SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LogEntryFilter
data.ooimpl Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data
log This package contains all classes that are relevant to logging. 
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 

Uses of LogEntryFilter in data.ooimpl

Fields in data.ooimpl declared as LogEntryFilter
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl.
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were not produced by a DataBasketImpl.
static LogEntryFilter DataBasketImpl.LOGENTRYFILTER_PUT_ACTIONS
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a put action.
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a exchange_remove action.
static LogEntryFilter DataBasketImpl.LOGENTRYFILTER_COMMIT_ACTIONS
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a commit action.
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a rollback action.

Uses of LogEntryFilter in log

Fields in log declared as LogEntryFilter
protected  LogEntryFilter LogInputStream.m_lefFilter
          The filter to be applied on the stream, if any.

Constructors in log with parameters of type LogEntryFilter
LogInputStream.LogInputStream(InputStream isSource, LogEntryFilter lef)
          Create a new LogInputStream.

Uses of LogEntryFilter in sale

Fields in sale declared as LogEntryFilter
          A LogEntryFilter that will accept only such LogEntries that stem from a process.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0