SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Value
data Provides interfaces for data management. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data

Uses of Value in data

Classes in data that implement Value
 class DoubleValue
          A NumberValue that is based on a java.lang.Double object.
 class IntegerValue
          A value that is based on an Integer object.
 class NumberValue
          Values that operate on numbers.
 class QuoteValue
          A QuoteValue consists of two values: A bid and an offer.

Fields in data declared as Value
protected  Value QuoteValue.m_vBid
          The bid.
protected  Value QuoteValue.m_vOffer
          The offer.

Methods in data that return Value
 Value IntegerValue.add(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.subtract(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.multiply(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.multiply(double dl)
 Value IntegerValue.multiply(float fl)
 Value IntegerValue.multiply(long l)
 Value IntegerValue.multiply(int n)
 Value IntegerValue.divide(Value v)
 Value StockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          The actual algorithm.
 Value Value.add(Value v)
          Add the given value to this one, and return the result.
 Value Value.subtract(Value v)
          Subtract the given value from this one, and return the result.
 Value Value.multiply(Value v)
          Multiply this value by the given one, and return the result.
 Value Value.multiply(double dl)
          Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
 Value Value.multiply(float fl)
          Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
 Value Value.multiply(long l)
          Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
 Value Value.multiply(int n)
          Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
 Value Value.divide(Value v)
          Divide this value by the given one, and return the result.
 Value DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          This StockFromValueCreator assumes a potentially infinite source of available items and adds exactly as many items of each type (i.e.
 Value BasketEntryValue.getEntryValue(DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Get a DataBasketEntry's value.
 Value DoubleValue.add(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.subtract(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.multiply(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.multiply(double dl)
 Value DoubleValue.multiply(float fl)
 Value DoubleValue.multiply(long l)
 Value DoubleValue.multiply(int n)
 Value DoubleValue.divide(Value v)
 Value CatalogItemValue.getValue(CatalogItem ci)
          Return the value of an CatalogItem.
 Value QuoteValue.getBid()
          Get the current bid of this QuoteValue.
 Value QuoteValue.getOffer()
          Get the current offer of this QuoteValue.
 Value QuoteValue.add(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.subtract(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.multiply(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.multiply(double dl)
 Value QuoteValue.multiply(float fl)
 Value QuoteValue.multiply(long l)
 Value QuoteValue.multiply(int n)
 Value QuoteValue.divide(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.getSpread()
          Get the spread of this value.
 Value QuoteValue.getMid()
          Get the mid of this value.
 Value StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Try to fill the given Stock using only items from the source Stock.
 Value DataBasket.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in this DataBasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the given subbasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the current subbasket that match the condition.
 Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Fill the destination Stock using the same algorithm as in StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(data.Stock, data.Value, data.DataBasket), but with backtracking.
protected  Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.doFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking step method.
 Value CurrencyItem.getValue()
          The value of a CurrencyItem must be a NumberValue given in the smallest unit of the item's currency.
 Value CatalogItem.getValue()
          Get the default value of this CatalogItem.
 Value Stock.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.
 Value Stock.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Increase the Stock's value by a given value.

Methods in data with parameters of type Value
 void IntegerValue.addAccumulating(Value v)
 void IntegerValue.subtractAccumulating(Value v)
 void IntegerValue.multiplyAccumulating(Value v)
 void IntegerValue.divideAccumulating(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.add(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.subtract(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.multiply(Value v)
 Value IntegerValue.divide(Value v)
 Value StockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          The actual algorithm.
 void Value.addAccumulating(Value v)
          Add the given value to this one, changing this value.
 void Value.subtractAccumulating(Value v)
          Subtract the given value from this one, changing this value.
 void Value.multiplyAccumulating(Value v)
          Multiply the given value by this one, changing this value.
 void Value.divideAccumulating(Value v)
          Divide this value by the given one, changing this value.
 Value Value.add(Value v)
          Add the given value to this one, and return the result.
 Value Value.subtract(Value v)
          Subtract the given value from this one, and return the result.
 Value Value.multiply(Value v)
          Multiply this value by the given one, and return the result.
 Value Value.divide(Value v)
          Divide this value by the given one, and return the result.
 Value DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          This StockFromValueCreator assumes a potentially infinite source of available items and adds exactly as many items of each type (i.e.
 void DoubleValue.addAccumulating(Value v)
 void DoubleValue.subtractAccumulating(Value v)
 void DoubleValue.multiplyAccumulating(Value v)
 void DoubleValue.divideAccumulating(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.add(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.subtract(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.multiply(Value v)
 Value DoubleValue.divide(Value v)
 void QuoteValue.addAccumulating(Value v)
          If the given value is a QuoteValue, its bid and offer get added to this value's bid and offer, resp.
 void QuoteValue.subtractAccumulating(Value v)
          If the given value is a QuoteValue, its bid and offer get subtracted from this value's bid and offer, resp.
 void QuoteValue.multiplyAccumulating(Value v)
          If the given value is a QuoteValue, its bid and offer get multiplied by this value's bid and offer, resp.
 void QuoteValue.divideAccumulating(Value v)
          If the given value is a QuoteValue, this value's bid and offer get divided by its bid and offer, resp.
 Value QuoteValue.add(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.subtract(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.multiply(Value v)
 Value QuoteValue.divide(Value v)
 Value StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Try to fill the given Stock using only items from the source Stock.
 Value DataBasket.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in this DataBasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the given subbasket that match the condition.
 Value DataBasket.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all items in the current subbasket that match the condition.
 Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Fill the destination Stock using the same algorithm as in StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(data.Stock, data.Value, data.DataBasket), but with backtracking.
protected  Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.doFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking step method.
protected  void StockFromStockCreatorBT.undoFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking back-step method.
 Value Stock.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.
 Value Stock.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Increase the Stock's value by a given value.

Constructors in data with parameters of type Value
QuoteValue.QuoteValue(Value vBid, Value vOffer)
          Create a new QuoteValue.

Uses of Value in data.filters

Methods in data.filters that return Value
 Value CatalogFilter.getValue()
          Get the source Catalog's value.
 Value AbstractStockFilter.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Calculate the total value of the Stock, evaluating only items that match the condition.
 Value AbstractStockFilter.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Fill the source Stock.

Methods in data.filters with parameters of type Value
 Value AbstractStockFilter.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Calculate the total value of the Stock, evaluating only items that match the condition.
 Value AbstractStockFilter.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Fill the source Stock.

Uses of Value in data.ooimpl

Methods in data.ooimpl that return Value
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the DataBasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the current subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.sumSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
 Value CatalogItemImpl.getValue()
          Get the item's value.
 Value StockImpl.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.
 Value StockImpl.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Increase the Stock's value by a given value.

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type Value
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the DataBasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumSubBasket(String sName, DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up all entries in the current subbasket that match the given condition.
 Value DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.sumSubBasket(DataBasketCondition dbc, BasketEntryValue bev, Value vInit)
          Sum up the values of all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
protected  void CatalogItemImpl.setValue(Value vNew)
          Set the item's value.
 Value StockImpl.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.
 Value StockImpl.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Increase the Stock's value by a given value.

Constructors in data.ooimpl with parameters of type Value
CatalogItemImpl.CatalogItemImpl(String sName, Value vValue)
          Create a new CatalogItemImpl.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0