SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ListenableCatalog Provides classes and interfaces for events triggered by classes in the data package and its sub-packages. 
data.filters Contains catalog and stock filters. 
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data

Uses of ListenableCatalog in

Constructors in with parameters of type ListenableCatalog
CatalogChangeEvent.CatalogChangeEvent(ListenableCatalog lcSource, CatalogItem ciAffected, DataBasket db)
          Create a new CatalogChangeEvent.

Uses of ListenableCatalog in data.filters

Classes in data.filters that implement ListenableCatalog
 class CatalogFilter
          A filter for Catalogs.
 class CurrencyFilter
          A CatalogFilter that filters Currencies.

Uses of ListenableCatalog in data.ooimpl

Classes in data.ooimpl that implement ListenableCatalog
 class CatalogImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the Catalog interface.
 class CurrencyImpl
          Pure Java implementation of the Currency interface.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0