Class Cheque

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Cheque
extends PaymentMethod
A is a written bill of exchange (or draft), a written order by the drawer (the writer of the cheque) to the drawee (usually the bank), to pay a specified amount of money to a payee. The class Cheque represents such a written order of payment in a digital form.
Hannes Weisbach, Oliver Gierke
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • Cheque

      public Cheque​(String accountName, String accountNumber, String chequeNumber, String payee, LocalDateTime dateWritten, String bankName, String bankAddress, String bankIdentificationNumber)
      Instantiate a new Cheque instance.
      accountName - Name of the account holder.
      accountNumber - Number of this account on which the cheque is drawn.
      chequeNumber - Number of this cheque. This is a number uniquely identifying a cheque.
      payee - Name of the party which receives the cheque.
      dateWritten - DateTime object representing the date on which the cheque was written,
      bankName - Name of the bank that issued the cheque,
      bankAddress - Address of the bank that issued the cheque.
      bankIdentificationNumber - Unique identifier of the bank that issued the cheque. Also known as the bank routing number.
  • Method Details