SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use CatalogItemValue
data Provides interfaces for data management. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data

Uses of CatalogItemValue in data

Fields in data declared as CatalogItemValue
protected  CatalogItemValue DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.m_civEvaluator
          The CatalogItemValue used to determine the CatalogItems' values.
static CatalogItemValue CatalogItemValue.EVALUATE_BID
          A CatalogItemValue that will return the bid if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
static CatalogItemValue CatalogItemValue.EVALUATE_OFFER
          A CatalogItemValue that will return the offer if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
static CatalogItemValue CatalogItemValue.EVALUATE_MID
          A CatalogItemValue that will return the mid if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
static CatalogItemValue CatalogItemValue.EVALUATE_SPREAD
          A CatalogItemValue that will return the spread if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
protected  CatalogItemValue StockFromStockCreator.m_civEvaluator
          The CatalogItemValue used to determine the CatalogItems' values.

Methods in data with parameters of type CatalogItemValue
static Comparator DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.invertedCIValueOrder(CatalogItemValue civ)
          Helper method that creates a Comparator that orders CatalogItems, highest value first.
 Value Stock.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.

Constructors in data with parameters of type CatalogItemValue
DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator(CatalogItemValue civ)
          Create a new DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.
StockFromStockCreator.StockFromStockCreator(Stock stSource, CatalogItemValue civ)
          Create a new StockFromStockCreator.
StockFromStockCreatorBT.StockFromStockCreatorBT(Stock stSource, CatalogItemValue civ)
          Create a new StockFromStockCreatorBT.

Uses of CatalogItemValue in data.filters

Methods in data.filters with parameters of type CatalogItemValue
 Value AbstractStockFilter.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Calculate the total value of the Stock, evaluating only items that match the condition.

Uses of CatalogItemValue in data.ooimpl

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type CatalogItemValue
 Value StockImpl.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0