackground() : Color.white);
122                setForeground(isSelected ? list.getSelectionForeground() : Color.black);
124                return this;
125            }
126        }
128        /**
129         * Convenience method returning the currently selected user.
130         *
131         * @return the currently selected user.
132         *
133         * @override Never
134         */
135        public User getSelectedUser() {
136            return (User)getSelectedValue();
137        }
138    }