SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use FormSheet.FormButton
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 
sale.multiwindow Contains classes for the standard SalesPoint application GUI. 

Uses of FormSheet.FormButton in sale

Methods in sale that return FormSheet.FormButton
 FormSheet.FormButton FormSheet.removeButton(int nID)
          Remove a button from the FormSheet's button bar.
 FormSheet.FormButton FormSheet.getButton(int nID)
          Get a button from the FormSheet's button bar.

Methods in sale with parameters of type FormSheet.FormButton
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayFrame.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
 void FormSheet.addButton(FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Add a button to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void JDisplayDialog.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
 void FormSheetContainer.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fb)
          Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.

Uses of FormSheet.FormButton in sale.multiwindow

Methods in sale.multiwindow with parameters of type FormSheet.FormButton
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fbNewButton)
          Method to be called when a new button has been added to the FormSheet.
 void MultiWindowHandle.onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet fs, FormSheet.FormButton fbRemovedButton)
          Method to be called when a button has been removed from the FormSheet.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0