SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use MenuSheet
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 
sale.multiwindow Contains classes for the standard SalesPoint application GUI. 

Uses of MenuSheet in sale

Fields in sale declared as MenuSheet
protected  MenuSheet MenuSheetObject.m_msParent
          The MenuSheet that contains this menu element.
protected  MenuSheet MenuSheet.m_msMerged
          The MenuSheet that has been merged into this one, if any.
protected  MenuSheet MenuSheet.m_msMergeParent
          The MenuSheet into which this MenuSheet was merged, if any.
protected  MenuSheet UIGate.m_msMenuSheet
          The MenuSheet to be displayed.

Methods in sale that return MenuSheet
protected  MenuSheet Shop.createShopMenuSheet()
          Create and return the Shop's main MenuSheet.
 MenuSheet MenuSheetObject.getParent()
          Get the parent MenuSheet of this MenuSheetObject.
protected  MenuSheet SalesPoint.getDefaultStatusMenuSheet()
          Get the default status MenuSheet for this SalesPoint.
protected  MenuSheet SalesPoint.getDefaultMenuSheet()
          Get the default MenuSheet for this SalesPoint.

Methods in sale with parameters of type MenuSheet
 void Shop.ProcessHandle.setMenuSheet(SaleProcess p, MenuSheet ms)
 void JDisplayFrame.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet ms)
          Set and display a MenuSheet.
 JMenuBar MenuSheet.mergePeers(MenuSheet msToMerge, String sBeforeTag)
          Merge the peers of two MenuSheets.
 void UIGate.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet ms)
          Set the MenuSheet that is being displayed at this gate.
 void JDisplayDialog.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet ms)
          Remove any old MenuSheet and display the new one.
protected  void SalesPoint.setStatusMenuSheet(MenuSheet ms)
          Set a MenuSheet in the SalesPoint's status display.
 void SalesPoint.setMenuSheet(SaleProcess p, MenuSheet ms)
          Allow a process to set a MenuSheet on the SalesPoint's current display.
 void ProcessContext.setMenuSheet(SaleProcess p, MenuSheet ms)
          Set a MenuSheet for a process.
 void NullDisplay.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet ms)
          Throw a InvalidDisplayException.
 void Display.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet ms)
          Set and display a MenuSheet.

Constructors in sale with parameters of type MenuSheet
UIGate.UIGate(FormSheet fs, MenuSheet ms)
          Create a new UIGate.

Uses of MenuSheet in sale.multiwindow

Methods in sale.multiwindow that return MenuSheet
 MenuSheet MultiWindowHandle.getMenuSheet()
          Get the current MenuSheet.
 MenuSheet MultiWindow.getMultiWindowMenuSheet()
          Return the MultiWindow management MenuSheet for this MultiWindow.
 MenuSheet MultiWindow.getCurrentMenuSheet()
          Get the current global MenuSheet.

Methods in sale.multiwindow with parameters of type MenuSheet
 void MultiWindowHandle.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet msNewMenuSheet)
          Set the MenuSheet of this display.
 void MultiWindow.setMenuSheet(MenuSheet msNewMenuSheet)
          Sets the given MenuSheet as a global MenuSheet in the MultiWindow.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0