SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use LogEntry
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
log This package contains all classes that are relevant to logging. 
log.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display the contents of logs. 
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of LogEntry in data.ooimpl

Subclasses of LogEntry in data.ooimpl
static class CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
          A LogEntry that describes CatalogItemDataBasketEntries.
static class CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry
          LogEntry describing an operation on CountingStock StockItem's.
static class DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry
          A LogEntry that describes an action on a DataBasket.
static class StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry
          A LogEntry that describes an operation on one or more StockItem(s).

Methods in data.ooimpl that return LogEntry
 LogEntry DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry.getData()
          Get the log entry describing the actual action.
 LogEntry DataBasketEntryImpl.getLogData()
          Return a LogEntry that describes this DataBasketEntry.
 LogEntry CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.getLogData()
          Return a LogEntry describing this DataBasketEntry.
 LogEntry StockItemDBEntry.getLogData()
          Get a LogEntry describing this DataBasketEntry.
 LogEntry CountingStockItemDBEntry.getLogData()
          Create and return a LogEntry describing this DataBasketEntry.

Constructors in data.ooimpl with parameters of type LogEntry
DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry(int nAction, LogEntry leData)
          Create a new DataBasketImplLogEntry.

Uses of LogEntry in log

Methods in log that return LogEntry
 LogEntry Loggable.getLogData()
          Called when the object is being logged.
 LogEntry LogInputStream.readEntry()
          Read the next log entry that is accepted by the filter from the stream.

Methods in log with parameters of type LogEntry
 boolean LogEntryFilter.accept(LogEntry le)
          Return whether or not the given LogEntry belongs to the set of visible LogEntries.

Uses of LogEntry in log.stdforms

Methods in log.stdforms that return LogEntry
 LogEntry LogTableForm.getSelectedEntry()
          Get the currently selected log entry.

Uses of LogEntry in sale

Subclasses of LogEntry in sale
static class SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry
          A log entry describing a process that was executed.

Methods in sale that return LogEntry
 LogEntry SaleProcess.getLogData()
          Return information that describes the process for logging purposes.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0