SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use StockChangeEvent Provides classes and interfaces for events triggered by classes in the data package and its sub-packages. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 

Uses of StockChangeEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type StockChangeEvent
 void StockChangeListener.addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever StockItems were added to the Stock.
 void StockChangeListener.commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the adding of StockItems was commited.
 void StockChangeListener.rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the adding of StockItems was rolled back.
 void StockChangeListener.canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be removed.
 void StockChangeListener.noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called for each listener that already agreed with a removal that was then rejected by another listener.
 void StockChangeListener.removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever StockItems were removed from the Stock.
 void StockChangeListener.commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the removal of StockItems was commited.
 void StockChangeListener.rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the removal of StockItems was rolled back.
 void StockChangeListener.canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be edited.
 void StockChangeListener.noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called for each listener that already agreed with an editing that was then rejected by another listener.
 void StockChangeListener.editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the Stock began editing StockItems.
 void StockChangeListener.commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the editing of StockItems was commited.
 void StockChangeListener.rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the editing of StockItems was rolled back.
 void StockChangeAdapter.addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever StockItems were added to the Stock.
 void StockChangeAdapter.commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the adding of StockItems was commited.
 void StockChangeAdapter.rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the adding of StockItems was rolled back.
 void StockChangeAdapter.canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be removed.
 void StockChangeAdapter.noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called for each listener that already agreed with a removal that was then rejected by another listener.
 void StockChangeAdapter.removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever StockItems were removed from the Stock.
 void StockChangeAdapter.commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the removal of StockItems was commited.
 void StockChangeAdapter.rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the removal of StockItems was rolled back.
 void StockChangeAdapter.canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be edited.
 void StockChangeAdapter.noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called for each listener that already agreed with an editing that was then rejected by another listener.
 void StockChangeAdapter.editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the Stock began editing StockItems.
 void StockChangeAdapter.commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the editing of StockItems was commited.
 void StockChangeAdapter.rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Called whenever the editing of StockItems was rolled back.

Uses of StockChangeEvent in data.filters

Methods in data.filters with parameters of type StockChangeEvent
 void AbstractStockFilter.addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
 void AbstractStockFilter.rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsAdded(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsAddCommit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsAddRollback(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsNoRemove(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsRemoved(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsRemoveCommit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsRemoveRollback(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireCanRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireCanEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsNoEdit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireEditingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsEditCommit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.
protected  void AbstractStockFilter.fireStockItemsEditRollback(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to any listeners.

Uses of StockChangeEvent in data.ooimpl

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type StockChangeEvent
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsAdded(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsAddCommit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsAddRollback(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsRemoved(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsRemoveCommit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsRemoveRollback(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireCanRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireCanEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireEditingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsEditCommit(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
protected  void StockImpl.fireStockItemsEditRollback(StockChangeEvent e)
          Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.

Uses of StockChangeEvent in data.swing

Methods in data.swing with parameters of type StockChangeEvent
 void CountingStockTableModel.addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void CountingStockTableModel.rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
 void StoringStockTableModel.rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent e)
          Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
protected  void StoringStockTableModel.checkAdd(StockChangeEvent e)
          Internal helper method.
protected  void StoringStockTableModel.checkRemove(StockChangeEvent e)
          Internal helper method.
protected  void StoringStockTableModel.checkUpdate(StockChangeEvent e)
          Internal helper method.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0