SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataBasket
data Provides interfaces for data management. Provides classes and interfaces for events triggered by classes in the data package and its sub-packages. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
data.stdforms.singletableformsheet Contains the EditButtonStrategy classes for SingleTableFormSheets
data.stdforms.twotableformsheet Contains the MoveStrategy classes for TwoTableFormSheets
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of DataBasket in data

Subinterfaces of DataBasket in data
 interface ListenableDataBasket
          A DataBasket that will fire events to inform about changes to its contents.

Methods in data that return DataBasket
 DataBasket DataBasketEntry.getOwner()
          Return the DataBasket containing this DataBasketEntry.

Methods in data with parameters of type DataBasket
 Value StockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          The actual algorithm.
 void CountingStock.add(String sKey, int nCount, DataBasket db)
          Add a number of items of a given key to the Stock.
 void CountingStock.remove(String sKey, int nCount, DataBasket db)
          Remove a number of items of a given key from the Stock.
 void Nameable.setName(String sName, DataBasket db)
          Set the Nameable's name.
 Value DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          This StockFromValueCreator assumes a potentially infinite source of available items and adds exactly as many items of each type (i.e.
 void NameContext.checkNameChange(DataBasket db, String sOldName, String sNewName)
          Check a name change for compliance with the rules of this NameContext.
 void NameContext.nameHasChanged(DataBasket db, String sOldName, String sNewName)
          Indicate a successful name change.
 void DataBasketEntry.setOwner(DataBasket dbOwner)
          Notification that the DataBasketEntry was put into a DataBasket.
 CatalogItem StockItem.getAssociatedItem(DataBasket db)
          Get the CatalogItem that is associated to this StockItem.
 void Catalog.add(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Add a CatalogItem to the Catalog.
 CatalogItem Catalog.remove(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Remove a CatalogItem from the Catalog.
 CatalogItem Catalog.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove a CatalogItem from the Catalog.
 CatalogItem Catalog.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Get a CatalogItem by its key.
 boolean Catalog.contains(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Catalog contains a certain CatalogItem.
 Iterator Catalog.iterator(DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Return an iterator of all items in the Catalog.
 Set Catalog.keySet(DataBasket db)
          Get a set of all keys currently in the Catalog.
 int Catalog.size(DataBasket db)
          Calculate the size of the Catalog.
 void AbstractNameable.setName(String sName, DataBasket db)
          Set the Nameable's name, using help by the NameContext.
 Value StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Try to fill the given Stock using only items from the source Stock.
 Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.fillStock(Stock st, Value v, DataBasket db)
          Fill the destination Stock using the same algorithm as in StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(data.Stock, data.Value, data.DataBasket), but with backtracking.
protected  Value StockFromStockCreatorBT.doFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking step method.
protected  void StockFromStockCreatorBT.undoFill(int nIdx, Value v, Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Backtracking back-step method.
 void Stock.add(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Add an item to the Stock.
 void Stock.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Add the contents of a Stock to this Stock.
 Iterator Stock.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Iterate all items with a given key.
 int Stock.countItems(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Count the StockItems with a given key that are visible using a given DataBasket.
 boolean Stock.contains(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Stock contains an item with the given key.
 boolean Stock.contains(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Stock contains the given StockItem.
 boolean Stock.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the given Stock is completely contained in this Stock.
 StockItem Stock.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
 StockItem Stock.remove(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
 Iterator Stock.iterator(DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Iterate all items in the Stock.
 Set Stock.keySet(DataBasket db)
          Return the set of keys for which StockItems are visible using the given DataBasket.
 Value Stock.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.
 Value Stock.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Increase the Stock's value by a given value.
 int Stock.size(DataBasket db)
          Get the size of this Stock.
 Catalog Stock.getCatalog(DataBasket db)
          Get the Catalog associated to this Stock.

Uses of DataBasket in

Methods in that return DataBasket
 DataBasket CatalogChangeEvent.getBasket()
          Get the DataBasket that was used to perform the operation.
 DataBasket StockChangeEvent.getBasket()
          Get the DataBasket used for the operation.

Constructors in with parameters of type DataBasket
DataBasketEvent.DataBasketEvent(DataBasket dbSource, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Create a new DataBasketEvent.
CatalogChangeEvent.CatalogChangeEvent(ListenableCatalog lcSource, CatalogItem ciAffected, DataBasket db)
          Create a new CatalogChangeEvent.
StockChangeEvent.StockChangeEvent(ListenableStock lstSource, DataBasket dbBasket)
          Create a new StockChangeEvent.

Uses of DataBasket in data.filters

Methods in data.filters with parameters of type DataBasket
 void CatalogFilter.setName(String sName, DataBasket db)
          Set the source Catalog's name.
 void CatalogFilter.add(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Add the given item to the source Catalog.
 CatalogItem CatalogFilter.remove(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
 CatalogItem CatalogFilter.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
 CatalogItem CatalogFilter.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Get the indicated item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
 boolean CatalogFilter.contains(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the indicated item is contained in the filtered Catalog.
 Iterator CatalogFilter.iterator(DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Get an iterator of all items that are contained in the filtered Catalog.
 Set CatalogFilter.keySet(DataBasket db)
          Return a set that contains all keys for which a CatalogItem is contained in the filtered Catalog.
 int CatalogFilter.size(DataBasket db)
          Calculate the size of the filtered Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCatalogItemAdded(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCatalogItemAddCommit(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCatalogItemAddRollback(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCatalogItemRemoved(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCatalogItemRemoveCommit(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCatalogItemRemoveRollback(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCanRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireNoRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCanEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireNoEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireEditingCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireCommitEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogFilter.fireRollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
 void AbstractStockFilter.add(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Add the given item to the source Stock.
 void AbstractStockFilter.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Add the given Stock to the source Stock.
 boolean AbstractStockFilter.contains(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Returns (countItems (sKey, db) >= 0).
 StockItem AbstractStockFilter.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given item from the source Stock.
 StockItem AbstractStockFilter.remove(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given item from the source Stock.
 Iterator AbstractStockFilter.iterator(DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Create an iterator that will return all items that match the condition.
 Set AbstractStockFilter.keySet(DataBasket db)
          Get a filtered key set.
 Value AbstractStockFilter.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Calculate the total value of the Stock, evaluating only items that match the condition.
 Value AbstractStockFilter.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Fill the source Stock.
 int AbstractStockFilter.size(DataBasket db)
          Calculate the size of the source Stock, considering only items that match the condition.
 Catalog AbstractStockFilter.getCatalog(DataBasket db)
          Get the source Stock's Catalog.
 CatalogItem AbstractStockFilter.getAssociatedItem(DataBasket db)
          Get the source Stock's associated item.
 void AbstractStockFilter.setName(String sName, DataBasket db)
          Set the source Stock's name.
 Iterator CountingStockFilter.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Return all items with the given key that are contained in the filtered Stock.
abstract  int CountingStockFilter.countItems(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Count the items of the given key in the filtered Stock.
 boolean CountingStockFilter.contains(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the filtered Stock contains the given StockItem.
 boolean CountingStockFilter.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the filtered Stock contains the given Stock.
 void CountingStockFilter.add(String sKey, int nCount, DataBasket db)
          Add the specified number of items to the source Stock.
 void CountingStockFilter.remove(String sKey, int nCount, DataBasket db)
          Remove at most the specified number of items from the source Stock.
 Iterator StoringStockFilter.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Get all StockItems for a given key that are contained in the filtered Stock.
 int StoringStockFilter.countItems(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Count all StockItems for a given key that are contained in the filtered Stock.
abstract  boolean StoringStockFilter.contains(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Filter condition: Check whether a given item is contained in the filtered Stock.
 boolean StoringStockFilter.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the given Stock is contained in the filtered Stock.

Uses of DataBasket in data.ooimpl

Classes in data.ooimpl that implement DataBasket
 class DataBasketImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket interface.

Fields in data.ooimpl declared as DataBasket
protected  DataBasket StockImpl.m_dbCatalogValidator
          The DataBasket that determines the visibility of the catalog associated with this Stock.

Methods in data.ooimpl that return DataBasket
 DataBasket DataBasketEntryImpl.getOwner()
          Return the DataBasket containing this DataBasketEntry.

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type DataBasket
 void SelfManagingDBEDestination.commitAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Called when an add must be commited.
 void SelfManagingDBEDestination.rollbackAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Called when an add must be rolled back.
 CatalogItem StockItemImpl.getAssociatedItem(DataBasket db)
          Get the CatalogItem that is associated with this StockItem.
 void SelfManagingDBESource.commitRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Called when a remove must be rolled back.
 void SelfManagingDBESource.rollbackRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Called when a remove must be commited.
 void DataBasketEntryImpl.setOwner(DataBasket dbOwner)
          Set the DataBasket owning this DataBasketEntry.
 void CatalogImpl.add(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Add the given item to the Catalog.
 CatalogItem CatalogImpl.remove(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given item from the Catalog.
 CatalogItem CatalogImpl.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove the indicated item from the Catalog.
 CatalogItem CatalogImpl.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Get the indicated item from the Catalog.
 boolean CatalogImpl.contains(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Catalog contains a certain CatalogItem.
 Iterator CatalogImpl.iterator(DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Return an iterator of all items in the Catalog.
 Set CatalogImpl.keySet(DataBasket db)
          Get a set of all keys currently in the Catalog.
 int CatalogImpl.size(DataBasket db)
          Calculate the size of the Catalog.
 void CatalogImpl.commitRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Commit the removal of a CatalogItem.
 void CatalogImpl.rollbackRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Roll back the removal of a CatalogItem.
 void CatalogImpl.commitAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Commit the adding of a CatalogItem.
 void CatalogImpl.rollbackAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Roll back the adding of a CatalogItem.
 void CatalogImpl.checkNameChange(DataBasket db, String sOldName, String sNewName)
          Check a name change of a CatalogItem in this Catalog.
 void CatalogImpl.nameHasChanged(DataBasket db, String sOldName, String sNewName)
          Synchronize the Catalog's internal data with the name change.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCatalogItemAdded(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCatalogItemAddCommit(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCatalogItemAddRollback(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCatalogItemRemoved(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCatalogItemRemoveCommit(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCatalogItemRemoveRollback(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCanRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCanEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireEditingCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireCommitEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
protected  void CatalogImpl.fireRollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
 void StockImpl.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Add the contents of a Stock to this Stock.
 boolean StockImpl.contains(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Stock contains an item with the given key.
 boolean StockImpl.contains(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Stock contains the given StockItem.
 boolean StockImpl.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the given Stock is completely contained in this Stock.
 Iterator StockImpl.iterator(DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Iterate all items in the Stock.
 Set StockImpl.keySet(DataBasket db)
          Return the set of keys for which StockItems are visible using the given DataBasket.
 Value StockImpl.sumStock(DataBasket db, CatalogItemValue civ, Value vInit)
          Sum up the Stock.
 Value StockImpl.fillStockWithValue(DataBasket db, Value vTarget, StockFromValueCreator sfvc)
          Increase the Stock's value by a given value.
 int StockImpl.size(DataBasket db)
          Get the size of this Stock.
 Catalog StockImpl.getCatalog(DataBasket db)
          Get the Catalog associated to this Stock.
 void StockImpl.checkNameChange(DataBasket db, String sOldName, String sNewName)
          Check a name change of a StockItem that is contained in this Stock.
 void StockImpl.nameHasChanged(DataBasket db, String sOldName, String sNewName)
          Stocks will not allow name changes of StockItem, as a principle.
protected  void StockImpl.prepareReferentialIntegrity(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Helper method to be called in the beginning of commitAdd and rollbackRemove.
 void CountingStockImpl.add(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Add an item to the Stock.
 void CountingStockImpl.addStock(Stock st, DataBasket db, boolean fRemove)
          Overridden for efficiency reasons.
 Iterator CountingStockImpl.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Iterate all items with a given key.
 int CountingStockImpl.countItems(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Count the StockItems with a given key that are visible using a given DataBasket.
 boolean CountingStockImpl.contains(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Check whether the Stock contains the given StockItem.
 boolean CountingStockImpl.containsStock(Stock st, DataBasket db)
          Reimplemented for efficiency reasons.
 StockItem CountingStockImpl.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
 StockItem CountingStockImpl.remove(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
 void CountingStockImpl.add(String sKey, int nCount, DataBasket db)
          Add a number of items of a given key to the Stock.
 void CountingStockImpl.remove(String sKey, int nCount, DataBasket db)
          Remove a number of items of a given key from the Stock.
 void CountingStockImpl.commitRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Commit the removal of StockItems.
 void CountingStockImpl.rollbackRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Rollback the removal of StockItems.
 void CountingStockImpl.commitAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Commit the adding of StockItems.
 void CountingStockImpl.rollbackAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Rollback the adding of StockItems.
 void StoringStockImpl.add(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Add an item to the Stock.
 Iterator StoringStockImpl.get(String sKey, DataBasket db, boolean fForEdit)
          Iterate all items with a given key.
 int StoringStockImpl.countItems(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Count the StockItems with a given key that are visible using a given DataBasket.
 StockItem StoringStockImpl.remove(String sKey, DataBasket db)
          Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
 StockItem StoringStockImpl.remove(StockItem si, DataBasket db)
          Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
 void StoringStockImpl.commitRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Commit the removal of a StockItem.
 void StoringStockImpl.rollbackRemove(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Rollback the removal of a StockItem.
 void StoringStockImpl.commitAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Commit the adding of a StockItem.
 void StoringStockImpl.rollbackAdd(DataBasket db, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Rollback the adding of a StockItem.

Uses of DataBasket in data.stdforms

Methods in data.stdforms with parameters of type DataBasket
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZerosSource, boolean fShowZerosDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSCSStrategy cscssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are CountingStocks.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are CountingStocks.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, SSSSStrategy sssssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are StoringStocks.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are StoringStocks.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSDBStrategy csdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSDBStrategy csdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStocks and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCSStrategy dbcssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCSStrategy dbcssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, SSDBStrategy ssdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, SSDBStrategy ssdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBSSStrategy dbsssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBSSStrategy dbsssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CCStrategy ccsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CDBStrategy cdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CDBStrategy cdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCStrategy dbcsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCStrategy dbcsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSSStrategy csssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, CSSStrategy csssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CCSStrategy ccssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, boolean fShowZeros)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.

Uses of DataBasket in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet

Methods in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet with parameters of type DataBasket
protected  void DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.doRemove(SaleProcess p, CatalogItem ci, DataBasket db)
          Perform the actual removal.

Uses of DataBasket in data.stdforms.twotableformsheet

Methods in data.stdforms.twotableformsheet with parameters of type DataBasket
 Transition CCSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  void CCSStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination Stock.
protected  int CCSStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition CCSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  void CCSStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the destination Stock.
protected  int CCSStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition SSSSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate SSSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
 Transition SSSSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate SSSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate SSSSStrategy.getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Stock into another.
protected  int SSSSStrategy.checkMove(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void SSSSStrategy.moveImpl(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Move the indicated item from the source StoringStock into the destination StoringStock.
 Transition CDBStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int CDBStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CDBStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from source to destination.
 Transition CDBStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int CDBStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CDBStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from the destination to the source.
 Transition DBSSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate DBSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int DBSSStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, StockItem si)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBSSStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, StockItem si)
          Move the indicated item from the destination Stock.
 Transition DBSSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate DBSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int DBSSStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBSSStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Move the indicated item into the destination Stock.
 Transition DBCStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate DBCStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int DBCStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBCStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from the destination Catalog.
 Transition DBCStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate DBCStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int DBCStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBCStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the item into the destination Catalog.
 Transition CCStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CCStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
 Transition CCStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CCStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CCStrategy.getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Catalog into another.
protected  void CCStrategy.moveImpl(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Move the indicated item from the source Catalog into the destination Catalog.
protected  int CCStrategy.checkMove(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition DBCSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate DBCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int DBCSStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBCSStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the destination Stock.
 Transition DBCSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate DBCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int DBCSStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void DBCSStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination Stock.
 Transition CSDBStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CSDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int CSDBStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CSDBStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination DataBasket.
 Transition CSDBStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CSDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int CSDBStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CSDBStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the source into the destination.
 Transition CSCSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CSCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
 Transition CSCSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CSCSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CSCSStrategy.getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Stock into another.
protected  void CSCSStrategy.moveImpl(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Move the indicated number of items from the source CountingStock into the destination CountingStock.
protected  int CSCSStrategy.checkMove(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, int nCount)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
 Transition SSDBStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate SSDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int SSDBStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, StockItem si)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void SSDBStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, StockItem si)
          Move the indicated item from the source Stock.
 Transition SSDBStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate SSDBStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int SSDBStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void SSDBStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, DataBasketEntry dbe)
          Move the indicated item into the source Stock.
 Transition CSSStrategy.getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  Gate CSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
protected  int CSSStrategy.checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected abstract  StockItem CSSStrategy.createStockItem(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, CatalogItem ci)
          Create a fresh StockItem following the specifications given.
protected  void CSSStrategy.moveToDest(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Move the item as indicated into the destination Stock.
 Transition CSSStrategy.getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  Gate CSSStrategy.getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si, TwoTableFormSheet ttfs)
          Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
protected  int CSSStrategy.checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
protected  void CSSStrategy.moveToSource(SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, StockItem si)
          Move the indicated item as indicated from the destination Stock.

Uses of DataBasket in data.swing

Fields in data.swing declared as DataBasket
protected  DataBasket DataBasketTableModel.m_dbBasket
          The DataBasket being modelled.
protected  DataBasket CountingStockTableModel.m_dbBasket
          The DataBasket used to determine visibility.
protected  DataBasket CatalogTableModel.m_dbBasket
          The DataBasket used to determine visibility.
protected  DataBasket StoringStockTableModel.m_dbBasket
          The DataBasket used to determine visibility.

Constructors in data.swing with parameters of type DataBasket
DataBasketTableModel.DataBasketTableModel(DataBasket db, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new DataBasketTableModel.
CountingStockTableModel.CountingStockTableModel(CountingStock cs, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new CountingStockTableModel.
CatalogTableModel.CatalogTableModel(Catalog c, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new CatalogTableModel.
JStoringStockTable.JStoringStockTable(Stock st, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JStoringStockTable.
JCountingStockTable.JCountingStockTable(CountingStock cs, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JCountingStockTable.
StoringStockTableModel.StoringStockTableModel(Stock st, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new StoringStockTableModel.
JCatalogTable.JCatalogTable(Catalog c, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JCatalogTable.
JDataBasketTable.JDataBasketTable(DataBasket db, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JDataBasketTable.

Uses of DataBasket in sale

Fields in sale declared as DataBasket
protected  DataBasket Shop.ProcessHandle.m_db
          The DataBasket to be used.

Methods in sale that return DataBasket
 DataBasket SalesPoint.attach(DataBasket db)
          Attach a DataBasket to this SalesPoint.
 DataBasket SalesPoint.detachBasket()
          Detach any DataBasket currently attached to this SalesPoint.
 DataBasket SalesPoint.getBasket()
          Get the DataBasket currently attached to this SalesPoint.
 DataBasket SaleProcess.attach(DataBasket dbNew)
          Attach the DataBaskte that is going to be used to implement transactional behavior for this Process.
 DataBasket SaleProcess.detachBasket()
          Detach and return the current DataBasket.
 DataBasket SaleProcess.getBasket()
          Get the currently attached DataBasket.

Methods in sale with parameters of type DataBasket
 void Shop.runProcess(SaleProcess p, Display d, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Run a process on the Shop.
 void Shop.runBackgroundProcess(SaleProcess p, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Run a background process on the Shop.
 DataBasket SalesPoint.attach(DataBasket db)
          Attach a DataBasket to this SalesPoint.
 DataBasket SaleProcess.attach(DataBasket dbNew)
          Attach the DataBaskte that is going to be used to implement transactional behavior for this Process.

Constructors in sale with parameters of type DataBasket
Shop.ProcessHandle.Shop.ProcessHandle(SaleProcess p, Display d, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Create a new ProcessHandle.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0