SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use FormSheetEvent
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. Event classes for use with the classes in the sale package. 

Uses of FormSheetEvent in sale

Methods in sale with parameters of type FormSheetEvent
 void SalesPoint.formSheetSet(FormSheetEvent e)
          Dummy interface to conform by the FormSheetListener interface.
 void SalesPoint.formSheetRemoved(FormSheetEvent e)
          Implemented to make sure there always is a FormSheet.

Uses of FormSheetEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type FormSheetEvent
 void FormSheetListener.formSheetSet(FormSheetEvent e)
          Event triggered whenever a new FormSheet was set on the Display.
 void FormSheetListener.formSheetRemoved(FormSheetEvent e)
          Event triggered whenever a FormSheet was removed from the Display.
 void FormSheetAdapter.formSheetSet(FormSheetEvent e)
          Event triggered whenever a new FormSheet was set on the Display.
 void FormSheetAdapter.formSheetRemoved(FormSheetEvent e)
          Event triggered whenever a FormSheet was removed from the Display.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0