SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use FormSheetStrategy
data.stdforms.singletableformsheet Contains the EditButtonStrategy classes for SingleTableFormSheets
data.stdforms.twotableformsheet Contains the MoveStrategy classes for TwoTableFormSheets

Uses of FormSheetStrategy in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet

Subclasses of FormSheetStrategy in data.stdforms.singletableformsheet
 class AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
          A strategy that can be attached to the "Add" button of a SingleTableFormSheet that displays a Catalog's contents.
 class DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
          Strategy that can be associated to the "Remove" button of a SingleTableFormSheet that displays the contents of a Catalog.
 class EditButtonStrategy
          Abstract super class for strategies that can be associated with the "Add" and the "Remove" button of a SingleTableFormSheet.

Uses of FormSheetStrategy in data.stdforms.twotableformsheet

Subclasses of FormSheetStrategy in data.stdforms.twotableformsheet
 class CCSStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and a CountingStock destination.
 class CCStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and destination.
 class CDBStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and a DataBasket destination.
 class CSCSStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a CountingStock source and destination.
 class CSDBStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a CountingStock source and a DataBasket destination.
 class CSSStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and a StoringStock destination.
 class DBCSStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a DataBasket source and a CountingStock destination.
 class DBCStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a DataBasket source and a Catalog destination.
 class DBSSStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a DataBasket source and a StoringStock destination.
 class MoveStrategy
          Abstract super class for all strategies that can be used with TwoTableFormSheets.
 class SSDBStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a StoringStock source and a DataBasket destination.
 class SSSSStrategy
          MoveStrategy for a StoringStock source and destination.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0