The workshop participants will be selected based on their experience and ideas
related to this maturing field. You are invited to apply for attendance by
- a full paper (6 pages) on original research, lessons learned from realizing
an approach or experiences on transferring a research prototype into practice,
- a position paper (4 pages) covering a well-argued vision or position,
- a demo paper (2 pages) covering a research prototype to be presented at the workshop or
- an abstract of already published work to be presented at the workshop
All papers must conform to the double-column IEEE formatting guidelines. At
least three PC members will review each submission. The authors will be
notified about acceptance before the ICAC 2018 early registration deadline.
Abstracts of already published work will, of course, not be published again.
All workshop papers will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore.
You can submit your papers via EasyChair here.