SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use SingleTableFormSheet
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
data.stdforms.singletableformsheet Contains the EditButtonStrategy classes for SingleTableFormSheets

Uses of SingleTableFormSheet in data.stdforms

Methods in data.stdforms that return SingleTableFormSheet
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, boolean fShowZeros)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, boolean fShowZeros)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.

Uses of SingleTableFormSheet in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet

Methods in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet with parameters of type SingleTableFormSheet
abstract  Transition EditButtonStrategy.getEditProcess(SingleTableFormSheet stfs, SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp)
          Get the first transition of the process that will perform the editing.
 Transition AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.getEditProcess(SingleTableFormSheet stfs, SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp)
protected  Gate AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.getCreateCIGate(SingleTableFormSheet stfs)
          Get the first Gate in the sub-process.
protected  String AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.getNewKey(SingleTableFormSheet stfs, SaleProcess p)
          Get the key of the new item.
protected  Gate AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.getEditCIGate(CatalogItem ci, SingleTableFormSheet stfs, Transition tOk)
          Get a Gate at which a newly created CatalogItem can be edited by the user.
 Transition DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.getEditProcess(SingleTableFormSheet stfs, SaleProcess p, SalesPoint sp)
protected  Gate DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.getCheckGate(SingleTableFormSheet stfs)
          Get the Gate that checks whether the removal is allowed.
protected  String DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.getConfirmationCaption(SingleTableFormSheet stfs, CatalogItem ci)
          Get the caption for the default confirmation MsgForm.
protected  String DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.getConfirmationText(SingleTableFormSheet stfs, CatalogItem ci)
          Get the text for the default confirmation MsgForm.
protected  Transition DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.getRemoveTransition(SingleTableFormSheet stfs)
          Get the transition that performs the actual removal.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0