SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Catalog
data Provides interfaces for data management. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
data.stdforms.singletableformsheet Contains the EditButtonStrategy classes for SingleTableFormSheets
data.stdforms.twotableformsheet Contains the MoveStrategy classes for TwoTableFormSheets
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of Catalog in data

Subinterfaces of Catalog in data
 interface Currency
          A special Catalog that represents a currency.
 interface ListenableCatalog
          A Catalog that fires events to inform about changes to its contents.

Methods in data that return Catalog
 Catalog CatalogItem.getCatalog()
          Get the Catalog that currently contains this CatalogItem.
 Catalog Stock.getCatalog(DataBasket db)
          Get the Catalog associated to this Stock.

Methods in data with parameters of type Catalog
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allCatalogItemsWithSource(Catalog cSource)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItems being taken from the given Catalog.
static DataBasketCondition DataBasketConditionImpl.allCatalogItemsWithDest(Catalog cDest)
          A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItems being entered into the given Catalog.

Uses of Catalog in data.filters

Classes in data.filters that implement Catalog
 class CatalogFilter
          A filter for Catalogs.
 class CurrencyFilter
          A CatalogFilter that filters Currencies.

Fields in data.filters declared as Catalog
protected  Catalog CatalogFilter.m_cOrg
          The Catalog that is being filtered.

Methods in data.filters that return Catalog
 Catalog CatalogFilter.getCatalog()
          Get the source Catalog's Catalog.
 Catalog CatalogFilter.getMainCatalog()
          Get the source catalog.
 Catalog AbstractStockFilter.getCatalog(DataBasket db)
          Get the source Stock's Catalog.

Constructors in data.filters with parameters of type Catalog
CatalogFilter.CatalogFilter(Catalog cOrg)
          Create a new CatalogFilter.

Uses of Catalog in data.ooimpl

Classes in data.ooimpl that implement Catalog
 class CatalogImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the Catalog interface.
 class CurrencyImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the Currency interface.

Methods in data.ooimpl that return Catalog
 Catalog CatalogItemImpl.getCatalog()
          Get the Catalog of this CatalogItem.
 Catalog StockImpl.getCatalog(DataBasket db)
          Get the Catalog associated to this Stock.

Uses of Catalog in data.stdforms

Methods in data.stdforms with parameters of type Catalog
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CCStrategy ccsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CDBStrategy cdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CDBStrategy cdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCStrategy dbcsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCStrategy dbcsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSSStrategy csssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, CSSStrategy csssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CCSStrategy ccssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.

Uses of Catalog in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet

Fields in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet declared as Catalog
protected  Catalog AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.m_cCatalog
          The Catalog to be edited.
protected  Catalog DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.m_cCatalog
          The Catalog that is being edited.

Constructors in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet with parameters of type Catalog
AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy(Catalog c)
          Create a new AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.
DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy(Catalog c)
          Create a new DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.

Uses of Catalog in data.stdforms.twotableformsheet

Methods in data.stdforms.twotableformsheet with parameters of type Catalog
 Transition CCSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  void CCSStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination Stock.
protected  int CCSStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition CCSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  void CCSStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the destination Stock.
protected  int CCSStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition CDBStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int CDBStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CDBStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from source to destination.
 Transition CDBStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int CDBStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CDBStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from the destination to the source.
 Transition DBCStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate DBCStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int DBCStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBCStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from the destination Catalog.
 Transition DBCStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate DBCStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int DBCStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBCStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the item into the destination Catalog.
 Transition CCStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CCStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
 Transition CCStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CCStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CCStrategy.getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Catalog into another.
protected  void CCStrategy.moveImpl(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from the source Catalog into the destination Catalog.
protected  int CCStrategy.checkMove(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition CSSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int CSSStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected abstract  StockItem CSSStrategy.createStockItem(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Create a fresh StockItem following the specifications given.
protected  void CSSStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Move the item as indicated into the destination Stock.
 Transition CSSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int CSSStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CSSStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Move the indicated item as indicated from the destination Stock.

Uses of Catalog in data.swing

Fields in data.swing declared as Catalog
protected  Catalog CatalogTableModel.m_cModel
          The Catalog that is being modelled.

Constructors in data.swing with parameters of type Catalog
CatalogTableModel.CatalogTableModel(Catalog c, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new CatalogTableModel.
JCatalogTable.JCatalogTable(Catalog c, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JCatalogTable.

Uses of Catalog in sale

Methods in sale that return Catalog
 Catalog Shop.removeCatalog(String sName)
          Remove a catalog from the global table of Catalogs.
 Catalog Shop.getCatalog(String sName)
          Get a Catalog from the global list of Catalogs.
 Catalog Shop.ProcessHandle.getCatalog(String sName)
 Catalog SalesPoint.getCatalog(String sName)
          Return a Catalog for a given name.
 Catalog ProcessContext.getCatalog(String sName)
          Get a Catalog by its name.

Methods in sale with parameters of type Catalog
 void Shop.addCatalog(Catalog c)
          Add a Catalog to the global table of Catalogs.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0