SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Hook: Incorporate a process that needs user interaction


A process needs to be hooked to a SalesPoint where it can be started, because it needs user interaction to run correctly.

Method of Adaptation
Enable Feature
Level of Support
Parameter Pattern  
Hooks used
Define new MenuSheet for a point of sale , Define new FormSheet for point of sale , Add a new point of sale , Define a new process
SalesPoint, NewSalesPoint , Process


  1. Select subclass NewSalesPoint of SalesPoint on which to run process.
  2. Process = Define a new process [NewProcess].
  3. Define new MenuSheet for a point of sale [NewSalesPoint = NewSalesPoint] with an option that has an associated action of:
    1. call sale.SalesPoint.runProcess with parameter instance of Process.
  4. And/Or Define new FormSheet for point of sale [NewSalesPoint = NewSalesPoint] with a button that is associated to an action of:
    1. call sale.SalesPoint.runProcess with parameter instance of Process.
  5. Add a new point of sale [NewSalesPoint = NewSalesPoint].


SalesPoint Framework v3.0