SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use User
sale This package contains the central classes of the Framework. 
users Contains all the classes for managing users and their capabilities. Contains events and listeners needed by classes in the users package. 
users.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used together with the user management classes. 
users.swing Provides swing interfaces and models for displaying users and capabilities. 

Uses of User in sale

Fields in sale declared as User
protected  User Shop.ProcessHandle.m_usr
          The user to be used as the current user for the process.

Methods in sale that return User
 User Shop.ProcessHandle.getCurrentUser(SaleProcess p)
 User SalesPoint.attach(User usr)
          Attach a user to this SalesPoint.
 User SalesPoint.detachUser()
          Detach any user currently attached to this SalesPoint.
 User SalesPoint.getUser()
          Get the user currently attached to this SalesPoint.
 User SalesPoint.getCurrentUser(SaleProcess p)
          Get the current user for the given process.
 User ProcessContext.getCurrentUser(SaleProcess p)
          Get the user currently associated with the given process.

Methods in sale with parameters of type User
 void Shop.runProcess(SaleProcess p, Display d, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Run a process on the Shop.
 void Shop.runBackgroundProcess(SaleProcess p, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Run a background process on the Shop.
 Gate GateChangeTransition.perform(SaleProcess p, User u)
          Perform the Transition.
 Transition Gate.getNextTransition(SaleProcess pOwner, User usr)
          Determine the next Transition.
 Transition UIGate.getNextTransition(SaleProcess pOwner, User usr)
 Gate Transition.perform(SaleProcess pOwner, User usr)
          Actually perform the transition.
 User SalesPoint.attach(User usr)
          Attach a user to this SalesPoint.

Constructors in sale with parameters of type User
Shop.ProcessHandle.Shop.ProcessHandle(SaleProcess p, Display d, User usr, DataBasket db)
          Create a new ProcessHandle.

Uses of User in users

Methods in users that return User
 User UserManager.createUser(String sName)
          Create a new user to be managed by this UserManager.
 User UserManager.getUser(String sName)
          Retrieve a user by name.
 User UserManager.deleteUser(String sName)
          Delete a user from this UserManager.
 User UserManager.logOn(Object o, User u)
          Associate a user with an object.
 User UserManager.logOff(Object o)
          Disassociate the current user from an Object.
 User UserManager.getCurrentUser(Object o)
          Retrieve the user currently associated with some Object.
 User UserCreator.createUser(String sName)
          Create and return a new User object for the given name.

Methods in users with parameters of type User
 void UserManager.addUser(User usr)
          Add a user to the UserManager.
protected  void UserManager.fireUserAdded(User usr)
          Fire a userAdded event to all interested listeners.
protected  void UserManager.fireUserDeleted(User usr)
          Fire a userDeleted event to all interested listeners.
 User UserManager.logOn(Object o, User u)
          Associate a user with an object.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User UserDataEvent.getUser()
          Get the affected user.

Constructors in with parameters of type User
UserDataEvent.UserDataEvent(Object source, User usrData)
          Create a new UserDataEvent giving the source and the user that was affected.

Uses of User in users.stdforms

Methods in users.stdforms that return User
 User UserTableFormSheet.getSelectedRecord()
          Get the record currently selected.
 User LogOnForm.getResult()
          Return the user that was selected if any.

Uses of User in users.swing

Fields in users.swing declared as User
protected  User UserComboBoxModel.m_usrSelection
          The currently selected user.

Methods in users.swing that return User
 User JUserList.getSelectedUser()
          Convenience method returning the currently selected user.

Methods in users.swing with parameters of type User
 boolean UserFilter.match(User u)
          A Filter function that takes Users and returns a boolean value.
abstract  int obj, User obj1)

SalesPoint Framework v3.0