SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use LogInputStream
log.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display the contents of logs. 
log.swing Swing components for displaying log file contents. 

Uses of LogInputStream in log.stdforms

Constructors in log.stdforms with parameters of type LogInputStream
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis)
          Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp)
          Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted, boolean fWaitResponse)
          Create a new LogTableForm.

Uses of LogInputStream in log.swing

Constructors in log.swing with parameters of type LogInputStream
LogTableModel.LogTableModel(LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new LogTableModel.
JLogTable.JLogTable(LogInputStream lis)
          Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable.JLogTable(LogInputStream lis, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable.JLogTable(LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp)
          Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable.JLogTable(LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JLogTable.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0