Interface BusinessTime

  • @Service
    public interface BusinessTime
    Component to allow access to the current business time. It will usually return the current system time but allows manually forwarding it by a certain Duration for testing and simulation purposes.
    Paul Henke, Oliver Gierke, Rico Bergmann
    • Method Detail

      • getTime

        LocalDateTime getTime()
        Returns the current business time. This will be the time of the system the application is running on by default but can be adjusted by calling forward(Duration).
      • forward

        void forward​(Duration duration)
        Forwards the current time with the given Duration. Calling the method multiple times will accumulate durations.
        duration -
      • getOffset

        Duration getOffset()
        Returns the current offset between the real time and the virtual one created by calling forward(Duration).
      • reset

        void reset()
        Undoes any forwarding. Afterwards any call to getTime() will be equivalent to the system's time again.