SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use DataBasketEntryImpl
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data

Uses of DataBasketEntryImpl in data.ooimpl

Subclasses of DataBasketEntryImpl in data.ooimpl
 class CatalogItemDataBasketEntry
          A DataBasketEntry representing operations on CatalogImpls and CatalogItemImpls.
 class CountingStockItemDBEntry
          DataBasketEntry describing operations with CountingStock's items.
 class StockItemDBEntry
          DataBasketEntry that represents an operation with StockItems.
 class StoringStockItemDBEntry
          DataBasketEntry that describes operations with StoringStock's items.

Methods in data.ooimpl with parameters of type DataBasketEntryImpl
 void DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.put(DataBasketEntryImpl dbe)
          Put a DataBasketEntry into the subbasket.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0