SalesPoint Framework v3.2

Class AbstractCurrency

  extended by data.AbstractNameable
      extended by data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
          extended by data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
              extended by data.AbstractCurrency
All Implemented Interfaces:
Catalog, CatalogItem, Currency, DataBasketEntryDestination, DataBasketEntrySource, DataBasketKeys, ListenableCatalog, Nameable, NameContext, SelfManagingDBEDestination, SelfManagingDBESource, Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Object>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractCurrency
extends CatalogImpl
implements Currency

Abstract Java implementation of the Currency interface.

Thomas Medack
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected  class AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData
          Data container for names and values of CurrencyItems.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
m_lhListeners, m_nModCount
Fields inherited from class data.AbstractNameable
m_ncContext, m_pcsPropertyListeners
Fields inherited from interface data.CatalogItem
Fields inherited from interface data.Nameable
Fields inherited from interface data.DataBasketKeys
Constructor Summary
AbstractCurrency(String sName)
          Create a new AbstractCurrency with a default locale of Locale.GERMANY and fill it.
AbstractCurrency(String sName, Locale l)
          Create a new, initially empty AbstractCurrency for the given locale.
Method Summary
protected abstract  AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData[] getCurrencyItemData()
          This abstract method allows the programmer to choose the names and values of the CurrencyItems (EURO, DM, ...).
 NumberValue parse(String s)
          Try to interpret the given String according to the currency format of the specific currency.
 String toString(NumberValue nv)
          Convert the given value into a String representation according to the currency format of the specific currency.
Methods inherited from class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
add, addCatalogChangeListener, checkNameChange, commitAdd, commitRemove, contains, createPeer, fireCanEditCatalogItem, fireCanRemoveCatalogItem, fireCatalogItemAddCommit, fireCatalogItemAdded, fireCatalogItemAddRollback, fireCatalogItemRemoveCommit, fireCatalogItemRemoved, fireCatalogItemRemoveRollback, fireCommitEditCatalogItem, fireEditingCatalogItem, fireRollbackEditCatalogItem, get, getEditableCopy, getEditingItemsContainer, getItemsContainer, getItemsLock, getNCMonitor, getShallowClone, getTemporaryAddedItemsContainer, getTemporaryRemovedItemsContainer, iterator, keySet, nameHasChanged, remove, remove, removeCatalogChangeListener, rollbackAdd, rollbackRemove, size, toString
Methods inherited from class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
addValueListener, compareTo, equals, getCatalog, getValue, isEditable, removeValueListener, setValue
Methods inherited from class data.AbstractNameable
addNameListener, addPropertyChangeListener, attach, detachNC, getName, removeNameListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface data.Catalog
add, contains, get, iterator, keySet, remove, remove, size
Methods inherited from interface data.CatalogItem
addValueListener, getCatalog, getValue, removeValueListener
Methods inherited from interface data.Nameable
addNameListener, addPropertyChangeListener, attach, detachNC, getName, removeNameListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setName
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Constructor Detail


public AbstractCurrency(String sName,
                        Locale l)
Create a new, initially empty AbstractCurrency for the given locale.

sName - the name of the currency to create.
l - the locale that determines how currency values will be formatted.


public AbstractCurrency(String sName)
Create a new AbstractCurrency with a default locale of Locale.GERMANY and fill it.

sName - the name of the new currency.
Method Detail


public NumberValue parse(String s)
                  throws ParseException
Try to interpret the given String according to the currency format of the specific currency.

Specified by:
parse in interface Currency
s - the text to be parsed
the interpreted value in the smallest unit of the currency.
ParseException - if the input could not be parsed.


public String toString(NumberValue nv)
Convert the given value into a String representation according to the currency format of the specific currency. nv must be given in the smallest unit of the currency, i.e. if you want to specify 5,05 DM nv should be 505.

Specified by:
toString in interface Currency
nv - the value to be converted
formatted String.


protected abstract AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData[] getCurrencyItemData()
This abstract method allows the programmer to choose the names and values of the CurrencyItems (EURO, DM, ...). A complete list of data containers, which always contain pairs of name and value, has to be returned. The single CurrencyItems can be found in the Catalog (Currency) with those names.

an Array of data containers that contain names and values of CurrencyItems to be added.

SalesPoint Framework v3.2