SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use FormSheet
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
log.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display the contents of logs. 
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. Event classes for use with the classes in the sale package. 
sale.multiwindow Contains classes for the standard SalesPoint application GUI. 
sale.stdforms This package contains basic standard FormSheets
users.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used together with the user management classes. 

Uses of FormSheet in data.stdforms

Subclasses of FormSheet in data.stdforms
 class SingleTableFormSheet
          A FormSheet displaying the contents of a Catalog, Stock or DataBasket.
 class TwoTableFormSheet
          A FormSheet that will display the contents of two data containers, a source and a destination, and will allow the user to move items between the two.

Uses of FormSheet in log.stdforms

Subclasses of FormSheet in log.stdforms
 class LogTableForm
          FormSheet displaying the contents of a log file.

Uses of FormSheet in sale

Fields in sale declared as FormSheet
protected  FormSheet UIGate.m_fsFormSheet
          The FormSheet to be displayed.
protected  FormSheet ActionActionListener.m_fsOwner
          The FormSheet that contains this Action's button.

Methods in sale that return FormSheet
 FormSheet FormSheet.FormButton.getFormSheet()
          Get the FormSheet this button is attached to.
protected  FormSheet SalesPoint.getDefaultStatusFormSheet()
          Get the default status FormSheet for this SalesPoint.
protected  FormSheet SalesPoint.getDefaultFormSheet()
          Get the default FormSheet for this SalesPoint.

Methods in sale with parameters of type FormSheet
 void Shop.ProcessHandle.setFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs)
 void Shop.ProcessHandle.popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs)
 void JDisplayFrame.setFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Set and display a FormSheet.
 void JDisplayFrame.popUpFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Open a fresh JDisplayDialog and display the FormSheet in it.
protected  void JDisplayFrame.fireFormSheetSet(FormSheet fs)
          Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was set on this display.
protected  void JDisplayFrame.fireFormSheetRemoved(FormSheet fs, boolean fExplicit)
          Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was removed from this display.
 void JDisplayFrame.closeFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Close a FormSheet.
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet fs, String sNewCaption)
          Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet fs, JComponent jcmpNew)
          Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet fs)
          Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
 void FormSheet.FormButton.attach(FormSheet fs)
          Notify this button that it has been attached to, or detached from, a FormSheet.
protected abstract  void FormSheetContentCreator.createFormSheetContent(FormSheet fs)
          Create the FormSheet's contents.
 void UIGate.setFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Set the FormSheet that is being displayed at this Gate.
 void JDisplayDialog.closeFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Close a FormSheet.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet fs, String sNewCaption)
          Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet fs, JComponent jcmpNew)
          Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet fs)
          Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayDialog.setFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Set and display a FormSheet.
 void JDisplayDialog.popUpFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Open a fresh JDisplayDialog and display the FormSheet in it.
protected  void JDisplayDialog.fireFormSheetSet(FormSheet fs)
          Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was set on this display.
protected  void JDisplayDialog.fireFormSheetRemoved(FormSheet fs, boolean fExplicit)
          Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was removed from this display.
protected  void SalesPoint.setStatusFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Set a FormSheet in the SalesPoint's status display.
 void SalesPoint.setFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs)
          Allow a process to set a FormSheet on the SalesPoint's current display.
 void SalesPoint.popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs)
          Allow a process to pop up a FormSheet on the SalesPoint's current display.
 void ProcessContext.setFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs)
          Set a FormSheet for a process.
 void ProcessContext.popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess p, FormSheet fs)
          Pop up a FormSheet for a process.
 void FormSheetContainer.closeFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Close a FormSheet.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet fs, String sNewCaption)
          Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet fs, JComponent jcmpNew)
          Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet fs)
          Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
 void NullDisplay.setFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Throw a InvalidDisplayException.
 void NullDisplay.popUpFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Throw a InvalidDisplayException.
 void Display.setFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Set and display a FormSheet.
 void Display.popUpFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Show a FormSheet, but do not close the current FormSheet.

Constructors in sale with parameters of type FormSheet
UIGate.UIGate(FormSheet fs, MenuSheet ms)
          Create a new UIGate.
ActionActionListener.ActionActionListener(FormSheet fsOwner)
          Create a new ActionActionListener.
ActionActionListener.ActionActionListener(FormSheet fsOwner, Action aAction)
          Create a new ActionActionListener.

Uses of FormSheet in

Methods in that return FormSheet
 FormSheet FormSheetEvent.getFormSheet()
          Get the affected FormSheet.

Constructors in with parameters of type FormSheet
FormSheetEvent.FormSheetEvent(Display src, FormSheet fs, boolean fExplicit)
          Create a new FormSheetEvent.

Uses of FormSheet in sale.multiwindow

Methods in sale.multiwindow that return FormSheet
 FormSheet MultiWindowHandle.getFormSheet()
          Get the current FormSheet.

Methods in sale.multiwindow with parameters of type FormSheet
 void MultiWindowHandle.closeFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Closes the FormSheet of this handle.
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet fs, String sNewCaption)
          Method to be called when the FormSheet's caption has changed.
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet fs, JComponent jcmpNewComponent)
          Method to be called when the FormSheet's component has changed.
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fbNewButton)
          Method to be called when a new button has been added to the FormSheet.
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fbRemovedButton)
          Method to be called when a button has been removed from the FormSheet.
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet fs)
          Method to be called when all buttons have been removed from the FormSheet.
 void MultiWindowHandle.setFormSheet(FormSheet fsNewFormSheet)
          Sets the FormSheet of this MultiWindowHandle.
 void MultiWindowHandle.popUpFormSheet(FormSheet fs)
          Open a fresh JDisplayDialog and display the FormSheet in it.

Uses of FormSheet in sale.stdforms

Subclasses of FormSheet in sale.stdforms
 class MsgForm
          A simple message FormSheet that will display a message in a JTextArea surrounded by a JScrollPane.
 class TextInputForm
          A simple FormSheet that displays a label and an input line.

Uses of FormSheet in users.stdforms

Subclasses of FormSheet in users.stdforms
 class LogOnForm
          FormSheet that can be used for log on procedures.
 class UserTableFormSheet
          A FormSheet displaying the contents of a UserManager.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0