SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Display
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. Event classes for use with the classes in the sale package. 
sale.multiwindow Contains classes for the standard SalesPoint application GUI. 

Uses of Display in sale

Classes in sale that implement Display
 class JDisplayDialog
          A JDialog that can display Form- and MenuSheets.
 class JDisplayFrame
          A JFrame that can display Form- and MenuSheets.
 class NullDisplay
          A dummy display, that cannot display anything.

Fields in sale declared as Display
protected  Display Shop.ProcessHandle.m_d
          The display to be used.

Methods in sale that return Display
protected  Display Shop.createStatusDisplay(SalesPoint sp)
          Create a status display for a SalesPoint.
protected  Display SalesPoint.attachStatusDisplay(Display dStatus)
          Attach a status display to the SalesPoint.
protected  Display SalesPoint.detachStatusDisplay()
          Detach the current status display.
 Display SalesPoint.attach(Display d)
          Attach a new display to the SalesPoint.
 Display SalesPoint.detachDisplay()
          Detach the current display.
 Display SalesPoint.getDisplay()
          Return the display of this SalesPoint.

Methods in sale with parameters of type Display
protected  void Shop.removeStatusDisplay(Display d)
          Close a status display.
 void Shop.runProcess(SaleProcess p, Display d, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Run a process on the Shop.
protected  Display SalesPoint.attachStatusDisplay(Display dStatus)
          Attach a status display to the SalesPoint.
 Display SalesPoint.attach(Display d)
          Attach a new display to the SalesPoint.

Constructors in sale with parameters of type Display
Shop.ProcessHandle.Shop.ProcessHandle(SaleProcess p, Display d, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Create a new ProcessHandle.

Uses of Display in

Constructors in with parameters of type Display
FormSheetEvent.FormSheetEvent(Display src, FormSheet fs, boolean fExplicit)
          Create a new FormSheetEvent.

Uses of Display in sale.multiwindow

Classes in sale.multiwindow that implement Display
 class MultiWindowHandle
          A handle returned by getNewHandle.

Methods in sale.multiwindow that return Display
 Display MultiWindow.getNewHandle()
          Returns a new Display and opens a new frame for it.
 Display MultiWindow.getSelectedDisplay()
          Get the currently selected display.

Methods in sale.multiwindow with parameters of type Display
 void MultiWindow.makeVisible(List lmwhHandles, Display dSelected)
          Make visible the specified displays if they are members of this MultiWindow.
 void MultiWindow.makeVisible(Display d)
          Add the given display to the list of visible displays.
 void MultiWindow.makeInVisible(Display d)
          Remove the given display from the list of visible displays.
 void MultiWindow.setSelectedDisplay(Display d)
          Set the currently selected display.
 void MultiWindow.closeDisplay(Display dWhich)
          Closes the given display.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0