SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataBasketCondition
data Provides interfaces for data management. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 

Uses of DataBasketCondition in data

Classes in data that implement DataBasketCondition
 class DataBasketConditionImpl
          Basic implementation of the DataBasketCondition interface.

Fields in data declared as DataBasketCondition
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.ALL_ENTRIES
          A DataBasketCondition matching all items in a DataBasket.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.ALL_STOCK_ITEMS
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItem movements.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.ALL_CATALOG_ITEMS
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItem movements.

Methods in data that return DataBasketCondition
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allStockItemsWithSource(Stock stSource)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItems being taken from the given Stock.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allStockItemsWithDest(Stock stDest)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItems being entered into the given Stock.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allCatalogItemsWithSource(Catalog cSource)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItems being taken from the given Catalog.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allCatalogItemsWithDest(Catalog cDest)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItems being entered into the given Catalog.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.specificCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches exactly one given CatalogItem.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.specificStockItem(StockItem si)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches exactly one given StockItem.

Methods in data with parameters of type DataBasketCondition
 void DataBasket.commit(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Commit all items that match the given condition.
 void DataBasket.rollback(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Roll back all items that match the given condition.
 Iterator DataBasket.iterator(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Iterate the contents of this DataBasket.
 Iterator DataBasket.subBasketIterator(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Iterate the contents of a given SubBasket.
 Value DataBasket.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in this DataBasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the given subbasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the current subbasket that match the condition.
 boolean DataBasket.contains(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Return true if the DataBasket contains an entry that matches the condition.
 DataBasketEntry DataBasket.get(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Get the first entry found that matches the given condition.

Uses of DataBasketCondition in data.ooimpl

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type DataBasketCondition
 void DataBasketImpl.rollback(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Rollback all items in all subbaskets that do match the given condition.
 void DataBasketImpl.commit(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Commit all items in all subbaskets that do match the given condition.
 Iterator DataBasketImpl.iterator(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Iterate all entries in all subbaskets that match the condition.
 Iterator DataBasketImpl.subBasketIterator(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Iterate all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the DataBasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the current subbasket that match the given condition.
 DataBasketEntry DataBasketImpl.get(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Get the first entry in the DataBasket that matches the condition.
 boolean DataBasketImpl.contains(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Check whether any entries matching a particular condition are contained in the DataBasket.
 void DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.commit(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Commit all items in this subbasket that match the condition.
 void DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.rollback(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Rollback all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
 Iterator DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.iterator(DataBasketCondition dbc, boolean fAllowRemove, boolean fShowHandled)
          Iterate all entries in the subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.sumSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
 DataBasketEntry DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.get(DataBasketCondition dbc)
          Get the first entry in this subbasket that matches the condition, if any.

Uses of DataBasketCondition in data.stdforms

Methods in data.stdforms with parameters of type DataBasketCondition
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.

Uses of DataBasketCondition in data.swing

Fields in data.swing declared as DataBasketCondition
protected  DataBasketCondition DataBasketTableModel.m_dbcCondition
          The condition specifying the items to be displayed.

Constructors in data.swing with parameters of type DataBasketCondition
DataBasketTableModel.DataBasketTableModel(DataBasket db, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new DataBasketTableModel.
JDataBasketTable.JDataBasketTable(DataBasket db, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JDataBasketTable.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0