SalesPoint Framework v3.1

Package data

Provides interfaces for data management.


Interface Summary
BasketEntryValue Helper interface used to determine the value of a DataBasketEntry when summing up DataBaskets.
Catalog A Catalog.
CatalogItem An item in a Catalog.
CountingStock A Stock that counts for each CatalogItem in the associated Catalog how many objects of that type are actually available.
Currency A special Catalog that represents a currency.
CurrencyItem An item in a Currency.
DataBasket An object collecting information about a activities on data objects in a shop.
DataBasketCondition Condition used for filtering DataBaskets.
DataBasketEntry An entry in a DataBasket.
DataBasketEntryDestination Tag interface to be implemented by destinations for DataBasketEntries.
DataBasketEntrySource Tag interface to be implemented by sources for DataBasketEntries.
DataBasketKeys Framework defined main keys.
ListenableCatalog A Catalog that fires events to inform about changes to its contents.
ListenableDataBasket A DataBasket that will fire events to inform about changes to its contents.
ListenableStock A Stock that will fire events to inform about changes to its contents.
MoneyBag Tag interface marking CountingStocks that work together with Currencies.
Nameable An object that has a name that complies with a NameContext's rules.
NameContext A name context.
Stock A Stock.
StockFromValueCreator Strategy that increases a Stock's total value by adding StockItems that sum up to a given amount.
StockItem An item in a Stock.
StoringStock Tag interface that identifies StoringStocks.
Value An objectified value.

Class Summary
AbstractCurrency Abstract Java implementation of the Currency interface.
AbstractNameable Convenience class implementing the Nameable interface.
BasketEntryValues A collection of convenience BasketEntryValues.
CatalogItemValue Objectifier to compute the value of a CatalogItem.
DataBasketConditionImpl Basic implementation of the DataBasketCondition interface.
DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator A StockFromValueCreator for CountingStocks.
DoubleValue A NumberValue that is based on a Double object.
IntegerValue A value that is based on an Integer object.
NumberValue Values that operate on numbers.
QuoteValue A QuoteValue consists of two values: A bid and an offer.
StockFromStockCreator StockFromValueCreator that tries to fill a Stock using only items from another Stock.
StockFromStockCreatorBT A StockFromStockCreator that performs backtracking.

Exception Summary
CatalogConflictException An exception thrown when a catalog conflict was detected.
DataBasketConflictException Exception thrown to indicate some operation cannot be performed succesfully because of the isolation rules associated with DataBaskets and the container.
DuplicateKeyException Exception thrown when an attempt was made to add an item with a key that already existed in a container.
NameContextException Exception thrown by Nameable.setName(java.lang.String, data.DataBasket) if a new name does not comply with NameContext rules.
NotEditableException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to edit an item that was not retrieved for editing.
NotEnoughElementsException Exception thrown by Stock if you attempt to remove more elements than there are actually available.
NotEnoughMoneyException Exception thrown when an error occurs on transferring money from one MoneyBag to another.

Package data Description

Provides interfaces for data management. Concrete implementations can be found in the data.ooimpl package.

SalesPoint Framework v3.1