SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use EditButtonStrategy
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
data.stdforms.singletableformsheet Contains the EditButtonStrategy classes for SingleTableFormSheets

Uses of EditButtonStrategy in data.stdforms

Methods in data.stdforms with parameters of type EditButtonStrategy
 void SingleTableFormSheet.addEditingButtons(EditButtonStrategy ebsAdd, EditButtonStrategy ebsRemove)
          Convenience method Equivalent to:
 void SingleTableFormSheet.addAddButton(EditButtonStrategy ebsAdd)
          Add to the FormSheet a button that will allow the user to add records to the container being displayed.
 void SingleTableFormSheet.addRemoveButton(EditButtonStrategy ebsRemove)
          Add to the FormSheet a button that will allow the user to remove the currently selected record from the container being displayed.

Uses of EditButtonStrategy in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet

Subclasses of EditButtonStrategy in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet
 class AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
          A strategy that can be attached to the "Add" button of a SingleTableFormSheet that displays a Catalog's contents.
 class DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
          Strategy that can be associated to the "Remove" button of a SingleTableFormSheet that displays the contents of a Catalog.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0