SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use UserTableModel.UserComparator
users.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used together with the user management classes. 
users.swing Provides swing interfaces and models for displaying users and capabilities. 

Uses of UserTableModel.UserComparator in users.stdforms

Constructors in users.stdforms with parameters of type UserTableModel.UserComparator
UserTableFormSheet.UserTableFormSheet(String sCaption, UserManager um, JComponent c, UIGate uigGate, UserTableModel.UserComparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new UserTableFormSheet.

Uses of UserTableModel.UserComparator in users.swing

Fields in users.swing declared as UserTableModel.UserComparator
protected  UserTableModel.UserComparator UserTableModel.m_cmpComparator
          The Comparator that defines the sorting order of records in the model.

Constructors in users.swing with parameters of type UserTableModel.UserComparator
JUserTable.JUserTable(UserManager u, UserTableModel.UserComparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JUserTable.
UserTableModel.UserTableModel(UserManager u, UserTableModel.UserComparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new UserTableModel.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0