Class CreditCard

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CreditCard
extends PaymentCard
A credit card.
Hannes Weisbach, Oliver Gierke
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • CreditCard

      public CreditCard​(String cardName, String cardAssociationName, String cardNumber, String nameOnCard, String billingAddress, LocalDateTime validFrom, LocalDateTime expiryDate, String cardVerificationCode, dailyWithdrawalLimit, creditLimit)
      Instantiates a specific credit card.
      cardName - The name of the card.
      cardAssociationName - the name of the association which issued the card
      cardNumber - the number of this card
      nameOnCard - name of the card owner
      billingAddress - the address to which account statements are sent
      validFrom - date from which the card is valid
      expiryDate - date on which the card expires
      cardVerificationCode - verification code printed on the card or a PIN
      dailyWithdrawalLimit - maximum amount of Money which can be withdrawn on a day
      creditLimit - Money representing the line of credit extended by the issuing association to the card owner
    • CreditCard

      public CreditCard​(String cardAssociationName, String cardNumber, String nameOnCard, String billingAddress, LocalDateTime validFrom, LocalDateTime expiryDate, String cardVerificationCode, dailyWithdrawalLimit, creditLimit)
      Instantiates a generic credit card.
      cardAssociationName - the name of the association which issued the card
      cardNumber - the number of this card
      nameOnCard - name of the card owner
      billingAddress - the address to which account statements are sent
      validFrom - date from which the card is valid
      expiryDate - date on which the card expires
      cardVerificationCode - verification code printed on the card or a PIN
      dailyWithdrawalLimit - maximum amount of Money which can be withdrawn on a day
      creditLimit - Money representing the line of credit extended by the issuing association to the card owner
  • Method Details