SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProcessContext
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of ProcessContext in sale

Classes in sale that implement ProcessContext
 class SalesPoint
          A single point of sale in a shop.
protected static class Shop.ProcessHandle
          A ProcessContext for one remote or background process.

Methods in sale that return ProcessContext
 ProcessContext SaleProcess.attach(ProcessContext pcNew)
          Attach a ProcessContext to this process.
 ProcessContext SaleProcess.detachContext()
          Detach and return the current process context.
 ProcessContext SaleProcess.getContext()
          Return the process context attached to this process.

Methods in sale with parameters of type ProcessContext
 ProcessContext SaleProcess.attach(ProcessContext pcNew)
          Attach a ProcessContext to this process.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0