SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use CatalogChangeListener
data Provides interfaces for data management. Provides classes and interfaces for events triggered by classes in the data package and its sub-packages. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 

Uses of CatalogChangeListener in data

Methods in data with parameters of type CatalogChangeListener
 void ListenableCatalog.addCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener ccl)
          Add a listener that will be informed about changes to the Catalog's contents.
 void ListenableCatalog.removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener ccl)
          Remove a listener that was informed about changes to the Catalog's contents.

Uses of CatalogChangeListener in

Classes in that implement CatalogChangeListener
 class CatalogChangeAdapter
          An abstract adapter class for receiving catalog change events.

Uses of CatalogChangeListener in data.filters

Classes in data.filters that implement CatalogChangeListener
 class CatalogFilter
          A filter for Catalogs.
 class CurrencyFilter
          A CatalogFilter that filters Currencies.

Methods in data.filters with parameters of type CatalogChangeListener
 void CatalogFilter.addCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener ccl)
          Add a listener that wishes to receive events when the filtered Catalog changes.
 void CatalogFilter.removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener ccl)
          Remove a listener that received events when the filtered Catalog changed.

Uses of CatalogChangeListener in data.ooimpl

Fields in data.ooimpl declared as CatalogChangeListener
protected  CatalogChangeListener StockImpl.m_cclEditListener
          Listens for editing events from the Catalog.
protected  CatalogChangeListener CountingStockImpl.m_cclReferentialIntegrityListener
          Listens for the Catalog to ensure referential integrity.
protected  CatalogChangeListener StoringStockImpl.m_cclReferentialIntegrityListener
          Listens to the Stock's Catalog to ensure referential integrity.

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type CatalogChangeListener
 void CatalogImpl.addCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener ccl)
          Add a listener that listens for changes in this Catalog's contents.
 void CatalogImpl.removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener ccl)
          Remove a listener that listened for changes in this Catalog's contents.

Uses of CatalogChangeListener in data.swing

Classes in data.swing that implement CatalogChangeListener
 class CatalogTableModel
          A TableModel that models the contents of a Catalog.
 class CountingStockTableModel
          A TableModel that models the contents of a CountingStock.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0