SalesPoint Framework v3.2

Package util

Helper classes that come in handy from time to time.


Interface Summary
HelpableListener A listener that can be helped by ListenerHelper.
SerializableComparator<T> A comparator that is serializable.
SerializableListener Tag interface that must be implemented by classes that want to be serialized when a ListenerHelper that they listen to gets serialized.

Class Summary
Debug Debug management class.
ListenerHelper Helper class that supports Listeners which themselves can be listened to.
NaturalComparator<T extends Comparable<Object>> A comparator that compares Objects using their natural order.
ReverseOrderComparator A comparator that reverses the order implied by another comparator.
StreamMarker An Object to mark positions in ObjectStreams.

Package util Description

Helper classes that come in handy from time to time.

This package contains several helper classes that come in handy from time to time. The package is a collection of classes that couldn't be sensibly attached to any other package, because of their generic nature. The classes vary from debugging aids (Debug) over helpers for listener management (HelpableListener, ListenerHelper and SerializableListener) to classes and interfaces that help with comparators (SerializableComparator and NaturalComparator).

SalesPoint Framework v3.2