001    package sale;
003    import java.io.Serializable;
004    import java.io.IOException;
006    import log.*;
007    import users.*;
009    import data.Stock;
010    import data.Catalog;
012    /**
013     * A context that allows processes to run and access certain functionality.
014     *
015     * <p>A ProcessContext provides {@link SaleProcess processes} with an environment in which they
016     * can work. Although some of the functionality could be accessed directly at the {@link Shop},
017     * some can't, and for the rest the usage of ProcessContexts provides an extra level of flexibility.
018     * It is therefore explicitly recommended that your processes access all of the needed functionality
019     * through their context, except in cases where you want to make sure that a special service is
020     * carried out at Shop level.</p>
021     *
022     * <p>The methods comprising the ProcessContext interface fall into three categories:</p>
023     *
024     * <ol>
025     *   <li>Display related methods:
026     *     <ul>
027     *       <li>{@link #setFormSheet}</li>
028     *       <li>{@link #popUpFormSheet}</li>
029     *       <li>{@link #setMenuSheet}</li>
030     *       <li>{@link #hasUseableDisplay}</li>
031     *     </ul>
032     *   </li>
033     *   <li>Data and service related methods:
034     *     <ul>
035     *       <li>{@link #log}</li>
036     *       <li>{@link #getCurrentUser}</li>
037     *       <li>{@link #getStock}</li>
038     *       <li>{@link #getCatalog}</li>
039     *     </ul>
040     *   </li>
041     *   <li>Process management methods:
042     *     <ul>
043     *       <li>{@link #processStarted}</li>
044     *       <li>{@link #processFinished}</li>
045     *     </ul>
046     *     These methods will not be called directly, but rather the Framework will call them as
047     *     appropriate.
048     *   </li>
049     * </ol>
050     *
051     * @author Steffen Zschaler
052     * @version 2.0 27/05/1999
053     * @since v2.0
054     */
055    public interface ProcessContext extends Serializable {
057        // display related methods
059        /**
060         * Set a FormSheet for a process.
061         *
062         * <p>The FormSheet will be displayed on the ProcessContext's display for the given process, if there
063         * is one and it is useable. Setting a <code>null</code> FormSheet will remove any FormSheet
064         * currently being displayed.</p>
065         *
066         * @override Always
067         *
068         * @param p the process that wishes to set a FormSheet
069         * @param fs the FormSheet that is to be set.
070         *
071         * @exception InterruptedException if an interrupt occurred while waiting for the FormSheet to be
072         * closed. See {@link Display#setFormSheet Display.setFormSheet} for details.
073         *
074         * @see Display#setFormSheet
075         */
076        public void setFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs) throws InterruptedException;
078        /**
079         * Pop up a FormSheet for a process.
080         *
081         * <p>The FormSheet will be popped up on the ProcessContext's display for the given process, if there
082         * is one and it is useable.</p>
083         *
084         * @override Always
085         *
086         * @param p the process that wishes to pop up a FormSheet
087         * @param fs the FormSheet that is to be set.
088         *
089         * @exception InterruptedException if an interrupt occurred while waiting for the FormSheet to be
090         * closed. See {@link Display#popUpFormSheet Display.popUpFormSheet} for details.
091         *
092         * @see Display#popUpFormSheet
093         */
094        public void popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs) throws InterruptedException;
096        /**
097         * Set a MenuSheet for a process.
098         *
099         * <p>The MenuSheet will be displayed on the ProcessContext's display for the given process, if there
100         * is one and it is useable. Setting a <code>null</code> MenuSheet will remove any MenuSheet
101         * currently being displayed.</p>
102         *
103         * @override Always
104         *
105         * @param p the process that wishes to set a MenuSheet
106         * @param ms the MenuSheet that is to be set.
107         *
108         * @see Display#setMenuSheet
109         */
110        public void setMenuSheet(SaleProcess p, MenuSheet ms);
112        /**
113         * True if the ProcessContext has a useable display for the given process.
114         *
115         * @override Always
116         *
117         * @param p the process whose display is to be checked.
118         *
119         * @see Display#isUseableDisplay
120         */
121        public boolean hasUseableDisplay(SaleProcess p);
123        // data and service related methods
125        /**
126         * Put an object into the ProcessContext.
127         * 
128         * @override Never
129         * 
130         * @param sKey object's identifier
131         * @param oData the data object
132         * 
133         */
134        public void setProcessData(String sKey, Object oData);
136        /**
137         * Get an object from the ProcessContext.
138         * 
139         * @override Never
140         * 
141         * @param sKey object's key
142         * 
143         * @return the object from ProcessContext
144         */
145        public Object getProcessData(String sKey);
147        /**
148         * Put an entry into the ProcessContext's log stream for a process.
149         *
150         * @override Always
151         *
152         * @param p the process that wishes to put data into the log stream.
153         * @param la the information that is to be logged.
154         *
155         * @exception IOException if any problems occurred while writing to the log stream.
156         */
157        public void log(SaleProcess p, Loggable la) throws IOException;
159        /**
160         * Get the user currently associated with the given process.
161         *
162         * @override Always
163         *
164         * @param p the process that wishes to know its current user.
165         *
166         * @return the current user for the given process.
167         */
168        public User getCurrentUser(SaleProcess p);
170        /**
171         * Get a Stock by its name.
172         *
173         * <p>The Stock's name is resolved relative to the ProcessContext, so that the same call can result
174         * in different Stocks in different ProcessContexts.</p>
175         *
176         * @override Always
177         *
178         * @param sName the name of the Stock to be returned.
179         *
180         * @return the Stock that was found for the given name, if any.
181         */
182        public Stock getStock(String sName);
184        /**
185         * Get a Catalog by its name.
186         *
187         * <p>The Catalog's name is resolved relative to the ProcessContext, so that the same call can result
188         * in different Catalogs in different ProcessContexts.</p>
189         *
190         * @override Always
191         *
192         * @param sName the name of the Catalog to be returned.
193         *
194         * @return the Catalog that was found for the given name, if any.
195         */
196        public Catalog getCatalog(String sName);
198        // process management methods
200        /**
201         * Notification that a process was started in this ProcessContext.
202         *
203         * <p>This method is usually not called directly, but rather the Framework calls it as appropriate.</p>
204         *
205         * @override Always
206         *
207         * @param p the process that was started.
208         */
209        public void processStarted(SaleProcess p);
211        /**
212         * Notification that a process was finished in this ProcessContext.
213         *
214         * <p>This method is usually not called directly, but rather the Framework calls it as appropriate.</p>
215         *
216         * @override Always
217         *
218         * @param p the process that was finished.
219         */
220        public void processFinished(SaleProcess p);
221    }