Welcome to the Homepage of the 7th International Workshop on Models@run.time (MRT 2012)October, 2nd, 2012 - Innsbruck/AUSTRIA, Being part of the MODELS 2012 Conference.The Models@run.time workshop series provides a forum for exchange of ideas on the use of run-time models. The main goal is to further promote cross-fertilization between researchers from different communities, including model-driven software engineering, software architectures, computational reflection, adaptive systems, autonomic and self-healing systems, and requirements engineering. Models@run.time extend the applicability of models and abstractions to the runtime environment. As is the case for software development models, a run-time model is often created to support reasoning. However, in contrast to development models, run-time models are used to reason about the operating environment and runtime behaviour, and thus these models must capture abstractions of runtime phenomena. Different dimensions need to be balanced, including resource-efficiency (time, memory, energy), context-dependency (time, location, platform), as well as personalization (quality-of-service specifications, profiles). The hypothesis is that because models@run.time provide meta-information for these dimensions during execution, run-time decisions can be facilitated and better automated. Thus, it is anticipated that this technology will play an integral role for future software-based systems including self-adaptive and autonomous systems. A report summarizing the workshop has been published in the ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Vol. 38 No. 1, January 2013 (Link). |