SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Timer
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. Event classes for use with the classes in the sale package. 

Uses of Timer in sale

Classes in sale that implement Timer
 class AutoTimer
          A timer that has the functionality of the StepTimer and additionally can increase the time automatically.
 class StepTimer
          This is a rather simple implementation of the Timer interface.

Fields in sale declared as Timer
protected  Timer Shop.m_trTimer
          The Timer used by this Shop for managing the simulation time.

Methods in sale that return Timer
 Timer Shop.getTimer()
          Get the Shop's timer.

Methods in sale with parameters of type Timer
 void Shop.setTimer(Timer trTimer)
          Set the Shop's Timer.

Uses of Timer in

Constructors in with parameters of type Timer
TimerEvent.TimerEvent(Timer tSource)
          Create a new TimerEvent

SalesPoint Framework v3.0