SalesPoint Framework v3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableEntryDescriptor
data.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
data.swing Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes. 
log.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used to display the contents of logs. 
log.swing Swing components for displaying log file contents. 
users.stdforms Standard FormSheets that can be used together with the user management classes. 
users.swing Provides swing interfaces and models for displaying users and capabilities. 
util.swing GUI classes and interfaces that can be of common use. 

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in data.stdforms

Methods in data.stdforms with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZerosSource, boolean fShowZerosDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSCSStrategy cscssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are CountingStocks.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, SSSSStrategy sssssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are StoringStocks.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSDBStrategy csdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock csSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSDBStrategy csdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCSStrategy dbcssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, CountingStock csDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCSStrategy dbcssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, SSDBStrategy ssdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ssSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, SSDBStrategy ssdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBSSStrategy dbsssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, StoringStock ssDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBSSStrategy dbsssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, Catalog cDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CCStrategy ccsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CDBStrategy cdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, DataBasket dbDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CDBStrategy cdbsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbegSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCStrategy dbcsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket dbSource, Catalog cDest, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, DBCStrategy dbcsMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, StoringStock ssDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CSSStrategy csssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
static TwoTableFormSheet TwoTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog cSource, CountingStock csDest, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmpSource, Comparator cmpDest, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor tedSource, TableEntryDescriptor tedDest, CCSStrategy ccssMoveStrategy)
          Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, Catalog c, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, CountingStock cs, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, StoringStock ss, UIGate uigGate, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
static SingleTableFormSheet SingleTableFormSheet.create(String sCaption, DataBasket db, UIGate uigGate, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in data.swing

Classes in data.swing that implement TableEntryDescriptor
 class DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a DataBasketTableModel modelling DataBasketEntries that describe operations on CatalogItems.
 class DefaultCatalogItemTED
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a CatalogTableModel.
 class DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a DataBasketTableModel modelling DataBasketEntries that describe operations on items in a CountingStock.
 class DefaultCountingStockItemTED
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a CountingStockTableModel.
 class DefaultCurrencyItemTED
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to model Currencies with a CatalogTableModel.
 class DefaultMoneyBagItemTED
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to model MoneyBags with a CountingStockTableModel.
 class DefaultStockItemTED
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a StoringStockTableModel.
 class DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
          A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a DataBasketTableModel modelling DataBasketEntries that describe operations on items in a StoringStock.

Constructors in data.swing with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
DataBasketTableModel.DataBasketTableModel(DataBasket db, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new DataBasketTableModel.
CountingStockTableModel.CountingStockTableModel(CountingStock cs, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new CountingStockTableModel.
CatalogTableModel.CatalogTableModel(Catalog c, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new CatalogTableModel.
JStoringStockTable.JStoringStockTable(Stock st, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JStoringStockTable.
JCountingStockTable.JCountingStockTable(CountingStock cs, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, boolean fShowZeros, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JCountingStockTable.
StoringStockTableModel.StoringStockTableModel(Stock st, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new StoringStockTableModel.
JCatalogTable.JCatalogTable(Catalog c, DataBasket db, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JCatalogTable.
JDataBasketTable.JDataBasketTable(DataBasket db, DataBasketCondition dbc, DataBasketEntryGrouper dbeg, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JDataBasketTable.

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in log.stdforms

Constructors in log.stdforms with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm.LogTableForm(String sCaption, LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted, boolean fWaitResponse)
          Create a new LogTableForm.

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in log.swing

Classes in log.swing that implement TableEntryDescriptor
 class DefaultLogEntryTED
          TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to display LogEntries.

Constructors in log.swing with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
LogTableModel.LogTableModel(LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new LogTableModel.
JLogTable.JLogTable(LogInputStream lis, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable.JLogTable(LogInputStream lis, Comparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JLogTable.

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in users.stdforms

Constructors in users.stdforms with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
UserTableFormSheet.UserTableFormSheet(String sCaption, UserManager um, JComponent c, UIGate uigGate, UserTableModel.UserComparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new UserTableFormSheet.

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in users.swing

Constructors in users.swing with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
JUserTable.JUserTable(UserManager u, UserTableModel.UserComparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new JUserTable.
UserTableModel.UserTableModel(UserManager u, UserTableModel.UserComparator cmp, TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new UserTableModel.

Uses of TableEntryDescriptor in util.swing

Classes in util.swing that implement TableEntryDescriptor
 class AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
          Abstract base implementation of TableEntryDescriptor.

Methods in util.swing that return TableEntryDescriptor
 TableEntryDescriptor AbstractTableModel.getEntryDescriptor()
          Get the TableEntryDescriptor that is used to split records into columns.

Constructors in util.swing with parameters of type TableEntryDescriptor
AbstractTableModel.AbstractTableModel(TableEntryDescriptor ted)
          Create a new AbstractTableModel.

SalesPoint Framework v3.0