SalesPoint Framework v3.1


ALL_CATALOG_ITEMS - Static variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItem movements.
ALL_ENTRIES - Static variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition matching all items in a DataBasket.
ALL_STOCK_ITEMS - Static variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItem movements.
AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy - class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.
A strategy that can be attached to the "Add" button of a SingleTableFormSheet that displays a Catalog's contents.
AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy(Catalog) - Constructor for class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Create a new AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy.
AbstractCapability - class users.AbstractCapability.
Convenience class implementing basic capability behavior.
AbstractCapability(String) - Constructor for class users.AbstractCapability
Create a new capability with a given name.
AbstractCurrency - class data.AbstractCurrency.
Abstract Java implementation of the Currency interface.
AbstractCurrency(String, Locale) - Constructor for class data.AbstractCurrency
Create a new, initially empty AbstractCurrency for the given locale.
AbstractCurrency(String) - Constructor for class data.AbstractCurrency
Create a new AbstractCurrency with a default locale of Locale.GERMANY and fill it.
AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData - class data.AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData.
Data container for names and values of CurrencyItems.
AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData(String, int) - Constructor for class data.AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData
AbstractNameable - class data.AbstractNameable.
Convenience class implementing the Nameable interface.
AbstractNameable() - Constructor for class data.AbstractNameable
Initialize a new AbstractNameable object with a null name.
AbstractNameable(String) - Constructor for class data.AbstractNameable
Initialize a new AbstractNameable object with the given name.
AbstractStockFilter - class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter.
Abstract superclass of all Stock filters.
AbstractStockFilter(Stock) - Constructor for class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Create a new AbstractStockFilter.
AbstractTableEntryDescriptor - class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor.
Abstract base implementation of TableEntryDescriptor.
AbstractTableEntryDescriptor() - Constructor for class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Dummy constructor, does nothing but call super().
AbstractTableModel - class util.swing.AbstractTableModel.
A TableModel that models a list of records rather than a matrix of cells.
AbstractTableModel(TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Create a new AbstractTableModel.
Action - interface sale.Action.
An action that can be associated with a MenuSheetItem or FormSheet button.
ActionActionListener - class sale.ActionActionListener.
A special ActionListener that allows to associate Actions with buttons that are not in a FormSheet's button bar or a MenuSheet.
ActionActionListener(FormSheet) - Constructor for class sale.ActionActionListener
Create a new ActionActionListener.
ActionActionListener(FormSheet, Action) - Constructor for class sale.ActionActionListener
Create a new ActionActionListener.
ActionCapability - class users.ActionCapability.
A special capability guarding an action object.
ActionCapability(String, Action) - Constructor for class users.ActionCapability
Create a granted capability.
ActionCapability(String, String, Action, boolean) - Constructor for class users.ActionCapability
Create a new ActionCapability.
AutoTimer - class sale.AutoTimer.
A timer that has the functionality of the StepTimer and additionally can increase the time automatically.
AutoTimer() - Constructor for class sale.AutoTimer
Create a new AutoTimer with a Step as time object and a delay of 10 seconds.
AutoTimer(Time) - Constructor for class sale.AutoTimer
Create a new AutoTimer with the given time object and a delay of 10 seconds.
AutoTimer(Time, long) - Constructor for class sale.AutoTimer
Create a new AutoTimer with the given time object and delay.
accept(LogEntry) - Method in interface log.LogEntryFilter
Return whether or not the given LogEntry belongs to the set of visible LogEntries.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sale.ActionActionListener
ActionListener interface method.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
ActionListener interface method, invoked when the peer was clicked.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Hook method called whenever the user selects the MenuSheetItem.
add(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Add a CatalogItem to the Catalog.
add(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.CountingStock
Add a number of items of a given key to the Stock.
add(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
add(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
add(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
add(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Add an item to the Stock.
add(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Add the given value to this one, and return the result.
add(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Add the given item to the source Stock.
add(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Add the given item to the source Catalog.
add(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Add the specified number of items to the source Stock.
add(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Add the given item to the Catalog.
add(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Add an item to the Stock.
add(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Add a number of items of a given key to the Stock.
add(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Add an item to the Stock.
add(MenuSheetObject) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Adds a MenuSheetObject to the end of this MenuSheet.
add(Class, EventListener) - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Add the listener as a listener of the specified type.
addAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
addAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
addAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
If the given value is a QuoteValue, its bid and offer get added to this value's bid and offer, resp.
addAccumulating(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Add the given value to this one, changing this value.
addAddButton(EditButtonStrategy) - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Add to the FormSheet a button that will allow the user to add records to the container being displayed.
addAllDisplays() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Sets the displays of all open SalesPoints according to the current view mode.
addButton(String, int, Action) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Add a button to the FormSheet's button bar.
addButton(FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Add a button to the FormSheet's button bar.
addCapabilityDataListener(CapabilityDataListener) - Method in class users.User
Add a CapabilityDataListener.
addCatalog(Catalog) - Method in class sale.Shop
Add a Catalog to the global table of Catalogs.
addCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableCatalog
Add a listener that will be informed about changes to the Catalog's contents.
addCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Add a listener that wishes to receive events when the filtered Catalog changes.
addCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Add a listener that listens for changes in this Catalog's contents.
addContentCreator(FormSheetContentCreator) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Add a contents creator for this FormSheet.
addDataBasketListener(DataBasketListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableDataBasket
Add a listener that will be informed about changes to the DataBasket's contents.
addDataBasketListener(DataBasketListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Add a listener that will receive events when the DataBasket's contents change.
addEditingButtons(EditButtonStrategy, EditButtonStrategy) - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Convenience method.
addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in interface sale.Display
Registers a FormSheetListener to be informed when a FormSheet is set or closed.
addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Add a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayDialog's FormSheet.
addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Add a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayFrame's FormSheet.
addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Adds a listener to receive notification on the JInternalDisplay's FormSheet.
addFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Adds a listener to receive notification on the JTabbedDisplay's FormSheet.
addLogEntries(LogFileContent) - Method in class log.Log
Appends all LogEntries that are saved in lfc to the current log.
addMouseListenerToHeaderInTable(JTable, Object[]) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Adds a mouse listener to the table header.
addNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Add a PropertyChangeListener that will receive events whenever the "name" property changes.
addNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Add a PropertyChangeListener that will receive events whenever the "name" property changes.
addNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Register the listener with the source Stock.
addNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Register the listener with the source Catalog.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Add a PropertyChangeListener that will receive events whenever a bound property changes.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Register a listener to receive events whenever propertiy changes.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Register the listener with the source Stock.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Register the listener with the source Catalog.
addRemoveButton(EditButtonStrategy) - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Add to the FormSheet a button that will allow the user to remove the currently selected record from the container being displayed.
addResourceModul(ResourceManager.ResourceModul) - Method in class resource.util.ResourceManager
Adds a resource module to the ResourceManager.
addSalesPoint(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.Shop
Add a SalesPoint to the Shop.
addSalesPointDisplay(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Opens a display for a SalesPoint according to the current view mode.
addStock(Stock, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in interface data.Stock
Add the contents of a Stock to this Stock.
addStock(Stock, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Add the given Stock to the source Stock.
addStock(Stock, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Overridden for efficiency reasons.
addStock(Stock, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Add the contents of a Stock to this Stock.
addStock(Stock) - Method in class sale.Shop
Add a Stock to the global list of Stocks.
addStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableStock
Add a listener that will be informed about changes to the Stock's contents.
addStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Register a listener that will receive events when the Stock's contents change.
addStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Add a listener to receive events when the Stock's contents change.
addTab(String, Component) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
Adds a tab to the IconTabbedPane.
addTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Add a TimerListener which will receive TimerEvents triggered by this timer.
addTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in interface sale.Timer
Adds a listener for TimerEvents fired by this timer.
addToCatalog(SaleProcess, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Add the specified CatalogItem to the Catalog.
addUser(User) - Method in class users.UserManager
Add a user to the UserManager.
addUserDataListener(UserDataListener) - Method in class users.UserManager
Add a UserDataListener.
addUserDataListener(UserDataListener) - Method in class users.UserManagerFilter
addValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.CatalogItem
Add a PropertyChangeListener that will receive events whenever the "value" property changes.
addValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Register the listener with the source Catalog.
addValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Add a PropertyChangeListener that will receive events whenever the "value" property changes.
addedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever a CatalogItem was added to the Catalog.
addedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever a CatalogItem was added to the Catalog.
addedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
addedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
addedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
addedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class
Called when a DataBasketEntry was added to the DataBasket.
addedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in interface
Called when a DataBasketEntry was added to the DataBasket.
addedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever StockItems were added to the Stock.
addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever StockItems were added to the Stock.
addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
addedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
affectsCapability(String) - Method in class
Test whether a given capability is affected by this event.
allCatalogItemsWithDest(Catalog) - Static method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItems being entered into the given Catalog.
allCatalogItemsWithSource(Catalog) - Static method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe CatalogItems being taken from the given Catalog.
allStockItemsWithDest(Stock) - Static method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItems being entered into the given Stock.
allStockItemsWithSource(Stock) - Static method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches all entries that describe StockItems being taken from the given Stock.
aoListeners - Variable in class util.ListenerHelper
The list of ListenerType - Listener pairs.
arrangeFrames(int) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Sets the arrangement of the frames in the MultiWindow.
attach(NameContext) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Attach a NameContext to this Nameable.
attach(NameContext) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Attach a NameContext to this Nameable.
attach(NameContext) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Attach the NameContext to the source Stock.
attach(NameContext) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Attach the given name context to the source Catalog.
attach(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Notify this button that it has been attached to, or detached from, a FormSheet.
attach(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Attach a SalesPoint to this FormSheet.
attach(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Attach a process to this FormSheet.
attach(FormSheetContainer) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Attach a FormSheetContainer to this FormSheet.
attach(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Attach a SalesPoint to this MenuSheet.
attach(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Attach a SaleProcess to this MenuSheet.
attach(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Attach a SalesPoint to this MenuSheetObject.
attach(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Attach a SaleProcess to this MenuSheetObject.
attach(ProcessContext) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Attach a ProcessContext to this process.
attach(DataBasket) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Attach the DataBaskte that is going to be used to implement transactional behavior for this Process.
attach(User) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Attach a user to this SalesPoint.
attach(DataBasket) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Attach a DataBasket to this SalesPoint.
attach(Display, boolean) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Attach a new display to the SalesPoint.
attach(Display) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
attachLoadedDisplay(Display) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Internal communication method called by Shop to attach a display during restoration of the Shop from a stream.
attachStatusDisplay(Display) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Attach a status display to the SalesPoint.


BTNID_ADD - Static variable in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
The button id that is used for the "Add" button.
BTNID_CANCEL - Static variable in class sale.FormSheet
Button ID used for the standard Cancel button.
BTNID_OK - Static variable in class sale.FormSheet
Button ID used for the standard OK button.
BTNID_REMOVE - Static variable in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
The button id that is used for the "Remove" button.
BUTTON_LEFT - Static variable in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Resource identifier of the '<<' button's label.
BUTTON_RIGHT - Static variable in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Resource identifier of the '>>' button's label.
BasketEntryValue - interface data.BasketEntryValue.
Helper interface used to determine the value of a DataBasketEntry when summing up DataBaskets.
BasketEntryValues - class data.BasketEntryValues.
A collection of convenience BasketEntryValues.
BasketEntryValues() - Constructor for class data.BasketEntryValues
buttonIterator() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Return a fail-fast, readonly iterator iterating over the buttons in the button bar.
buttonIterator(boolean) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Return a readonly iterator iterating over the buttons in the button bar.
byteToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class users.MD5
Converts a byte-Array to hexadecimal string


CASCADE_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the "Cascade" option.
CATALOG_ITEM_MAIN_KEY - Static variable in interface data.DataBasketKeys
The main key for a DataBasketEntry that describes a CatalogItem movement.
CCSStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and a CountingStock destination.
CCSStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
CCStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and destination.
CCStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
CDBStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and a DataBasket destination.
CDBStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
CENT_STCK_1 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
CENT_STCK_10 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
CENT_STCK_2 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
CENT_STCK_20 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
CENT_STCK_5 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
CENT_STCK_50 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
CHANGE_TO_COMMIT_GATE - Static variable in class sale.GateChangeTransition
Transition that will go to the calling process' commit gate.
CHANGE_TO_LOG_GATE - Static variable in class sale.GateChangeTransition
Transition that will go to the calling process' log gate.
CHANGE_TO_QUIT_GATE - Static variable in class sale.GateChangeTransition
Transition that will go to the calling process' quit gate.
CHANGE_TO_ROLLBACK_GATE - Static variable in class sale.GateChangeTransition
Transition that will go to the calling process' rollback gate.
CHANGE_TO_STOP_GATE - Static variable in class sale.GateChangeTransition
Transition that will go to the calling process' stop gate.
CLOSE_ICON - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
The imageIcon to be used as close icon.
COMMIT_ACTION - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Action constant for DataBasketImpl.log(int, log.Loggable).
COUNT_ITEMS - Static variable in class data.BasketEntryValues
A BasketEntryValue that returns 1 for each entry.
CSCSStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a CountingStock source and destination.
CSCSStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
CSDBStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a CountingStock source and a DataBasket destination.
CSDBStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
CSSStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a Catalog source and a StoringStock destination.
CSSStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
CalendarTime - class sale.CalendarTime.
This class is an implementation of the Time interface.
CalendarTime() - Constructor for class sale.CalendarTime
Creates a new CalendarTime with the current systemtime.
CalendarTime(long) - Constructor for class sale.CalendarTime
Creates a new CalendarTime with the given starting time.
CalendarTime(long, int) - Constructor for class sale.CalendarTime
Creates a new CalendarTime with the given starting time and an int that defines the field which will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object).
CalendarTime(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sale.CalendarTime
Creates a new CalendarTime with the given starting time
CalendarTime(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sale.CalendarTime
Creates a new CalendarTime with the given starting time and an int that defines the field which will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object).
CancelledException - exception sale.CancelledException.
Exception thrown when some action was cancelled by the user.
CancelledException() - Constructor for class sale.CancelledException
Create a new CancelledException.
CancelledException(String) - Constructor for class sale.CancelledException
Create a new CancelledException with a detail message.
Capability - interface users.Capability.
Capabilities guard activities and restrict the users' options in an application.
CapabilityDataAdapter - class
An abstract adapter class for receiving capability data events.
CapabilityDataAdapter() - Constructor for class
CapabilityDataEvent - class
An event indicating changes in a user's capabilities.
CapabilityDataEvent(Object, Set) - Constructor for class
Create a new CapabilityDataEvent with a source and a set of affected capabilities
CapabilityDataListener - interface
A listener listening for CapabilityDataEvents.
Catalog - interface data.Catalog.
A Catalog.
CatalogChangeAdapter - class
An abstract adapter class for receiving catalog change events.
CatalogChangeAdapter() - Constructor for class
CatalogChangeEvent - class
An event indicating a change in a Catalog's contents.
CatalogChangeEvent(ListenableCatalog, CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Constructor for class
Create a new CatalogChangeEvent.
CatalogChangeListener - interface
A listener listening for CatalogChangeEvents.
CatalogConflictException - exception data.CatalogConflictException.
An exception thrown when a catalog conflict was detected.
CatalogConflictException() - Constructor for class data.CatalogConflictException
Create a new CatalogConflictException.
CatalogConflictException(String) - Constructor for class data.CatalogConflictException
Create a new CatalogConflictException with a detail message.
CatalogFilter - class data.filters.CatalogFilter.
A filter for Catalogs.
CatalogFilter(Catalog) - Constructor for class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Create a new CatalogFilter.
CatalogImpl - class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the Catalog interface.
CatalogImpl(String) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Create a new, initially empty CatalogImpl.
CatalogItem - interface data.CatalogItem.
An item in a Catalog.
CatalogItemDataBasketEntry - class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.
A DataBasketEntry representing operations on CatalogImpls and CatalogItemImpls.
CatalogItemDataBasketEntry(CatalogImpl, CatalogImpl, CatalogItemImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry
Create a new CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.
CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry - class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry.
A LogEntry that describes CatalogItemDataBasketEntries.
CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry(CatalogItemDataBasketEntry) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
Create a new CIDBELogEntry.
CatalogItemImpl - class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the CatalogItem interface.
CatalogItemImpl(String) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Create a new CatalogItemImpl.
CatalogItemImpl(String, Value) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Create a new CatalogItemImpl.
CatalogItemValue - class data.CatalogItemValue.
Objectifier to compute the value of a CatalogItem.
CatalogItemValue() - Constructor for class data.CatalogItemValue
CatalogTableModel - class data.swing.CatalogTableModel.
A TableModel that models the contents of a Catalog.
CatalogTableModel(Catalog, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Create a new CatalogTableModel.
CountingStock - interface data.CountingStock.
A Stock that counts for each CatalogItem in the associated Catalog how many objects of that type are actually available.
CountingStockDBEGrouper - class data.swing.CountingStockDBEGrouper.
DataBasketEntryGrouper that groups entries that have the same main and secondary key as well as the same source and destination and where both values contain an Integer object.
CountingStockDBEGrouper() - Constructor for class data.swing.CountingStockDBEGrouper
Create a new CountingStockDBEGrouper.
CountingStockFilter - class data.filters.CountingStockFilter.
StockFilter for CountingStocks.
CountingStockFilter(CountingStock) - Constructor for class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Create a new CountingStockFilter.
CountingStockImpl - class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the CountingStock interface.
CountingStockImpl(String, CatalogImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Create a new, initially empty CountingStockImpl.
CountingStockItemDBEntry - class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry.
DataBasketEntry describing operations with CountingStock's items.
CountingStockItemDBEntry(String, StockImpl, StockImpl, int) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry
Create a new CountingStockItemDBEntry.
CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry - class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry.
LogEntry describing an operation on CountingStock StockItem's.
CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry(StockItemDBEntry) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry
Create a new CSDBELogEntry.
CountingStockTableModel - class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel.
A TableModel that models the contents of a CountingStock.
CountingStockTableModel(CountingStock, DataBasket, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Create a new CountingStockTableModel.
CountingStockTableModel.Record - class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel.Record.
A CountingStockTableModel's record.
CountingStockTableModel.Record(CatalogItem, int) - Constructor for class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel.Record
Create a new Record.
Currency - interface data.Currency.
A special Catalog that represents a currency.
CurrencyFilter - class data.filters.CurrencyFilter.
A CatalogFilter that filters Currencies.
CurrencyFilter(Currency) - Constructor for class data.filters.CurrencyFilter
Create a new CurrencyFilter.
CurrencyImpl - class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the Currency interface.
CurrencyImpl(String, Locale) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Create a new, initially empty CurrencyImpl for the given locale.
CurrencyImpl(String) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Create a new CurrencyImpl with a default locale of Locale.GERMANY and fill it.
CurrencyItem - interface data.CurrencyItem.
An item in a Currency.
CurrencyItemImpl - class data.ooimpl.CurrencyItemImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the CurrencyItem interface.
CurrencyItemImpl(String, int) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.CurrencyItemImpl
Create a new CurrencyItemImpl.
CurrencyRenderer - class data.swing.CurrencyRenderer.
A cell renderer that takes a NumberValue and renders it using the formatting capabilities of a Currency.
CurrencyRenderer(Currency) - Constructor for class data.swing.CurrencyRenderer
Create a new CurrencyRenderer.
canEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called to ask whether a CatalogItem may be edited.
canEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called to ask whether a CatalogItem may be edited.
canEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
canEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be edited.
canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be edited.
canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canGroup(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockDBEGrouper
Return true if dbe1 and dbe2 have the same main and secondary key as well as the same source and destination and both values contain an Integer object.
canGroup(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.swing.DataBasketEntryGrouper
Return true to indicate that the two entries are conceptually part of one more general entry and that they must be grouped together.
canGroup(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.swing.NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper
Returns false.
canMoveToDest() - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.MoveStrategy
If true, a button for moving items from source to destination will be included.
canMoveToSource() - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.MoveStrategy
If true, a button for moving items from destination to source will be included.
canQuit(boolean) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return true if this Process can be stopped with a subsequent quit() command.
canQuit(boolean) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Check whether this SalesPoint can be closed.
canRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called to ask whether a CatalogItem may be removed.
canRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called to ask whether a CatalogItem may be removed.
canRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
canRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be removed.
canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called to ask whether certain StockItems may be removed.
canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
canShutdown(boolean) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Check whether the process that is handled by this ProcessHandle can be quitted.
canShutdown(boolean) - Method in class sale.Shop
Check whether shutdown can be permitted in the current state of the system.
canSortByColumn(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Returns false because AbstractTableEntryDescriptor does not allow sorting by column by default.
canSortByColumn(int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return true if the records can be sorted by the specified column.
cancel() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Hook method called whenever the standard "Cancel" button was clicked.
capabilitiesAdded(CapabilityDataEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever capabilities where added to the source.
capabilitiesAdded(CapabilityDataEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever capabilities where added to the source.
capabilitiesReplaced(CapabilityDataEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever capabilities where replaced in the source.
capabilitiesReplaced(CapabilityDataEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever capabilities where replaced in the source.
cause() - Method in class data.NotEnoughMoneyException
Returns the cause for this exception.
changeOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class log.Log
Change this log's outputstream.
checkAdd(CatalogItem) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkAdd(String) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkAdd(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkMove(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMove(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMove(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, DataBasketEntry, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkMoveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Check whether the indicated move is allowable.
checkNameChange(DataBasket, String, String) - Method in interface data.NameContext
Check a name change for compliance with the rules of this NameContext.
checkNameChange(DataBasket, String, String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Check a name change of a CatalogItem in this Catalog.
checkNameChange(DataBasket, String, String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Check a name change of a StockItem that is contained in this Stock.
checkRemove(CatalogItem) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkRemove(String) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkRemove(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkUpdate(CatalogItem) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkUpdate(String) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Internal helper method.
checkUpdate(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Internal helper method.
clean() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Remove any items that have already been handled, but so far have not been removed from the DataBasket.
clearInternalStructures() - Method in class sale.Shop
Clear the internal structures maintained by the Shop, thus finishing off shutdown.
clone() - Method in class data.DoubleValue
clone() - Method in class data.IntegerValue
clone() - Method in class data.NumberValue
clone() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Create and return a deep clone of the QuoteValue.
clone() - Method in interface data.StockItem
Clone the StockItem.
clone() - Method in interface data.Value
Clone this value.
clone() - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
clone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Create and return a deep clone of the Stock.
clone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Clone this StockItem.
close() - Method in class log.LogInputStream
Close the stream and all streams that it relies on.
close() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Close the FormSheet.
closeFormSheet() - Method in interface sale.Display
Closes the current FormSheet.
closeFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in interface sale.FormSheetContainer
Close a FormSheet.
closeFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Close a FormSheet.
closeFormSheet() - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Close the current FormSheet.
closeFormSheet() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Close the current FormSheet.
closeFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Closes a FormSheet.
closeFormSheet() - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
closeFormSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Closes the current FormSheet.
closeFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Closes a FormSheet.
closeFormSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Closes the current FormSheet.
closeFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Closes a FormSheet.
closeGlobalLog() - Static method in class log.Log
Closes the global log file if any log file was open.
closeLog() - Method in class log.Log
Closes this Log file.
closeSalesPointDisplay(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Closes a SalesPoint's display as #removeSalesPointDisplay(SalesPoint) does.
commit() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Commit the entire contents of the DataBasket.
commit(DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Commit all items that match the given condition.
commit() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Commit the operation described by the DataBasketEntry.
commit() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Commit the operation.
commit(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Commit all items in this subbasket that match the condition.
commit() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Commit the contents of all subbaskets of this DataBasket.
commit(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Commit all items in all subbaskets that do match the given condition.
commitAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Commit the adding of a CatalogItem.
commitAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Commit the adding of StockItems.
commitAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBEDestination
Called when an add must be commited.
commitAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Commit the adding of a StockItem.
commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the adding of StockItems was commited.
commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the adding of StockItems was commited.
commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitCurrentSubBasket() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Commit the contents of the current subbasket.
commitCurrentSubBasket() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Commit the current subbasket's contents.
commitEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was commited.
commitEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was commited.
commitEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
commitEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the editing of StockItems was commited.
commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the editing of StockItems was commited.
commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Commit the removal of a CatalogItem.
commitRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Commit the removal of StockItems.
commitRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBESource
Called when a remove must be rolled back.
commitRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Commit the removal of a StockItem.
commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the removal of StockItems was commited.
commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the removal of StockItems was commited.
commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitSource() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockItemDBEntry
Commit the source part of the operation described by this DataBasketEntry.
commitSubBasket(String) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Commit the contents of the named subbasket.
commitSubBasket(String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Commit all entries in a given subbasket.
commitedAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the adding of a CatalogItem was commited.
commitedAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the adding of a CatalogItem was commited.
commitedAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
commitedAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitedAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitedRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the removal of a CatalogItem was commited.
commitedRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the removal of a CatalogItem was commited.
commitedRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
commitedRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
commitedRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
compare(User, User) - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel.UserComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class util.NaturalComparator
Compare the two objects assuming they are both comparable.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class util.ReverseOrderComparator
compare(int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Comparison of two rows.
compareRowsByColumn(int, int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Compares columns of two specific rows.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
Compare this value to the given one.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
Compare this value to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Compare this value to the given one.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Compare the source Stock to the object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Compare the source Catalog to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Compare this CatalogItem to an object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Compare this StockItem to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Compare this StockItem to the given object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel.Record
Compare by descriptor.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class users.User
Compares two Users.
contains(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Check whether the Catalog contains a certain CatalogItem.
contains(DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Return true if the DataBasket contains an entry that matches the condition.
contains(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Check whether the Stock contains an item with the given key.
contains(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Check whether the Stock contains the given StockItem.
contains(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Returns (countItems (sKey, db) >= 0).
contains(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Check whether the indicated item is contained in the filtered Catalog.
contains(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Check whether the filtered Stock contains the given StockItem.
contains(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.StoringStockFilter
Filter condition: Check whether a given item is contained in the filtered Stock.
contains(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Check whether the Catalog contains a certain CatalogItem.
contains(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Check whether the Stock contains the given StockItem.
contains(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Check whether any entries matching a particular condition are contained in the DataBasket.
contains(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Check whether the Stock contains an item with the given key.
contains(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Check whether the Stock contains the given StockItem.
containsStock(Stock, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Check whether the given Stock is completely contained in this Stock.
containsStock(Stock, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Check whether the filtered Stock contains the given Stock.
containsStock(Stock, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.StoringStockFilter
Check whether the given Stock is contained in the filtered Stock.
containsStock(Stock, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Reimplemented for efficiency reasons.
containsStock(Stock, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Check whether the given Stock is completely contained in this Stock.
count() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry
Count the affected items.
count() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry
Count the items affected by this DataBasketEntry.
countAffectedItems() - Method in class
Count the items affected by this event.
countItems(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Count the StockItems with a given key that are visible using a given DataBasket.
countItems(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Count the items of the given key in the filtered Stock.
countItems(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.StoringStockFilter
Count all StockItems for a given key that are contained in the filtered Stock.
countItems(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Count the StockItems with a given key that are visible using a given DataBasket.
countItems(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Count the StockItems with a given key that are visible using a given DataBasket.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, Comparator) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, DataBasket) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, DataBasket, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a Catalog.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, boolean) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, Comparator) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, Comparator, boolean) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, boolean) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator, boolean) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, CountingStock, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a CountingStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, Comparator) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, DataBasket) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, DataBasket, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, StoringStock, UIGate, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a StoringStock.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, DataBasketEntryGrouper, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, DataBasketCondition, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, DataBasketCondition, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, DataBasketCondition, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, UIGate, DataBasketCondition, DataBasketEntryGrouper, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Static method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create and return a new SingleTableFormSheet that will display the contents of a DataBasket.
create(String, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, boolean, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CSCSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are CountingStocks.
create(String, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are CountingStocks.
create(String, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, SSSSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are StoringStocks.
create(String, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are StoringStocks.
create(String, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, DataBasketEntryGrouper, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CSDBStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CSDBStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a CountingStocks and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, CountingStock, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, DataBasketEntryGrouper, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, DBCSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
create(String, DataBasket, CountingStock, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, DBCSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
create(String, DataBasket, CountingStock, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a CountingStock.
create(String, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, SSDBStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, SSDBStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a StoringStock and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, StoringStock, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, DBSSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
create(String, DataBasket, StoringStock, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, DBSSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
create(String, DataBasket, StoringStock, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a StoringStock.
create(String, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CCStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
create(String, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where source and destination are Catalogs.
create(String, Catalog, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CDBStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, Catalog, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CDBStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, Catalog, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a DataBasket.
create(String, DataBasket, Catalog, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, DBCStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
create(String, DataBasket, Catalog, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, DBCStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
create(String, DataBasket, Catalog, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a DataBasket and the destination is a Catalog.
create(String, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CSSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
create(String, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, UIGate, CSSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a StoringStock.
create(String, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate, Comparator, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor, TableEntryDescriptor, CCSStrategy) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
create(String, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, UIGate) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create and return a new TwoTableFormSheet where the source is a Catalog and the destination is a CountingStock.
createCatalogItem(String) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Create a new CatalogItem of the given key.
createDefaultModel() - Method in class util.swing.JIntInput
Create and return the input fields document.
createDesktopPane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates and returns the JPanel which is used as content pane in DESKTOP_VIEW view mode.
createFormSheetContent(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.FormSheetContentCreator
Create the FormSheet's contents.
createFramePane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates and returns the JPanel which is used as content pane in WINDOW_VIEW view mode.
createHeader() - Method in class util.swing.JAbstractTable
Creates the TableHeader and enables it to display sorting icons (arrows up and down)
createLog(OutputStream) - Static method in class log.Log
Create a new Log file using the current Log creator.
createLog(OutputStream) - Method in interface log.LogCreator
Create a new log file using the given OutputStream.
createNewID(Collection) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Computes a new ID for this SalesPoint.
createPeer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Create and return an empty CatalogImpl of the same name and class.
createPeer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
createPeer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Create an empty Stock with the same name, associated Catalog and class.
createPeer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
createShopFrame() - Method in class sale.Shop
Creates and returns a new MultiWindow with window view mode set.
createShopMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.Shop
Create and return the Shop's main MenuSheet.
createStockItem(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Create a fresh StockItem following the specifications given.
createTabbedPane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates and returns the IconTabbedPane which is used as content pane in TABBED_VIEW view mode.
createUser(String) - Method in class users.UserCreator
Create and return a new User object for the given name.
createUser(String) - Method in class users.UserManager
Create a new user to be managed by this UserManager.


DATABASKET_CONFLICT_ERROR - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: A DataBasketConflictException occurred while trying to add/remove items to/from a container.
DATE - Static variable in class sale.CalendarTime
Field number for CalendarTime.setTimeToCount(int) indicates that the days will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object)
DATE_TIME_CELL_RENDERER - Static variable in class log.swing.JLogTable
A TableCellRenderer that takes a Date and prints it with the standard date and time format for the default locale.
DBCSStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a DataBasket source and a CountingStock destination.
DBCSStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
DBCStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a DataBasket source and a Catalog destination.
DBCStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
DBSSStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a DataBasket source and a StoringStock destination.
DBSSStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
DEAD - Static variable in class sale.Shop
Constant marking the Shop's state.
DEFAULTSUBBASKET_NAME - Static variable in interface data.DataBasket
The name of the default subbasket.
DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER - Static variable in class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy
The default error handler.
DEFAULT_PASSWORD_GARBLER - Static variable in class users.User
The default password garbler.
DESKTOP_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the "Desktop" menu option.
DESKTOP_VIEW - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant for the desktop view mode.
DM_SCHEIN_10 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_100 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_1000 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_20 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_200 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_5 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_50 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_SCHEIN_500 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_STCK_1 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_STCK_10 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_STCK_2 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DM_STCK_5 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
DUPLICATE_KEY_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: When adding an item to a container, there was a key duplication.
DataBasket - interface data.DataBasket.
An object collecting information about a activities on data objects in a shop.
DataBasketAdapter - class
An abstract adapter class for receiving data basket change events.
DataBasketAdapter() - Constructor for class
DataBasketCondition - interface data.DataBasketCondition.
Condition used for filtering DataBaskets.
DataBasketConditionImpl - class data.DataBasketConditionImpl.
Basic implementation of the DataBasketCondition interface.
DataBasketConditionImpl(String, String, DataBasketEntrySource, DataBasketEntryDestination, Object) - Constructor for class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
Create a new DataBasketConditionImpl.
DataBasketConflictException - exception data.DataBasketConflictException.
Exception thrown to indicate some operation cannot be performed succesfully because of the isolation rules associated with DataBaskets and the container.
DataBasketConflictException() - Constructor for class data.DataBasketConflictException
Create a new DataBasketConflictException.
DataBasketConflictException(String) - Constructor for class data.DataBasketConflictException
Create a new DataBasketConflictException with a detail message.
DataBasketEntry - interface data.DataBasketEntry.
An entry in a DataBasket.
DataBasketEntryDestination - interface data.DataBasketEntryDestination.
Tag interface to be implemented by destinations for DataBasketEntries.
DataBasketEntryGrouper - interface data.swing.DataBasketEntryGrouper.
Strategy grouping DataBasketEntries together for display.
DataBasketEntryImpl - class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl.
Basic simple implementation of the DataBasketEntry interface.
DataBasketEntryImpl(String, String, DataBasketEntrySource, DataBasketEntryDestination, Object) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Create a new DataBasketEntryImpl.
DataBasketEntrySource - interface data.DataBasketEntrySource.
Tag interface to be implemented by sources for DataBasketEntries.
DataBasketEvent - class
An event that indicates a change in a DataBasket's contents.
DataBasketEvent(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Constructor for class
Create a new DataBasketEvent.
DataBasketImpl - class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket interface.
DataBasketImpl() - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Create a new DataBasketImpl.
DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry - class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry.
A LogEntry that describes an action on a DataBasket.
DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry(int, LogEntry) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry
Create a new DataBasketImplLogEntry.
DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket - class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket.
Internal helper class used by DataBasketImpl, representing a subbasket of a DataBasket.
DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket(DataBasketImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Create a new subbasket.
DataBasketKeys - interface data.DataBasketKeys.
Framework defined main keys.
DataBasketListener - interface
Listener that listens for DataBasketEvents.
DataBasketTableModel - class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel.
A TableModel that models the contents of a DataBasket.
DataBasketTableModel(DataBasket, DataBasketCondition, DataBasketEntryGrouper, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Create a new DataBasketTableModel.
Date - class sale.Date.
Deprecated. As this class is not Y2K safe, it is of no use any more. Use CalendarTime instead.
Date() - Constructor for class sale.Date
Deprecated. Creates a new date with standard starting time "01.01.00".
Date(String) - Constructor for class sale.Date
Deprecated. Creates a new date with the given starting time.
Debug - class util.Debug.
Debug management class.
Debug() - Constructor for class util.Debug
DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor - class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a DataBasketTableModel modelling DataBasketEntries that describe operations on CatalogItems.
DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor() - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor
Create a new DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor.
DefaultCatalogItemTED - class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemTED.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a CatalogTableModel.
DefaultCatalogItemTED() - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemTED
Create a new DefaultCatalogItemTED.
DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor - class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a DataBasketTableModel modelling DataBasketEntries that describe operations on items in a CountingStock.
DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor() - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
Create a new DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor.
DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator - class data.DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.
A StockFromValueCreator for CountingStocks.
DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator(CatalogItemValue) - Constructor for class data.DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator
Create a new DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator.
DefaultCountingStockItemTED - class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockItemTED.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a CountingStockTableModel.
DefaultCountingStockItemTED() - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockItemTED
Create a new DefaultCountingStockItemTED.
DefaultCurrencyItemTED - class data.swing.DefaultCurrencyItemTED.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to model Currencies with a CatalogTableModel.
DefaultCurrencyItemTED(Currency) - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultCurrencyItemTED
Create a new DefaultCurrencyItemTED.
DefaultLogEntryTED - class log.swing.DefaultLogEntryTED.
TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to display LogEntries.
DefaultLogEntryTED() - Constructor for class log.swing.DefaultLogEntryTED
DefaultMoneyBagItemTED - class data.swing.DefaultMoneyBagItemTED.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used to model MoneyBags with a CountingStockTableModel.
DefaultMoneyBagItemTED(Currency) - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultMoneyBagItemTED
Create a new DefaultMoneyBagItemTED.
DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy - class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.
Strategy that can be associated to the "Remove" button of a SingleTableFormSheet that displays the contents of a Catalog.
DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy(Catalog) - Constructor for class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
Create a new DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy.
DefaultStockItemTED - class data.swing.DefaultStockItemTED.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a StoringStockTableModel.
DefaultStockItemTED() - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultStockItemTED
DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor - class data.swing.DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a DataBasketTableModel modelling DataBasketEntries that describe operations on items in a StoringStock.
DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor() - Constructor for class data.swing.DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
DefaultUserTED - class users.swing.DefaultUserTED.
A TableEntryDescriptor that can be used with a UserTableModel.
DefaultUserTED() - Constructor for class users.swing.DefaultUserTED
Creates a new DefaultUserTED.
Display - interface sale.Display.
An abstract display that can display Form- and MenuSheets.
DoubleValue - class data.DoubleValue.
A NumberValue that is based on a Double object.
DoubleValue(Number) - Constructor for class data.DoubleValue
Create a new DoubleValue.
DoubleValue(double) - Constructor for class data.DoubleValue
Create a new DoubleValue.
DuplicateButtonIDError - exception sale.DuplicateButtonIDError.
Exception thrown by a FormSheet when trying to add a button with an ID that is already being used in the FormSheet.
DuplicateButtonIDError(String) - Constructor for class sale.DuplicateButtonIDError
Create a new DuplicateButtonIDError.
DuplicateKeyException - exception data.DuplicateKeyException.
Exception thrown when an attempt was made to add an item with a key that already existed in a container.
DuplicateKeyException() - Constructor for class data.DuplicateKeyException
Create a new DuplicateKeyException.
DuplicateKeyException(String) - Constructor for class data.DuplicateKeyException
Create a new DuplicateKeyException with a detail message.
DuplicateUserException - exception users.DuplicateUserException.
An exception thrown if you try to create a user with a name that is already being used.
DuplicateUserException(String) - Constructor for class users.DuplicateUserException
Create a new DuplicateUserException with a detail message.
DuplicateUserException() - Constructor for class users.DuplicateUserException
Create a new DuplicateUserException.
data - package data
Provides interfaces for data management. - package
Provides classes and interfaces for events triggered by classes in the data package and its sub-packages.
data.filters - package data.filters
Contains catalog and stock filters.
data.ooimpl - package data.ooimpl
Pure Java implementations of the interfaces in package data.
data.stdforms - package data.stdforms
Standard FormSheets that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes.
data.stdforms.singletableformsheet - package data.stdforms.singletableformsheet
Contains the EditButtonStrategy classes for SingleTableFormSheets.
data.stdforms.twotableformsheet - package data.stdforms.twotableformsheet
Contains the MoveStrategy classes for TwoTableFormSheets.
data.swing - package data.swing
Swing components that can be used to display and edit the contents of data management classes.
dataBasketChanged(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class
Called when the DataBasket changed in a manner too complex for the two other types of events.
dataBasketChanged(DataBasketEvent) - Method in interface
Called when the DataBasket changed in a manner too complex for the two other types of events.
dataBasketChanged(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
deleteUser(String) - Method in class users.UserManager
Delete a user from this UserManager.
detachBasket() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Detach and return the current DataBasket.
detachBasket() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Detach any DataBasket currently attached to this SalesPoint.
detachContext() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Detach and return the current process context.
detachDisplay() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Detach the current FormSheetContainer from this FormSheet.
detachDisplay() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Detach the current display.
detachNC() - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Detach the current NameContext from this Nameable.
detachNC() - Method in interface data.Nameable
Detach the current NameContext from this Nameable.
detachNC() - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Detach the current NameContext from the source Stock.
detachNC() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Detach the current name context from the source Catalog.
detachProcess() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Detach the current process from this FormSheet.
detachSaleProcess() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Detach the currently attached SaleProcess.
detachSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Detach the current SalesPoint from this FormSheet.
detachSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Detach the currently attached SalesPoint.
detachStatusDisplay() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Detach the current status display.
detachUser() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Detach any user currently attached to this SalesPoint.
digestBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class users.MD5
Retrieves a byte sequence representing the MD5 digest of the specified byte sequence.
digestString(String) - Static method in class users.MD5
Retrieves a byte sequence that represents the MD5 digest string.
dispose() - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
In addition to disposing of the peer resources, remove the FormSheet and the MenuSheet.
dispose() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
In addition to disposing of the peer resources, remove the FormSheet and the MenuSheet.
dispose() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
In addition to disposing of the peer resources, removes the FormSheet and the MenuSheet.
dispose() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
In addition to disposing of the peer resources, remove the FormSheet and the MenuSheet.
divide(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
divide(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
divide(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
divide(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Divide this value by the given one, and return the result.
divideAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
divideAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
divideAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
If the given value is a QuoteValue, this value's bid and offer get divided by its bid and offer, resp.
divideAccumulating(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Divide this value by the given one, changing this value.
doAction(SaleProcess, SalesPoint) - Method in interface sale.Action
Perform the actual action.
doAction(SaleProcess, SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.ActionActionListener
Action interface method.
doAction(SaleProcess, SalesPoint) - Method in class users.ActionCapability
If the capability is granting rights, perform the guarded action; otherwise, print a message to the user that he/she is not granted the right to perform this action.
doFill(int, Value, Stock, DataBasket) - Method in class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT
Backtracking step method.
doRemove(SaleProcess, CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
Perform the actual removal.


ERR_INTERNAL - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: Unspecific internal error, that should not normally occur.
ERR_LOWERBOUND - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Any user defined error code must be outside [ERR_LOWERBOUND, ProcessErrorCodes.ERR_UPPERBOUND].
ERR_NOERROR - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: No error.
ERR_UPPERBOUND - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Any user defined error code must be outside [ProcessErrorCodes.ERR_LOWERBOUND, ERR_UPPERBOUND].
EUROCurrencyImpl - class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl.
EURO-Implementation of AbstractCurrency
EUROCurrencyImpl(String) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Creates a new instance of EUROCurrencyImpl
EUROCurrencyImpl(String, Locale) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Creates a new instance of EUROCurrencyImpl
EURO_SCHEIN_10 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_SCHEIN_100 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_SCHEIN_20 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_SCHEIN_200 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_SCHEIN_5 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_SCHEIN_50 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_SCHEIN_500 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_STCK_1 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EURO_STCK_2 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
EVALUATE_BID - Static variable in class data.CatalogItemValue
A CatalogItemValue that will return the bid if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
EVALUATE_MID - Static variable in class data.CatalogItemValue
A CatalogItemValue that will return the mid if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
EVALUATE_OFFER - Static variable in class data.CatalogItemValue
A CatalogItemValue that will return the offer if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
EVALUATE_SPREAD - Static variable in class data.CatalogItemValue
A CatalogItemValue that will return the spread if the standard value of a CatalogItem is a QuoteValue.
EXCHANGE_REMOVE_ACTION - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Action constant for DataBasketImpl.log(int, log.Loggable).
EditButtonStrategy - class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.EditButtonStrategy.
Abstract super class for strategies that can be associated with the "Add" and the "Remove" button of a SingleTableFormSheet.
EditButtonStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.EditButtonStrategy
editingCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was started.
editingCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was started.
editingCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
editingCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
editingCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the Stock began editing StockItems.
editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the Stock began editing StockItems.
editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
editingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
encodeString(String) - Static method in class users.MD5
Retrieves a hexadecimal character sequence representing the MD5 digest of the specified character sequence by using ISO-8859-1 encoding
equals(Object) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Check whether two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Check whether the given Object is equal to this subbasket.
equals(Object) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Check whether this StockItem equals the given object.
equals(Object) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Compare this MenuSheetObject to the given object and return true if they are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class users.User
Check whether the given object equals this user.
equals(Object) - Method in class util.ReverseOrderComparator
error(int) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Raise an error in this process.
error(int, Object) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Raise an error in this process.
error(int, Throwable) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Raise an error in this process.
error(SaleProcess, int) - Method in interface sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy.ErrorHandler
Handle an error.
error(SaleProcess, int) - Method in class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy
Handle an error.
exchange(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Exchange a DataBasketEntry existing in the DataBasket with a new one.
exchange(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Exchange a DataBasketEntry with another.
exitForm() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Hook method called when the frame is about to be closed.
exitForm() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Hook method called when the display is about to be closed.
exitForm() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Hook method called when the frame is about to be closed.
exitForm() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame
The actions to be executed when closing the SalesPoint.
exitForm() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
The actions to be executed when closing the SalesPoint.
exitForm() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
The actions to be executed when closing the SalesPoint.


FORMSHEET_PRIO - Static variable in class sale.OIV
FormSheet priority: 300.
FormSheet - class sale.FormSheet.
A FormSheet to be displayed in a FormSheetContainer.
FormSheet(String, JComponent) - Constructor for class sale.FormSheet
Create a new FormSheet.
FormSheet(String, JComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class sale.FormSheet
Create a new FormSheet.
FormSheet(String, FormSheetContentCreator, boolean) - Constructor for class sale.FormSheet
Create a new FormSheet, using a content creator.
FormSheet.FormButton - class sale.FormSheet.FormButton.
A button in the FormSheet's button bar.
FormSheet.FormButton(String, int, Action) - Constructor for class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Create a new, initially enabled FormButton.
FormSheetAdapter - class
Convenience adapter for the FormSheetListener interface.
FormSheetAdapter() - Constructor for class
FormSheetContainer - interface sale.FormSheetContainer.
An object that can contain and display FormSheets.
FormSheetContentCreator - class sale.FormSheetContentCreator.
Helper class that creates the contents of a FormSheet.
FormSheetContentCreator() - Constructor for class sale.FormSheetContentCreator
FormSheetEvent - class
An EventObject describing a FormSheet that was set or closed at a Display.
FormSheetEvent(Display, FormSheet, boolean) - Constructor for class
Create a new FormSheetEvent.
FormSheetListener - interface
Listener listening for FormSheetEvents from a Display.
FormSheetStrategy - class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy.
Abstract super class of all strategies that are used with FormSheets.
FormSheetStrategy() - Constructor for class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy
FormSheetStrategy.ErrorHandler - interface sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy.ErrorHandler.
Interface that defines a error handling strategy for a FormSheetStrategy.
fillBtnPanel(JPanel) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Called by the Framework to generate the button bar's representation.
fillShallowClone(StockImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Hook method called to fill the given shallow clone of this Stock.
fillShallowClone(StockImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Overridden to accomodate for specific usage of memory.
fillStock(Stock, Value, DataBasket) - Method in class data.DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator
This StockFromValueCreator assumes a potentially infinite source of available items and adds exactly as many items of each type (i.e.
fillStock(Stock, Value, DataBasket) - Method in class data.StockFromStockCreator
Try to fill the given Stock using only items from the source Stock.
fillStock(Stock, Value, DataBasket) - Method in class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT
Fill the destination Stock using the same algorithm as in StockFromStockCreator.fillStock(data.Stock, data.Value, data.DataBasket), but with backtracking.
fillStock(Stock, Value, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.StockFromValueCreator
The actual algorithm.
fillStockWithValue(DataBasket, Value, StockFromValueCreator) - Method in interface data.Stock
Increase the Stock's value by a given value.
fillStockWithValue(DataBasket, Value, StockFromValueCreator) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fill the source Stock.
fillStockWithValue(DataBasket, Value, StockFromValueCreator) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Increase the Stock's value by a given value.
finalize() - Method in class log.Log
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
fireCanEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCanEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCanEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireCanEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireCanRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCanRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCanRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireCanRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireCapabilitiesAdded(Set) - Method in class users.User
Fire a capabilitiesAdded event.
fireCapabilitiesReplaced(Set) - Method in class users.User
Fire a capabilitiesReplaced event.
fireCatalogItemAddCommit(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemAddCommit(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemAddRollback(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemAddRollback(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemAdded(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemAdded(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemRemoveCommit(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemRemoveCommit(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemRemoveRollback(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemRemoveRollback(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemRemoved(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCatalogItemRemoved(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireCommitEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireCommitEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireDBEAdded(DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this DataBasket.
fireDBERemoved(DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this DataBasket.
fireDataBasketChanged() - Method in interface data.ListenableDataBasket
Fire an event to inform listeners about some unspecific change to the DataBasket's contents.
fireDataBasketChanged() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this DataBasket.
fireEditingCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireEditingCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireEditingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireEditingStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireFormSheetRemoved(FormSheet, boolean) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was removed from this display.
fireFormSheetRemoved(FormSheet, boolean) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was removed from this display.
fireFormSheetRemoved(FormSheet, boolean) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Fires an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was removed from this display.
fireFormSheetRemoved(FormSheet, boolean) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Fires an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was removed from this display.
fireFormSheetSet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was set on this display.
fireFormSheetSet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Fire an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was set on this display.
fireFormSheetSet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Fires an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was set on this display.
fireFormSheetSet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Fires an event to all FormSheetListeners indicating that a FormSheet was set on this display.
fireGoneAhead() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Fire a goneAhead event.
fireIntervalSet() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Fire an intervalSet event.
fireNoEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireNoRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireRollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Fire the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
fireRollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Fire an event to all listeners listening to this Catalog.
fireStockItemsAddCommit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsAddCommit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsAddRollback(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsAddRollback(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsAdded(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsAdded(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsEditCommit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsEditCommit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsEditRollback(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsEditRollback(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsNoEdit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsNoRemove(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsRemoveCommit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsRemoveCommit(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsRemoveRollback(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsRemoveRollback(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireStockItemsRemoved(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Fire an event to any listeners.
fireStockItemsRemoved(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Fire an event to all listeners that showed an interest in this Stock.
fireTimeSet() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Fire a timeSet event.
fireUserAdded(User) - Method in class users.UserManager
Fire a userAdded event to all interested listeners.
fireUserDeleted(User) - Method in class users.UserManager
Fire a userDeleted event to all interested listeners.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Hook method called when the FormSheet was closed.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Hook method called when the FormSheet was closed.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Hook method called when the FormSheet was closed.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Hook method called when the FormSheet was closed.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame
Overrides JInternalDisplay's JInternalDisplay.formSheetClosed() method.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
Overrides JDisplayFrame's JDisplayFrame.formSheetClosed() method.
formSheetClosed() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
Overrides JTabDisplay's JTabDisplay.formSheetClosed() method.
formSheetRemoved(FormSheetEvent) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Implemented to make sure there always is a FormSheet.
formSheetRemoved(FormSheetEvent) - Method in class
Event triggered whenever a FormSheet was removed from the Display.
formSheetRemoved(FormSheetEvent) - Method in interface
Event triggered whenever a FormSheet was removed from the Display.
formSheetSet(FormSheetEvent) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Dummy interface to conform by the FormSheetListener interface.
formSheetSet(FormSheetEvent) - Method in class
Event triggered whenever a new FormSheet was set on the Display.
formSheetSet(FormSheetEvent) - Method in interface
Event triggered whenever a new FormSheet was set on the Display.


Gate - interface sale.Gate.
A node in the graph representing the deterministic finite automaton implementing a process.
GateChangeTransition - class sale.GateChangeTransition.
Convenience implementation of a Transition that simply changes to another gate.
GateChangeTransition(Gate) - Constructor for class sale.GateChangeTransition
Create a new GateChangeTransition.
garblePassWD(char[]) - Method in interface users.PassWDGarbler
Garble the given password and return the result.
garblePassWD(char[]) - Static method in class users.User
Garble a password using the global password garbler, if any.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Get a CatalogItem by its key.
get(DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Get the first entry found that matches the given condition.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in interface data.Stock
Iterate all items with a given key.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Get the indicated item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Return all items with the given key that are contained in the filtered Stock.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.filters.StoringStockFilter
Get all StockItems for a given key that are contained in the filtered Stock.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get the indicated item from the Catalog.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Iterate all items with a given key.
get(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Get the first entry in this subbasket that matches the condition, if any.
get(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Get the first entry in the DataBasket that matches the condition.
get(String, DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Iterate all items with a given key.
getAbstractTableModel() - Method in class util.swing.JAbstractTable
return the AbstractTableModel
getAccelerator() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the accelerator of this MenuSheetItem.
getAction() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry
Get the action code.
getActionLock() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Return the monitor used to synchronized access to the m_aAction.
getActionName() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry
Get the name of the action.
getAffectedEntry() - Method in class
Get the affected DataBasketEntry.
getAffectedItem() - Method in class
Get the item that is affected by the change.
getAffectedItems() - Method in class
Get the items that are affected by the event.
getAffectedKey() - Method in class
Get the name of the items that are affected by the event.
getAllowClose() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
getAssociatedItem(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.StockItem
Get the CatalogItem that is associated to this StockItem.
getAssociatedItem(DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Get the source Stock's associated item.
getAssociatedItem(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Get the CatalogItem that is associated with this StockItem.
getBasket() - Method in class
Get the DataBasket that was used to perform the operation.
getBasket() - Method in class
Get the DataBasket used for the operation.
getBasket() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Get the currently attached DataBasket.
getBasket() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the DataBasket currently attached to this SalesPoint.
getBid() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Get the current bid of this QuoteValue.
getBounds() - Method in interface sale.Display
Returns currently set size and position of the display
getBounds() - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
getBounds() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon
Returns the position of the icon on the screen.
getButton(int) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get a button from the FormSheet's button bar.
getButtonsLock() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the monitor used to synchronize access to the FormSheet's button bar.
getCIDescription() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
Get the CatalogItem's description.
getCalendar() - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Get the adapted Calendar.
getCapability(String) - Method in class users.User
Retrieve one of this user's capabilities.
getCapability(String) - Method in class
Return a capability if it is affected by this event.
getCapabilityCheckBox(String) - Method in class users.User
Return a checkbox that can be used to visualize and change the value of a certain capability of this user.
getCaption() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the caption of the button.
getCaption() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the FormSheet's caption.
getCaption() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Get the MenuSheetObject's caption.
getCatalog() - Method in interface data.CatalogItem
Get the Catalog that currently contains this CatalogItem.
getCatalog(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Get the Catalog associated to this Stock.
getCatalog(DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Get the source Stock's Catalog.
getCatalog() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Get the source Catalog's Catalog.
getCatalog() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Get the Catalog of this CatalogItem.
getCatalog(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the Catalog associated to this Stock.
getCatalog(String) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Get a Catalog by its name.
getCatalog(String) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return a Catalog for a given name.
getCatalog(String) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
getCatalog(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Get a Catalog from the global list of Catalogs.
getCellEditor(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Returns null to indicate that the default cell editor is to be used based on the cell value's class.
getCellEditor(int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return the cell editor to be used for cells in the given column.
getCellRenderer(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCurrencyItemTED
getCellRenderer(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultMoneyBagItemTED
getCellRenderer(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Returns null to indicate that the default cell renderer is to be used based on the cell value's class.
getCellRenderer(int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return the cell renderer to be used for cells in the given column.
getCharFromString(String) - Static method in class users.User
Converst a String to char[]-Array
getCharFromString(String) - Static method in class users.stdforms.LogOnForm
Converst a String to char[]-Array
getCheckGate(SingleTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
Get the Gate that checks whether the removal is allowed.
getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Catalog into another.
getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Stock into another.
getCheckMoveGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Get the first gate of a sub-process that will move items from one Stock into another.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, DataBasketEntry, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, DataBasketEntry, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToDestGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getCheckMoveToSourceGate(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Get the first gate of the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getChildrenLock() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Return the monitor used to synchronize access to the list of children.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemTED
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockItemTED
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCurrencyItemTED
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultMoneyBagItemTED
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStockItemTED
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class log.swing.DefaultLogEntryTED
The column class of the first column is Date.class, that of the second column is String.class.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class users.swing.DefaultUserTED
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Get the class of the given column in this TableModel.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return the class of objects that make up the values of cells of the given column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
getColumnCount() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnCount() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemTED
getColumnCount() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnCount() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockItemTED
getColumnCount() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStockItemTED
getColumnCount() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnCount() - Method in class log.swing.DefaultLogEntryTED
There are two columns.
getColumnCount() - Method in class users.swing.DefaultUserTED
getColumnCount() - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Get the number of columns in this TableModel.
getColumnCount() - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return the number of columns each record will consist of.
getColumnCount() - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Returns the number of columns.
getColumnModel() - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Get the TableColumnModel of the JUserTable which is displayed.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnName(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemTED
getColumnName(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnName(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockItemTED
getColumnName(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStockItemTED
getColumnName(int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getColumnName(int) - Method in class log.swing.DefaultLogEntryTED
The column name of the first column is "Date", that of the second column is "Description".
getColumnName(int) - Method in class users.swing.DefaultUserTED
getColumnName(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Get the name of the given column in this TableModel.
getColumnName(int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return the text to be printed in the header of the given column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Returns the column's names.
getColumnOrder(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Returns null because AbstractTableEntryDescriptor does not allow sorting by column by default.
getColumnOrder(int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return a comparator to be used when ordering records by the specified column.
getCommitGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the gate to jump to when performing a commit.
getComparator() - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
getComponent() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the component of this FormSheet.
getComponentLock() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the monitor to be used when accessing this FormSheet's component.
getConfirmationCaption(SingleTableFormSheet, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
Get the caption for the default confirmation MsgForm.
getConfirmationText(SingleTableFormSheet, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
Get the text for the default confirmation MsgForm.
getContentList() - Method in class log.LogFileContent
getContext() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the process context attached to this process.
getCount() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry
Get the number of affected items.
getCount() - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel.Record
Get the number of items in this record.
getCreateCIGate(SingleTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Get the first Gate in the sub-process.
getCurrencyItemData() - Method in class data.AbstractCurrency
This abstract method allows the programmer to choose the names and values of the CurrencyItems (EURO, DM, ...).
getCurrencyItemData() - Method in class data.ooimpl.EUROCurrencyImpl
This abstract method allows the programmer to choose the names and values of the CurrencyItems (EURO, DM, ...).
getCurrentGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the gate at which the process currently stands or which it just left.
getCurrentMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Gets the current global MenuSheet.
getCurrentProcess() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the process currently running on this SalesPoint, if any.
getCurrentSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.Shop
Returns the currently active SalesPoint of the Shop.
getCurrentUser(SaleProcess) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Get the user currently associated with the given process.
getCurrentUser(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the current user for the given process.
getCurrentUser(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
getCurrentUser(Object) - Method in class users.UserManager
Retrieve the user currently associated with some Object.
getDBIMonitor() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Return the monitor used to synchronize access to the internal data structures of the DataBasket.
getData() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry
Get the log entry describing the actual action.
getDataBasket() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Get the currently attached DataBasket.
getDataBasket() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the currently attached DataBasket.
getDateValue() - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Convert the date to a Date object.
getDefaultFormSheet() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the default FormSheet for this SalesPoint.
getDefaultIcon() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the default icon of this Button.
getDefaultIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get the default icon of this MenuSheet.
getDefaultIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the default icon of this MenuSheetItem.
getDefaultInterval() - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Get the default time interval.
getDefaultInterval() - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Get the default time interval.
getDefaultInterval() - Method in class sale.Step
Get the default time interval.
getDefaultInterval() - Method in interface sale.Time
Get the default interval to be used by timers.
getDefaultMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the default MenuSheet for this SalesPoint.
getDefaultStatusFormSheet() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the default status FormSheet for this SalesPoint.
getDefaultStatusMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the default status MenuSheet for this SalesPoint.
getDelay() - Method in class sale.AutoTimer
Get the current delay between timer ticks in milliseconds.
getDescriptor() - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel.Record
Get the CatalogItem describing the items represented by this record.
getDesktopPane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Returns the JDesktopPane to be added to the content pane in DESKTOP_VIEW view mode.
getDestination() - Method in interface data.DataBasketCondition
Return the destination for operations that match the condition.
getDestination() - Method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
getDestination() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Get the destination of the operation described by the DataBasketEntry.
getDestination() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
Get the destination Catalog's name.
getDestination() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Get the entry's destination.
getDestination() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry
Get the destination Stock's name.
getDisabledIcon() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the disabled item of this Button.
getDisabledIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get the disabled item of this MenuSheet.
getDisabledIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the disabled item of this MenuSheetItem.
getDisabledSelectedIcon() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the disabled selected item of this Button.
getDisabledSelectedIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get the disabled selected item of this MenuSheet.
getDisabledSelectedIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the disabled selected item of this MenuSheetItem.
getDisplay() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the currently attached FormSheetContainer.
getDisplay() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return the display of this SalesPoint.
getDisplayLock() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the monitor used to synchronize access to the display.
getDisplayName() - Method in class users.AbstractCapability
Get the display name of this capability using the default locale.
getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class users.AbstractCapability
Get the display name of this capability according to a locale.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface users.Capability
Get the display name for this capability according to the default locale.
getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in interface users.Capability
Get the display name for this capability according to a locale.
getEditCIGate(CatalogItem, SingleTableFormSheet, Transition) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Get a Gate at which a newly created CatalogItem can be edited by the user.
getEditProcess(SingleTableFormSheet, SaleProcess, SalesPoint) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
getEditProcess(SingleTableFormSheet, SaleProcess, SalesPoint) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
getEditProcess(SingleTableFormSheet, SaleProcess, SalesPoint) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.EditButtonStrategy
Get the first transition of the process that will perform the editing.
getEditableCopy(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Convenience method, which gets an editable ShallowClone of this Catalog from its parent Catalog and returns it.
getEditingItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get the map of items that are currently being edited.
getEditingItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the map of items that are currently being edited.
getElementAt(int) - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Get a user by index.
getEntryDescriptor() - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Get the TableEntryDescriptor that is used to split records into columns.
getEntryValue(DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.BasketEntryValue
Get a DataBasketEntry's value.
getErrorGate(int) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the gate to jump to when an error occurs.
getErrorMsg(int) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return a readable version of the error message.
getExtension() - Method in interface resource.util.ResourceManager.ResourceModul
Returns the file extension of the resource, e.g.
getFormSheet() - Method in interface sale.Display
Returns the FormSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getFormSheet() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the FormSheet this button is attached to.
getFormSheet() - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Return the FormSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getFormSheet() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Return the FormSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getFormSheet() - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
getFormSheet() - Method in class
Get the affected FormSheet.
getFormSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Returns the FormSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getFormSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Returns the FormSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getFramePane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Returns the JPanel to be added to the content pane in WINDOW_VIEW view mode.
getFullPath(String, String) - Method in class resource.util.ResourceManager
Returns the full path of a resource..
getGate() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Get the Gate this FormSheet is currently being displayed at.
getGate() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the gate at which the FormSheet is being displayed.
getGate() - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Get the Gate this FormSheet is currently being displayed at.
getGlobalLog() - Static method in class log.Log
Returns the current global log.
getGlobalLogFile() - Static method in class log.Log
getGlobalPassWDGarbler() - Static method in class users.User
Get the global password garbler.
getGlobalUM() - Static method in class users.UserManager
Get the global UserManager.
getID() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the unique ID of this button.
getID() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return the ID of this SalesPoint;
getIconClicked() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
getIconHeight() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon
Returns the icon's height.
getIconWidth() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon
Returns the icon's width.
getImage() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon
Returns the image of the ImageIcon.
getInitialGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the initial gate for this process.
getInstance() - Static method in class resource.util.ResourceManager
Returns the singleton instance of the ResourceManager.
getInterval() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Get the current interval.
getInterval() - Method in interface sale.Timer
Get the current interval for calls to goAhead().
getItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get the map of items that are completely contained in this Catalog.
getItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the map of items that are actually contained in the Stock.
getItemsLock() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get the monitor synchronizing access to the several items maps.
getItemsLock() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the monitor synchronizing access to the Stock's contents.
getKey() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
Get the CatalogItem's key.
getKey() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry
Get the affected item's key.
getLeftSelectedRecord() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the record currently selected in the left table.
getLeftTable() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the left table.
getLeftTableSource() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the source of the left table.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class users.swing.JUserList.UserListCellRenderer
Configure this list cell renderer to display the given user's data and return this.
getListenerCount() - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Return the total number of listeners for this listenerlist
getListenerCount(Class) - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Return the total number of listeners of the supplied type for this listenerlist.
getListenerList() - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
This passes back the event listener list as an array of ListenerType - listener pairs.
getLogData() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry
Return a LogEntry describing this DataBasketEntry.
getLogData() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry
Create and return a LogEntry describing this DataBasketEntry.
getLogData() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Return a LogEntry that describes this DataBasketEntry.
getLogData() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry
Get a LogEntry describing this DataBasketEntry.
getLogData() - Method in interface log.Loggable
Called when the object is being logged.
getLogData() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return information that describes the process for logging purposes.
getLogDate() - Method in class log.LogEntry
Returns the date this entry was logged.
getLogGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the gate that the process must jump to if it wishes to be logged before finishing.
getLogMode() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Return the current log mode of the DataBasket.
getLogMode() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Return the current log mode of the DataBasket.
getMainCatalog() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Get the source catalog.
getMainKey() - Method in interface data.DataBasketCondition
Return the main key that DataBasketEntries must have to match the condition.
getMainKey() - Method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
getMainKey() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Get the DataBasketEntry's main key.
getMainKey() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Get the entry's main key.
getMainStock() - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Get the source stock.
getMenuBar() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Return the JMenuBar peer.
getMenuPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
For MenuSheets there is no difference between JMenuItem and JMenu peer, they are both JMenus.
getMenuPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Return the JMenu peer for this MenuSheetItem.
getMenuPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Return the JMenu peer for this MenuSheetObject.
getMenuPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetSeparator
getMenuSheet() - Method in interface sale.Display
Returns the MenuSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Return the MenuSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Return the MenuSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
getMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Returns the MenuSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Returns the MenuSheet that is currently attached to the display.
getMid() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Get the mid of this value.
getMnemonic() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the Mnemonic of this Button.
getMnemonic() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get the Mnemonic of this MenuSheet.
getMnemonic() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the Mnemonic of this MenuSheetItem.
getModel() - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Returns the TableModel.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, DataBasketEntry, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, DataBasketEntry, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToDestProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the source to the destination.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, CatalogItem, int, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMoveToSourceProcess(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem, TwoTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Get the sub-process that will move items from the destination to the source.
getMultiWindowMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Returns the MultiWindow management MenuSheet for this MultiWindow.
getNCMonitor() - Method in interface data.NameContext
Return an object that can be used as a monitor to synchronize name changes.
getNCMonitor() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Return the monitor used to synchronize access to the Catalog's internal data.
getNCMonitor() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Stocks will not allow name changes of StockItem, as a principle.
getName() - Method in class data.AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData
Returns the name of a CurrencyItem in this data container.
getName() - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Get the name of the object.
getName() - Method in interface data.Nameable
Get the name of this Nameable object.
getName() - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Get the source Stock's name.
getName() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Get the source Catalog's name.
getName() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the name of this process.
getName() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return the name of this SalesPoint.
getName() - Method in class users.AbstractCapability
Get the capability's name.
getName() - Method in interface users.Capability
Get the name of this capability.
getName() - Method in class users.User
Retrieve the name of this user.
getNewInternalFrame(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates and returns a new DesktopFrame for a SalesPoint.
getNewKey(SingleTableFormSheet, SaleProcess) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Get the key of the new item.
getNewTab(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates and returns a new TabbedFame for a SalesPoint.
getNewWindow(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates and returns a new DisplayFrame for a SalesPoint.
getNextTransition(SaleProcess, User) - Method in interface sale.Gate
Determine the next Transition.
getNextTransition(SaleProcess, User) - Method in class sale.UIGate
Returns the next Transition to jump to.
getOffer() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Get the current offer of this QuoteValue.
getOwner() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Return the DataBasket containing this DataBasketEntry.
getOwner() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Return the DataBasket containing this DataBasketEntry.
getParent() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Get the parent MenuSheet of this MenuSheetObject.
getPath() - Method in interface resource.util.ResourceManager.ResourceModul
Returns the path relative to the current resource path.
getPeer() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the JButton peer of this button.
getPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
The JMenuItem peer of a MenuSheet is, of course, a JMenu.
getPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the JMenuItem peer of the MenuSheetItem.
getPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Return the JMenuItem peer for this MenuSheetObject.
getPeer() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetSeparator
getPeerLock() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Return the monitor used to synchronized access to the peers.
getPeerLock() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Return the monitor used to synchronized access to the peers.
getPeerLock() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Return the monitor used to synchronized access to the peers.
getPersistentObject(Object) - Method in class sale.Shop
Get a persistent object.
getPersistentObjects() - Method in class sale.Shop
Get an iterator of all persistent objects.
getPrimaryTitle() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
getPrimaryTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Returns the display's primary title.
getPrimaryTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
getProcess() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the currently attached process.
getProcessData(String) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Get an object from the ProcessContext.
getProcessData(String) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get an object from the ProcessContext.
getProcessData(String) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Gets the specified process context data.
getProcessData(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Get an object from the ProcessContext.
getProcessLock() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return the monitor synchronizing process access.
getProcessName() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry
Return the name of the process that this log entry describes.
getProcessesLock() - Method in class sale.Shop
Return the monitor synchronizing access to the list of processes.
getQuitGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the gate to jump to when quitting the process.
getRecord(int) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Get the record at the given index.
getRecord(int) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Get the record at the given index.
getRecord(int) - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Get the record at the given index.
getRecord(int) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Get the record at the given index.
getRecord(int) - Method in class log.swing.LogTableModel
Return the LogEntry at row nRow.
getRecord(int) - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
Get the record at the given index.
getRecord(int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Get the record associated to the given row.
getRecord(int) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Gets the record.
getRecord(int) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Gets the record.
getRefIntegrEditContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the map storing information about name changes in CatalogItems.
getRefIntegrItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the map of items that have been removed from the Stock to ensure referential integrity.
getRemoveTransition(SingleTableFormSheet) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
Get the transition that performs the actual removal.
getResource(String, String) - Method in class resource.util.ResourceManager
Returns a resource as URL.
getResourceString(String) - Method in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
Get the resource String for the specified key.
getResourceText(String) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get a String from the global TwoTableFormSheet resource bundle.
getResult() - Method in class users.stdforms.LogOnForm
Return the user that was selected if any.
getRightSelectedRecord() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the record currently selected in the right table.
getRightTable() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the right table.
getRightTableSource() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the source of the right table.
getRollbackGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the gate to jump to when performing a rollback.
getRowCount() - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Get the number of records in this model.
getRowCount() - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Get the number of records in this model.
getRowCount() - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Get the number of records in this model.
getRowCount() - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Get the number of records in this model.
getRowCount() - Method in class log.swing.LogTableModel
Return the total amount of LogEntries in the model.
getRowCount() - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
Get the number of records in this model.
getRowCount() - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Returns the number of rows.
getSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Get the currently attached SalesPoint.
getSalesPoint(int) - Method in class sale.Shop
getSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame
getSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
getSalesPoint() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
getSalesPointFrameBounds() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Returns the Framebounds of the SalesPoints assoziated Display(JDisplayFrame).
getSalesPoints() - Method in class sale.Shop
Get a list of all SalesPoints in the Shop.
getSalesPointsLock() - Method in class sale.Shop
Return the monitor synchronizing access to the list of SalesPoints.
getSaveToPersistence() - Static method in class log.Log
States if the log file should be saved to the persistence file.
getSecondaryKey() - Method in interface data.DataBasketCondition
Return the secondary key that DataBasketEntries must have to match the condition.
getSecondaryKey() - Method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
getSecondaryKey() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Get the DataBasketEntry's secondary key.
getSecondaryKey() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Get the entry's secondary key.
getSecondaryTitle() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
getSecondaryTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Returns the display's secondary title.
getSecondaryTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
getSelectedEntry() - Method in class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Get the currently selected log entry.
getSelectedIcon() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the selected icon of this Button.
getSelectedIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get the selected icon of this MenuSheet.
getSelectedIcon() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the selected icon of this MenuSheetItem.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Return the currently selected user.
getSelectedRecord() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Get the record currently selected.
getSelectedRecord() - Method in class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Same as LogTableForm.getSelectedEntry(), but return type is Object.
getSelectedRecord() - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Get the record currently selected.
getSelectedUser() - Method in class users.swing.JUserList
Convenience method returning the currently selected user.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Get the ListSelectionModel of the JUserTable which is displayed.
getShallowClone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Create a shallow clone of this Catalog.
getShallowClone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Get a shallow clone of the CatalogItem.
getShallowClone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyItemImpl
getShallowClone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Create a shallow clone of the Stock.
getShallowClone() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Get a shallow clone of this item.
getShopFrame() - Method in class sale.Shop
Gets the Shop's main frame.
getShopFrameBounds() - Method in class sale.Shop
Returns the Framebounds of the Shops assoziated JFrame.
getShopFrameTitle() - Method in class sale.Shop
getShopState() - Method in class sale.Shop
Return the Shop's state, being one of Shop.DEAD, Shop.RUNNING or Shop.SUSPENDED.
getSize() - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Return the number of users in the model.
getSource() - Method in interface data.DataBasketCondition
Return the source for operations that match the condition.
getSource() - Method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
getSource() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Get the source of the operation described by the DataBasketEntry.
getSource() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
Get the source Catalog's name.
getSource() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Get the entry's source.
getSource() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry
Get the source Stock's name.
getSpread() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Get the spread of this value.
getStock() - Method in interface data.StockItem
Get the Stock that contains this StockItem.
getStock() - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Get the source Stock's Stock.
getStock() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Get the Stock that contains this StockItem.
getStock(String) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Get a Stock by its name.
getStock(String) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return a Stock for a given name.
getStock(String) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
getStock(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Look up a Stock in the global Stock list.
getStopGate() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return the last gate that this process should be at.
getStrategy() - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Get the strategy used when moving items between source and destination.
getStringFromChar(char[]) - Static method in class users.User
Converts a char[]-Array to String
getTabbedPane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Returns the JTabbedPane on which this FormSheet is displayed.
getTabbedPane() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Returns the IconTabbedPane to be added to the content pane in TABBED_VIEW view mode.
getTable() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Get the table.
getTable() - Method in class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Gets the table.
getTable() - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Gets the table.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class data.swing.CurrencyRenderer
getTableSource() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Get the table's source.
getTableSource() - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Get the table's source.
getTag() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Get the MenuSheetObject's tag.
getTaggedItem(String, boolean) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get a MenuSheetObject by its tag.
getTaggedItem(String, boolean) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Get the first MenuSheetObject with the given tag which is managed by this one.
getTaggedItem(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Convenience method for in-depth search for a tagged item.
getTemporaryAddedItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get the map of items that have been temporaryly added to this Catalog.
getTemporaryAddedItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the map of items that have been temporaryly added to the Stock.
getTemporaryRemovedItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get the map of items that have been temporaryly removed from this Catalog.
getTemporaryRemovedItemsContainer() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the map of items that have been temporaryly removed from the Stock.
getText() - Method in class sale.stdforms.TextInputForm
Get the current contents of the input field.
getTheShop() - Static method in class sale.Shop
Get the global, singleton Shop instance.
getTime() - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Get the calendars date
getTime() - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Get the current date.
getTime() - Method in class sale.Step
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in interface sale.Time
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in interface sale.Timer
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in class
getTimeObject() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Returns the object that contains the time.
getTimeStamp(long) - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Create and return a time stamp.
getTimeStamp(long) - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Create and return a time stamp.
getTimeStamp(long) - Method in class sale.Step
Create and return a time stamp.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Create and return a fresh time stamp.
getTimeStamp(long) - Method in interface sale.Time
Create and return a time stamp.
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface sale.Timer
Create and return a fresh time stamp.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class
Return the time stamp for this event.
getTimer() - Method in class sale.Shop
Get the Shop's timer.
getTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
getToggled() - Method in class users.AbstractCapability
Get the capability that is the inverse to this one.
getToggled() - Method in class users.ActionCapability
Get the ActionCapability that is the inverse to this one.
getToggled() - Method in interface users.Capability
Return a capability that is the inverse to this one.
getToolTipText() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Get the ToolTip of this Button.
getToolTipText() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Get the ToolTip of this MenuSheet.
getToolTipText() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Get the ToolTip of this MenuSheetItem.
getTypeName() - Method in interface resource.util.ResourceManager.ResourceModul
Returns the type name of the module.
getUser() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Get the user currently attached to this SalesPoint.
getUser(String) - Method in class users.UserManager
Retrieve a user by name.
getUser() - Method in class
Get the affected user.
getUserName() - Method in class
Get the affected user's name.
getUserNames() - Method in class users.UserManager
Return all user names registered with this UserManager.
getUsers() - Method in class users.UserManager
Return all users registered with this UserManager.
getUsers() - Method in class users.UserManagerFilter
Returns all users registered with this UserManagerFilter's UserManager that match the filter.
getValue() - Method in class data.AbstractCurrency.CurrencyItemData
Returns the value of a CurrencyItem in this data container.
getValue() - Method in interface data.CatalogItem
Get the default value of this CatalogItem.
getValue(CatalogItem) - Method in class data.CatalogItemValue
Return the value of an CatalogItem.
getValue() - Method in interface data.CurrencyItem
The value of a CurrencyItem must be a NumberValue given in the smallest unit of the item's currency.
getValue() - Method in interface data.DataBasketCondition
Return the object for operations that match the condition.
getValue() - Method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
getValue() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Get the object moved by the operation described by the DataBasketEntry.
getValue() - Method in class data.NumberValue
Get the actual value of the object.
getValue() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Get the source Catalog's value.
getValue() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Get the item's value.
getValue() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Get the entry's value, i.e.
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemDBETableEntryDescriptor
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCatalogItemTED
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCountingStockItemTED
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStockItemTED
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class data.swing.DefaultStoringStockDBETableEntryDescriptor
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class log.swing.DefaultLogEntryTED
The object is assumed to be a LogEntry; the value of the first column is the log date that of the second column is the result of the object's Object.toString() method.
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class users.swing.DefaultUserTED
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Get the value of the given cell in this TableModel.
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Get the value to be printed in the given column for the given record.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Gets the value of a table cell.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Changes the value of a table cell.
getValueRenderer() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultCurrencyItemTED
Internal helper function that gets (and if necessary creates) the cell renderer for the value column.
getValueRenderer() - Method in class data.swing.DefaultMoneyBagItemTED
Internal helper function that gets (and if necessary creates) the cell renderer for the value column.
getViewMode() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Gets the current view mode.
goAhead() - Method in class sale.AutoTimer
Increase the time by the current interval.
goAhead(Object) - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Increment the time by the given time interval.
goAhead(Object) - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Increment the time by the given time interval.
goAhead(Object) - Method in class sale.Step
Increase the time by the given interval.
goAhead() - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Increase the time by the current interval.
goAhead(Object) - Method in interface sale.Time
Increases the current time by the given interval.
goAhead() - Method in interface sale.Timer
Increases the current time by an interval.
group(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockDBEGrouper
Return a new DataBasketEntry with the same main and secondary key, source and destination as dbe1 and a value of dbe1.getValue() + dbe2.getValue().
group(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.swing.DataBasketEntryGrouper
Group the two given DataBaskeEntries and return the resulting, more general entry.
group(DataBasketEntry, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.swing.NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper
Returns dbe1.


HELP_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.MenuSheet
A tag that will identify the help menu, should this MenuSheet be displayed as a JMenuBar.
HOUR - Static variable in class sale.CalendarTime
Field number for CalendarTime.setTimeToCount(int) indicates that the hours will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object)
HelpableListener - interface util.HelpableListener.
A listener that can be helped by ListenerHelper.
hasUseableDisplay(SaleProcess) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
True if the ProcessContext has a useable display for the given process.
hasUseableDisplay(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
True, if the SalesPoint currently has a display and this display is useable.
hasUseableDisplay(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
hide() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Hook method called when the FormSheet is hidden.


IconTabbedPane - class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.
A JTabbedPane which has a close ('X') icon on each tab.
IconTabbedPane(boolean) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
Creates an IconTabbedPane.
IconTabbedPane() - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
Creates an IconTabbedPane with close buttons set.
IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon - class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon.
Extends ImageIcon by method getBounds to make it possible to determine the coordinates of the icon on the screen.
IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon(ImageIcon) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon
Creates a CloseTabIcon from an ImageIcon.
IntegerValue - class data.IntegerValue.
A value that is based on an Integer object.
IntegerValue(Number) - Constructor for class data.IntegerValue
Create a new IntegerValue.
IntegerValue(int) - Constructor for class data.IntegerValue
Create a new IntegerValue.
InvalidDisplayException - exception sale.InvalidDisplayException.
Exception thrown by all methods in NullDisplay to indicate that this is not a valid display.
InvalidDisplayException() - Constructor for class sale.InvalidDisplayException
Create a new InvalidDisplayException.
initialize() - Method in class util.swing.JAbstractTable
internalSetCatalog(CatalogImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Overridden to ensure referential integrity.
internalSetCatalog(CatalogImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the Catalog that this Stock refers to.
internalSetCatalog(CatalogImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Overridden because of referential integrity.
invertedCIValueOrder(CatalogItemValue) - Static method in class data.DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator
Helper method that creates a Comparator that orders CatalogItems, highest value first.
isAddZero() - Method in class data.DoubleValue
Correctly checks getValue().doubleValue().
isAddZero() - Method in class data.NumberValue
isAddZero() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
True, iff both bid and offer are zero elements with respect to addition.
isAddZero() - Method in interface data.Value
Check whether this is the zero element with respect to addition.
isAlive() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return true if this process has been started, but has not yet died.
isCancelled() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Return whether the cancel button was used to close the FormSheet.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Check whether the given cell is editable in this TableModel.
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Returns if cell is editable or not.
isCurrentSalesPointAdjusting() - Method in class sale.Shop
Return whether or not calls to Shop.setCurrentSalesPoint(sale.SalesPoint) have any effect.
isEditable() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Return true if this CatalogItem is editable.
isElementEditable(Object, int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Returns false to indicate that no cell is editable in the entire table.
isElementEditable(Object, int) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Return whether a given column is editable for a given record.
isEnabled() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Return the enabled state of this button.
isEnabled() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Return the current enabled state of this MenuSheetItem.
isExplicit() - Method in class
Was the event caused by a direct call to the originating method or indirectly?
isGranted() - Method in class users.AbstractCapability
Return the grant state of this capability.
isGranted() - Method in class users.ActionCapability
Return true if this capability is granting rights.
isGranted() - Method in interface users.Capability
Get information whether this capability grants or denies the right for the activity it guards.
isGreaterZero() - Method in class data.NumberValue
isHandled() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Return false as long as no complete commit or rollback has been issued for this DataBasketEntry.
isHandled() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Return true, if the entry has been either completely commited or rolled back.
isLessZero() - Method in class data.NumberValue
isMulOne() - Method in class data.DoubleValue
Correctly checks getValue().doubleValue().
isMulOne() - Method in class data.NumberValue
isMulOne() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
True, iff both bid and offer are one elements with respect to multiplication.
isMulOne() - Method in interface data.Value
Check whether this is the one element with respect to multiplication.
isMulZero() - Method in class data.NumberValue
isMulZero() - Method in class data.QuoteValue
True, iff both bid and offer are zero elements with respect to multiplication.
isMulZero() - Method in interface data.Value
Check whether this is the zero element with respect to multiplication.
isPassWd(char[]) - Method in class users.User
Check whether a given string is identical to the password of this user.
isResumed() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return true if this process has been resumed from a previous suspended state.
isRunning() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return true if this process is currently running.
isSeparator() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Return true if this is a separator.
isSeparator() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetSeparator
isSuspended() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Return true if this process is currently suspended.
isUseableDisplay() - Method in interface sale.Display
Returns true to indicate that this is a display that can be used normally.
isUseableDisplay() - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Return true to indicate this is a useable display.
isUseableDisplay() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Return true to indicate this is a useable display.
isUseableDisplay() - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Returns false to indicate this display is not useable.
isUseableDisplay() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Returns true to indicate this is a useable display.
isUseableDisplay() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Returns true to indicate this is a useable display.
isVisible() - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Return the visible state of this button.
isVisible() - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Get the visibility state of this MenuSheetObject.
iterator(DataBasket, boolean) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Return an iterator of all items in the Catalog.
iterator(DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Iterate the contents of this DataBasket.
iterator(DataBasket, boolean) - Method in interface data.Stock
Iterate all items in the Stock.
iterator(DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Create an iterator that will return all items that match the condition.
iterator(DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Get an iterator of all items that are contained in the filtered Catalog.
iterator(DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Return an iterator of all items in the Catalog.
iterator(DataBasketCondition, boolean, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Iterate all entries in the subbasket that match the given condition.
iterator(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Iterate all entries in all subbaskets that match the condition.
iterator(DataBasket, boolean) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Iterate all items in the Stock.
iterator() - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Return a fail-fast, readonly iterator of the items in this MenuSheet.


JAbstractTable - class util.swing.JAbstractTable.
A JTable that prefers models that are lists of records.
JAbstractTable(AbstractTableModel) - Constructor for class util.swing.JAbstractTable
Construct a new JAbstractTable that is based on an AbstractTableModel.
JCatalogTable - class data.swing.JCatalogTable.
A JTable for displaying and editing the contents of a Catalog.
JCatalogTable(Catalog, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.JCatalogTable
Create a new JCatalogTable.
JCountingStockTable - class data.swing.JCountingStockTable.
A JTable for displaying and editing the contents of a CountingStock.
JCountingStockTable(CountingStock, DataBasket, Comparator, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.JCountingStockTable
Create a new JCountingStockTable.
JDISPLAYFRAME_PRIO - Static variable in class sale.OIV
JDisplayFrame priority: 200.
JDataBasketTable - class data.swing.JDataBasketTable.
A JTable for displaying and editing the contents of a DataBasket.
JDataBasketTable(DataBasket, DataBasketCondition, DataBasketEntryGrouper, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.JDataBasketTable
Create a new JDataBasketTable.
JDisplayDialog - class sale.JDisplayDialog.
A JDialog that can display Form- and MenuSheets.
JDisplayDialog() - Constructor for class sale.JDisplayDialog
Create a new JDisplayDialog.
JDisplayDialog(JFrame) - Constructor for class sale.JDisplayDialog
Create a new JDisplayDialog with the given owner.
JDisplayFrame - class sale.JDisplayFrame.
A JFrame that can display Form- and MenuSheets.
JDisplayFrame() - Constructor for class sale.JDisplayFrame
Create a new JDisplayFrame.
JIntInput - class util.swing.JIntInput.
A JTextField that will allow only int values within a certain range to be entered.
JIntInput(int[], int) - Constructor for class util.swing.JIntInput
Create a new JIntInput.
JIntInput(int[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class util.swing.JIntInput
Create a new JIntInput.
JInternalDisplay - class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay.
A JInternalFrame that can display Form- and MenuSheets.
JInternalDisplay() - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Creates a new JInternalDisplay.
JLogTable - class log.swing.JLogTable.
A JTable that can display log file contents.
JLogTable(LogFileContent) - Constructor for class log.swing.JLogTable
Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable(LogFileContent, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class log.swing.JLogTable
Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable(LogFileContent, Comparator) - Constructor for class log.swing.JLogTable
Create a new JLogTable.
JLogTable(LogFileContent, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class log.swing.JLogTable
Create a new JLogTable.
JStoringStockTable - class data.swing.JStoringStockTable.
A JTable for displaying and editing the contents of a Stock giving one row to each StockItem.
JStoringStockTable(Stock, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.JStoringStockTable
Create a new JStoringStockTable.
JTabDisplay - class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay.
A JPanel that can be used as tab and display Form- and MenuSheets.
JTabDisplay(JTabbedPane) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Creates a new JTabDisplay.
JTextInput - class util.swing.JTextInput.
A JTextField that writes its current content into a String referenced through an array.
JTextInput(String[], String) - Constructor for class util.swing.JTextInput
Create a new JTextInput.
JUserList - class users.swing.JUserList.
A list box that will display all users managed by a UserManager.
JUserList() - Constructor for class users.swing.JUserList
Create a new JUserList displaying the set of users managed by the global UserManager.
JUserList(UserManager) - Constructor for class users.swing.JUserList
Create a new JUserList displaying the set of users managed by a given UserManager.
JUserList(UserFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class users.swing.JUserList
Create a new JUserList modelling the global UserManager.
JUserList(UserManager, UserFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class users.swing.JUserList
Create a new JUserList modelling a given UserManager.
JUserList.UserListCellRenderer - class users.swing.JUserList.UserListCellRenderer.
The list cell renderer to render User objects in list cells.
JUserList.UserListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class users.swing.JUserList.UserListCellRenderer
Create a new UserListCellRenderer.
JUserTable - class users.swing.JUserTable.
A JTable for displaying and editing the contents of a UserManager.
JUserTable(UserManager, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class users.swing.JUserTable
Create a new JUserTable.


KEY_LABEL - Static variable in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
The resource bundle key of the label to be shown in the "Define Key" FormSheet.
keySet(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Get a set of all keys currently in the Catalog.
keySet(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Return the set of keys for which StockItems are visible using the given DataBasket.
keySet(DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Get a filtered key set.
keySet(DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Return a set that contains all keys for which a CatalogItem is contained in the filtered Catalog.
keySet(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Get a set of all keys currently in the Catalog.
keySet(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Return the set of keys for which StockItems are visible using the given DataBasket.


LOAD_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the "Load...
LOGENTRYFILTER_COMMIT_ACTIONS - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a commit action.
LOGENTRYFILTER_DATABASKETIMPLACTIONS - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl.
LOGENTRYFILTER_EXCHANGE_REMOVE_ACTIONS - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a exchange_remove action.
LOGENTRYFILTER_NO_DATABASKETIMPLACTIONS - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were not produced by a DataBasketImpl.
LOGENTRYFILTER_PROCESSES_ONLY - Static variable in class sale.SaleProcess
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only such LogEntries that stem from a process.
LOGENTRYFILTER_PUT_ACTIONS - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a put action.
LOGENTRYFILTER_ROLLBACK_ACTIONS - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
A LogEntryFilter that will accept only LogEntries that were produced by a DataBasketImpl and that describe a rollback action.
LOG_MODE_ALL - Static variable in interface data.DataBasket
Log mode constant.
LOG_MODE_COMMITS_ONLY - Static variable in interface data.DataBasket
Log mode constant.
LOG_MODE_NONE - Static variable in interface data.DataBasket
Log mode constant.
LOG_MODE_ROLLBACKS_ONLY - Static variable in interface data.DataBasket
Log mode constant.
ListenableCatalog - interface data.ListenableCatalog.
A Catalog that fires events to inform about changes to its contents.
ListenableDataBasket - interface data.ListenableDataBasket.
A DataBasket that will fire events to inform about changes to its contents.
ListenableStock - interface data.ListenableStock.
A Stock that will fire events to inform about changes to its contents.
ListenerHelper - class util.ListenerHelper.
Helper class that supports Listeners which themselves can be listened to.
ListenerHelper() - Constructor for class util.ListenerHelper
Construct a new ListenerHelper.
ListenerHelper(HelpableListener) - Constructor for class util.ListenerHelper
Create a new ListenerHelper.
Log - class log.Log.
Represents a log file.
Log(OutputStream) - Constructor for class log.Log
Construct a new log file.
LogContext - interface log.LogContext.
Any object that provides access to some log file through a LogContext.log(log.Loggable) method.
LogCreator - interface log.LogCreator.
Abstract Factory for Log creation.
LogEntry - class log.LogEntry.
An entry in the log file.
LogEntry() - Constructor for class log.LogEntry
LogEntryFilter - interface log.LogEntryFilter.
A filter that can be used to view only selected LogEntries.
LogFileContent - class log.LogFileContent.
Represents the content of a log file.
LogFileContent(File) - Constructor for class log.LogFileContent
Creates a LogFileContent.
LogFileContent(LogInputStream) - Constructor for class log.LogFileContent
Creates a LogFileContent.
LogInputStream - class log.LogInputStream.
A stream that can be used to read and process log files.
LogInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class log.LogInputStream
Create a new LogInputStream.
LogInputStream(InputStream, LogEntryFilter) - Constructor for class log.LogInputStream
Create a new LogInputStream.
LogNoOutputStreamException - exception log.LogNoOutputStreamException.
Exception thrown in Log.
LogNoOutputStreamException(String) - Constructor for class log.LogNoOutputStreamException
Construct a new LogNoOutputStreamException.
LogNoOutputStreamException() - Constructor for class log.LogNoOutputStreamException
Construct a new LogNoOutputStreamException.
LogOnForm - class users.stdforms.LogOnForm.
FormSheet that can be used for log on procedures.
LogOnForm(String, String, String, boolean, UserManager, Comparator, UserFilter) - Constructor for class users.stdforms.LogOnForm
Create a new LogOnForm.
LogTableForm - class log.stdforms.LogTableForm.
FormSheet displaying the contents of a log file.
LogTableForm(String, LogInputStream) - Constructor for class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm(String, LogInputStream, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm(String, LogInputStream, Comparator) - Constructor for class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm(String, LogInputStream, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm(String, LogInputStream, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Create a new LogTableForm.
LogTableForm(String, LogFileContent, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor, boolean) - Constructor for class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
LogTableModel - class log.swing.LogTableModel.
Swing model for tables that can display log file contents.
LogTableModel(LogFileContent, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class log.swing.LogTableModel
Create a new LogTableModel.
Loggable - interface log.Loggable.
An object that can be logged.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in interface sale.Display
Restores the display from a stream.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Restore this display frame from data in the given input stream.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Restore this display frame from data in the given input stream.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Restore this display frame from data in the given input stream.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame
Adds itself to the MultiWindow's JDesktopPane after load.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
Registers itself as open window after load.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
Adds itself to the MultiWindow's JTabbedPane after load.
load(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Loads the state of the MultiWindow from a stream.
log - package log
This package contains all classes that are relevant to logging.
log(int, Loggable) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Log the given event wrapped in a LogEntry that describes the action.
log(Loggable) - Method in class log.Log
Adds one entry to the log file.
log(Loggable) - Method in interface log.LogContext
Logs the given data to a log file.
log(SaleProcess, Loggable) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Put an entry into the ProcessContext's log stream for a process.
log(Loggable) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Logs the given data to a log file.
log(SaleProcess, Loggable) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Log the given Loggable.
log(SaleProcess, Loggable) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
log(Loggable) - Method in class sale.Shop
Log a piece of information to the global log file.
log.stdforms - package log.stdforms
Standard FormSheets that can be used to display the contents of logs.
log.swing - package log.swing
Swing components for displaying log file contents.
logCloseLog() - Method in class log.Log
Add a log entry when closing the log file.
logOff(Object) - Method in class users.UserManager
Disassociate the current user from an Object.
logOn(Object, User) - Method in class users.UserManager
Associate a user with an object.
logOpenLog() - Method in class log.Log
Add a log entry when opening the log file.
logSalesPointClosed() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Hook method called when the SalesPoint is removed from a Shop.
logSalesPointOpened() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Hook method called when the SalesPoint is added to a Shop.
loggedOff(Object) - Method in class users.User
Method called by the UserManager when the user was disassociated from some object.
loggedOn(Object) - Method in class users.User
Method called by the UserManager when the user was associated with some object.


MD5 - class users.MD5.
An class for generating a securly encoded passwort string using the MD5 algorithm
MD5() - Constructor for class users.MD5
MINUTE - Static variable in class sale.CalendarTime
Field number for CalendarTime.setTimeToCount(int) indicates that the minutes will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object)
MONTH - Static variable in class sale.CalendarTime
Field number for CalendarTime.setTimeToCount(int) indicates that the month will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object)
MSG_POPUP_ERROR_HANDLER - Static variable in class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy
An alternative error handler that will pop up a modeless MsgForm in the process.
MULTIWINDOW_HANDLE_PRIO - Static variable in class sale.OIV
MultiWindow Handle priority: 200.
MULTIWINDOW_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the MultiWindowMenu.
MULTIWINDOW_PRIO - Static variable in class sale.OIV
MultiWindow priority: 100.
MenuSheet - class sale.MenuSheet.
A MenuSheet consisting of MenuSheetObjects.
MenuSheet(String, String, char) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheet
Creates a new MenuSheet with caption, tag and mnemonic.
MenuSheet(String, String) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheet
Creates a new MenuSheet with caption and tag.
MenuSheet(String) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheet
Creates a new MenuSheet with caption and a default tag.
MenuSheetItem - class sale.MenuSheetItem.
A MenuSheetItem that has a label and an associated action.
MenuSheetItem(String, String, Action, char) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetItem
Creates a new MenuSheetItem with caption, tag, an action and a mnemonic.
MenuSheetItem(String, String, Action) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetItem
Creates a new MenuSheetItem with caption, tag and action; initially enabled.
MenuSheetItem(String, Action) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetItem
Creates a new MenuSheetItem with caption and action.
MenuSheetObject - class sale.MenuSheetObject.
A generic menu element.
MenuSheetObject(String, String) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetObject
Create a new MenuSheetObject with a caption and a tag.
MenuSheetObject(String) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetObject
Create a new MenuSheetObject with a caption and a default tag.
MenuSheetSeparator - class sale.MenuSheetSeparator.
A separator in a MenuSheet.
MenuSheetSeparator(String) - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetSeparator
Create a new MenuSheetSeparator with a tag.
MenuSheetSeparator() - Constructor for class sale.MenuSheetSeparator
Create a new MenuSheetSeparator.
MoneyBag - interface data.MoneyBag.
Tag interface marking CountingStocks that work together with Currencies.
MoneyBagFilter - class data.filters.MoneyBagFilter.
CountingStockFilter that filters MoneyBags.
MoneyBagFilter(MoneyBag) - Constructor for class data.filters.MoneyBagFilter
Create a new MoneyBagFilter.
MoneyBagImpl - class data.ooimpl.MoneyBagImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the MoneyBag interface.
MoneyBagImpl(String, CurrencyImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.MoneyBagImpl
Deprecated. As of version 3.0, replaced by MoneyBagImpl (String sName, AbstractCurrency ac).
MoneyBagImpl(String, AbstractCurrency) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.MoneyBagImpl
Create a new MoneyBagImpl.
MoveStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.MoveStrategy.
Abstract super class for all strategies that can be used with TwoTableFormSheets.
MoveStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.MoveStrategy
MsgForm - class sale.stdforms.MsgForm.
A simple message FormSheet that will display a message in a JTextArea surrounded by a JScrollPane.
MsgForm(String, String) - Constructor for class sale.stdforms.MsgForm
Create a new MsgForm.
MsgForm(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class sale.stdforms.MsgForm
Create a new MsgForm.
MultiWindow - class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.
A MultiWindow is a JFrame capable managing all kinds of Displays.
MultiWindow(Shop, int) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Creates a new MultiWindow for the given Shop and initializes the viewmode.
MultiWindow.DesktopFrame - class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame.
This class is actually used by MultiWindow to display SalesPoints in desktop view mode.
MultiWindow.DesktopFrame(SalesPoint) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame
Creates the display and sets the title according to the SalesPoint's name.
MultiWindow.DisplayFrame - class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame.
This class is actually used by MultiWindow to display SalesPoints in window view mode.
MultiWindow.DisplayFrame(SalesPoint) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
Creates the display and sets the title according to the SalesPoint's name.
MultiWindow.MultiWindowAction - class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.MultiWindowAction.
Special Actions are necessary for MultiWindow-MenuSheets in order for the serialization to work properly.
MultiWindow.MultiWindowAction(MultiWindow) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.MultiWindowAction
Create a new MultiWindowAction referencing the given MultiWindow.
MultiWindow.TabbedFrame - class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame.
This class is actually used by MultiWindow to display SalesPoints in tabbed view mode.
MultiWindow.TabbedFrame(SalesPoint) - Constructor for class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
Creates the display and sets the title according to the SalesPoint's name.
m_aAction - Variable in class sale.ActionActionListener
The action to be performed, when the listener is triggered.
m_aAction - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The action associated with this MenuSheetItem.
m_aiImages - Variable in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
The Images associated with the icons of this Button( [0]:DefaultImage, [1]:PressedImage, [2]:DisabledImage, [3]:PressedDiabledImage ).
m_aiImages - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The Images associated with the icons of this MenuSheet( [0]:DefaultImage, [1]:PressedImage, [2]:DisabledImage, [3]:PressedDiabledImage ).
m_aiImages - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The Images associated with the icons of this MenuSheetItem( [0]:DefaultImage, [1]:PressedImage, [2]:DisabledImage, [3]:PressedDiabledImage ).
m_anValue - Variable in class util.swing.JIntInput
The current value observer.
m_asOutput - Variable in class util.swing.JTextInput
The currently referenced output observer.
m_cCatalog - Variable in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.AbstractAddCatalogItemStrategy
The Catalog to be edited.
m_cCatalog - Variable in class data.stdforms.singletableformsheet.DefaultRemoveCatalogItemStrategy
The Catalog that is being edited.
m_cCurrency - Variable in class data.swing.CurrencyRenderer
The Currency used to format the rendered values.
m_cMnemonic - Variable in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
The Mnemonic of this Button.
m_cMnemonic - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The Mnemonic of this MenuSheet.
m_cMnemonic - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The Mnemonic of this MenuSheetItem.
m_cModel - Variable in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
The Catalog that is being modelled.
m_cOrg - Variable in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
The Catalog that is being filtered.
m_cclEditListener - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Listens for editing events from the Catalog.
m_cclReferentialIntegrityListener - Variable in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Listens for the Catalog to ensure referential integrity.
m_cclReferentialIntegrityListener - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Listens to the Stock's Catalog to ensure referential integrity.
m_ciCatalog - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
The Catalog that is associated to this Stock.
m_cinlCatalogItemNameListener - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
The listener that listens to name changes in CatalogItems in the associated Catalog.
m_civEvaluator - Variable in class data.DefaultCountingStockFromValueCreator
The CatalogItemValue used to determine the CatalogItems' values.
m_civEvaluator - Variable in class data.StockFromStockCreator
The CatalogItemValue used to determine the CatalogItems' values.
m_cmpComparator - Variable in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
The Comparator that defines the sorting order of records in the model.
m_cmpComparator - Variable in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
The Comparator that defines the sorting order of records in the model.
m_cmpComparator - Variable in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
The Comparator that defines the sorting order of records in the model.
m_cmpComparator - Variable in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
The Comparator that defines the sorting order of records in the model.
m_cmpComparator - Variable in class users.swing.UserListModel
A Comparator that orders the users.
m_cmpComparator - Variable in class users.swing.UserTableModel
The Comparator that defines the sorting order of records in the model.
m_csModel - Variable in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
The CountingStock being modelled.
m_d - Variable in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
The display to be used.
m_db - Variable in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
The DataBasket to be used.
m_dbBasket - Variable in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
The DataBasket used to determine visibility.
m_dbBasket - Variable in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
The DataBasket used to determine visibility.
m_dbBasket - Variable in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
The DataBasket being modelled.
m_dbBasket - Variable in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
The DataBasket used to determine visibility.
m_dbCatalogValidator - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
The DataBasket that determines the visibility of the catalog associated with this Stock.
m_dbcCondition - Variable in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
The condition specifying the items to be displayed.
m_dbedDest - Variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
The destination condition.
m_dbedDest - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
The destination of the operation.
m_dbegGrouper - Variable in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
A strategy that will group individual DataBasketEntries together for display.
m_dbesSource - Variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
The source condition.
m_dbesSource - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
The source of the operation.
m_dbiOwner - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
The DataBasket owning this entry..
m_ehErrHandler - Variable in class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy
The current error handler.
m_ellListeners - Variable in class sale.JDisplayDialog
The list of listeners.
m_fCancelled - Variable in class sale.FormSheet
True if this FormSheet was canelled.
m_fHandled - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
true if the entry was commited or rolled back completely.
m_fShowZeros - Variable in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
If true, show lines informing about a zero amount of objects.
m_fsFormSheet - Variable in class sale.UIGate
The FormSheet to be displayed.
m_fsOwner - Variable in class sale.ActionActionListener
The FormSheet that contains this Action's button.
m_gCurGate - Variable in class sale.SaleProcess
The current gate, if any.
m_gTarget - Variable in class sale.GateChangeTransition
The target gate.
m_hlOwner - Variable in class util.ListenerHelper
The listener that owns this listener helper.
m_isSource - Variable in class log.LogInputStream
The input stream that backs this stream.
m_jbPeer - Variable in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
The button's peer used to display the button.
m_jfShopFrame - Variable in class sale.Shop
The Shop's frame.
m_jmMenuPeer - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The JMenu peer.
m_jmPeer - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The JMenu peer, if any.
m_jmbBarPeer - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The JMenuBar peer, if any.
m_jmiPeer - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The JMenuItem peer.
m_ksKeyStroke - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The KeyStroke of this MenuSheetItem.
m_lEntries - Variable in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
The internal model.
m_lEntries - Variable in class log.swing.LogTableModel
The LogEntries in the same order in which they appear in the table.
m_lItems - Variable in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
The internal model.
m_lKeys - Variable in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
The internal model.
m_lKeys - Variable in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
The internal model.
m_lKeys - Variable in class users.swing.UserTableModel
The internal model.
m_lSortedCI - Variable in class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT
A sorted list of the CatalogItems in the destination Stock's Catalog.
m_lUsers - Variable in class users.swing.UserListModel
A local copy of the list of users to provide easy and consistent access via an index.
m_lefFilter - Variable in class log.LogInputStream
The filter to be applied on the stream, if any.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
The list of listeners of this Stock.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
The listeners that listen for events from this Catalog.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
The listeners that registered to be informed of changes in this Catalog's contents.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
The listeners currently listening for events from this DataBasket.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
The listeners listening for events from this Stock.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class sale.JDisplayFrame
The list of listeners.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class sale.StepTimer
The listeners registered with this timer.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
The list of listeners.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
The list of listeners.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class users.User
The list of all listeners that showed an interest in this user.
m_lhListeners - Variable in class users.UserManager
The list of listeners registered with this UserManager.
m_lmsoItems - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The items of this MenuSheet.
m_lphProcesses - Variable in class sale.Shop
All remote or background processes currently running on this Shop, represented by their process handles.
m_lspSalesPoints - Variable in class sale.Shop
The SalesPoints that belong to the system.
m_mpToPersistify - Variable in class sale.Shop
Objects that where registered to be made persistent.
m_mplsiItemsAdded - Variable in class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT
A Map of the items that were added.
m_mpsdbChildren - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
The subbaskets of this DataBasket.
m_msMenuSheet - Variable in class sale.UIGate
The MenuSheet to be displayed.
m_msMergeParent - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The MenuSheet into which this MenuSheet was merged, if any.
m_msMerged - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The MenuSheet that has been merged into this one, if any.
m_msParent - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetObject
The MenuSheet that contains this menu element.
m_mwReference - Variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.MultiWindowAction
The MultiWindow referenced by this Action.
m_nDefault - Variable in class util.swing.JIntInput
The default value of the input field.
m_nMaximum - Variable in class util.swing.JIntInput
The maximum value.
m_nMergedAt - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The peer index at which the merged menu was inserted.
m_nMinimum - Variable in class util.swing.JIntInput
The minimum value.
m_nModCount - Variable in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Modification counter.
m_nModCount - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Modification counter.
m_ncContext - Variable in class data.AbstractNameable
The current name context.
m_oValue - Variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
The value condition.
m_oValue - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
The object moved by the operation.
m_oisSource - Variable in class log.LogInputStream
The object input stream that is build on top of the input stream.
m_p - Variable in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
The process for which this is the context.
m_pAttached - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetObject
The SaleProcess attached to this MenuSheetObject, if any.
m_pContext - Variable in class sale.Shop
ProcessContext data.
m_pCurProcess - Variable in class sale.SalesPoint
The process currently running on this SalesPoint, if any.
m_pcsPropertyListeners - Variable in class data.AbstractNameable
Used to fire PropertyChangeEvents.
m_rShopFrameBounds - Variable in class sale.Shop
The ShopFrames bounds.
m_sMainKey - Variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
The main key condition.
m_sMainKey - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
The entry's main key.
m_sMergeBefore - Variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Contains the tag of the MultiWindow's MenuSheet, in front of which the active SalesPoint's MenuSheet should be merged when in tabbed view mode.
m_sMergedBefore - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The tag before which the merged menu was inserted.
m_sProcessName - Variable in class sale.SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry
The name of the process that this log entry describes.
m_sSecondaryKey - Variable in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
The secondary key condition.
m_sSecondaryKey - Variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
The entry's secondary key.
m_sShopFrameTitle - Variable in class sale.Shop
The title of the Shop's frame.
m_sToolTip - Variable in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
The ToolTip of this Button.
m_sToolTip - Variable in class sale.MenuSheet
The ToolTip of this MenuSheet.
m_sToolTip - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetItem
The ToolTip of this MenuSheeItemt.
m_sclEditCreatorListener - Variable in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Listens to the creator, if this is a shallow copy that was created for editing purposes.
m_spAttached - Variable in class sale.MenuSheetObject
The SalesPoint attached to this MenuSheetObject, if any.
m_stModel - Variable in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
The Stock that is being modelled.
m_stSource - Variable in class data.StockFromStockCreator
The source Stock.
m_stSource - Variable in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
The Stock that gets filtered.
m_tCurTransition - Variable in class sale.SaleProcess
The current transition, if any.
m_tTime - Variable in class sale.StepTimer
The current Time.
m_trTimer - Variable in class sale.Shop
The Timer used by this Shop for managing the simulation time.
m_ufFilter - Variable in class users.swing.UserListModel
A filter that defines the subset of users that are displayed.
m_um - Variable in class users.swing.UserListModel
The UserManager that is being modelled.
m_umManager - Variable in class users.swing.UserTableModel
The UserManager that is being modelled.
m_usr - Variable in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
The user to be used as the current user for the process.
m_usrSelection - Variable in class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
The currently selected user.
m_vBid - Variable in class data.QuoteValue
The bid.
m_vOffer - Variable in class data.QuoteValue
The offer.
main(String[]) - Static method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
JDisplayDialog test suite.
makePersistent() - Method in class sale.Shop
Make the current state of the Shop persistent.
match(DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.DataBasketCondition
Return true for DataBasketEntries that match the condition.
match(DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
As a default, always returns true.
match(CatalogItem) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Filter condition.
match(User) - Method in interface users.swing.UserFilter
A Filter function that takes Users and returns a boolean value.
mergePeers(MenuSheet, String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Merges the peers of two MenuSheets.
model - Variable in class util.swing.TableMap
The original TableModel
moveImpl(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCStrategy
Move the indicated item from the source Catalog into the destination Catalog.
moveImpl(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSCSStrategy
Move the indicated number of items from the source CountingStock into the destination CountingStock.
moveImpl(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
Move the indicated item from the source StoringStock into the destination StoringStock.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination Stock.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Move the indicated item from source to destination.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination DataBasket.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Move the item as indicated into the destination Stock.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, DataBasketEntry, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Move the indicated number of items as indicated into the destination Stock.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Move the item into the destination Catalog.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Move the indicated item into the destination Stock.
moveToDest(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Move the indicated item from the source Stock.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, CountingStock, DataBasket, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CCSStrategy
Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the destination Stock.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, DataBasket, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CDBStrategy
Move the indicated item from the destination to the source.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, CountingStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSDBStrategy
Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the source into the destination.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, Catalog, StoringStock, DataBasket, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.CSSStrategy
Move the indicated item as indicated from the destination Stock.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, CountingStock, CatalogItem, int) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCSStrategy
Move the indicated number of items as indicated from the destination Stock.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, Catalog, CatalogItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBCStrategy
Move the indicated item from the destination Catalog.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, DataBasket, StoringStock, StockItem) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.DBSSStrategy
Move the indicated item from the destination Stock.
moveToSource(SaleProcess, SalesPoint, StoringStock, DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
Move the indicated item into the source Stock.
multiply(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiply(double) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiply(float) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiply(long) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiply(int) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiply(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiply(double) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiply(float) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiply(long) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiply(int) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiply(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
multiply(double) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
multiply(float) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
multiply(long) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
multiply(int) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
multiply(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given one, and return the result.
multiply(double) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
multiply(float) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
multiply(long) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
multiply(int) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', and return the result.
multiplyAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiplyAccumulating(double) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiplyAccumulating(float) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiplyAccumulating(long) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiplyAccumulating(int) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
multiplyAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiplyAccumulating(double) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiplyAccumulating(float) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiplyAccumulating(long) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiplyAccumulating(int) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
multiplyAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
If the given value is a QuoteValue, its bid and offer get multiplied by this value's bid and offer, resp.
multiplyAccumulating(double) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Both bid and offer get multiplied by the given 'scalar'.
multiplyAccumulating(float) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Both bid and offer get multiplied by the given 'scalar'.
multiplyAccumulating(long) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Both bid and offer get multiplied by the given 'scalar'.
multiplyAccumulating(int) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
Both bid and offer get multiplied by the given 'scalar'.
multiplyAccumulating(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply the given value by this one, changing this value.
multiplyAccumulating(double) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', changing this value.
multiplyAccumulating(float) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', changing this value.
multiplyAccumulating(long) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', changing this value.
multiplyAccumulating(int) - Method in interface data.Value
Multiply this value by the given 'scalar', changing this value.


NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface data.Nameable
The programmatical name of the "name" property.
NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper - class data.swing.NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper.
DataBasketEntryGrouper that can be used to indicate no grouping at all.
NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper() - Constructor for class data.swing.NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper
NORM_PRIO - Static variable in class sale.OIV
Normal priority: 0.
NOT_ENOUGH_ELEMENTS_ERROR - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: There were not enough elements in the source of a move action in a TwoTableFormSheet.
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY - Static variable in class data.NotEnoughMoneyException
Indicates that this Exception was thrown because the money in the MoneyBag is less than the money to be removed.
NO_FITTING_UNITS - Static variable in class data.NotEnoughMoneyException
Indicates that this Exception was thrown because it is not possible to sum up the available money to the amount to be removed.
NO_GROUPS - Static variable in class data.swing.NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper
Convenience variable holding an instance of NOPDataBasketEntryGrouper.
NameContext - interface data.NameContext.
A name context.
NameContextException - exception data.NameContextException.
Exception thrown by Nameable.setName(java.lang.String, data.DataBasket) if a new name does not comply with NameContext rules.
NameContextException() - Constructor for class data.NameContextException
Create a new NameContextException.
NameContextException(String) - Constructor for class data.NameContextException
Create a new NameContextException with a detail message.
Nameable - interface data.Nameable.
An object that has a name that complies with a NameContext's rules.
NaturalComparator - class util.NaturalComparator.
A comparator that compares Objects using their natural order.
NaturalComparator() - Constructor for class util.NaturalComparator
NotEditableException - exception data.NotEditableException.
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to edit an item that was not retrieved for editing.
NotEditableException() - Constructor for class data.NotEditableException
Create a new NotEditableException.
NotEditableException(String) - Constructor for class data.NotEditableException
Create a new NotEditableException with a detail message.
NotEnoughElementsException - exception data.NotEnoughElementsException.
Exception thrown by Stock if you attempt to remove more elements than there are actually available.
NotEnoughElementsException() - Constructor for class data.NotEnoughElementsException
Create a new NotEnoughElementsException.
NotEnoughElementsException(String) - Constructor for class data.NotEnoughElementsException
Create a new NotEnoughElementsException with a detail message.
NotEnoughMoneyException - exception data.NotEnoughMoneyException.
Exception thrown when an error occurs on transferring money from one MoneyBag to another.
NotEnoughMoneyException(int) - Constructor for class data.NotEnoughMoneyException
Creates a new NotEnoughMoneyException.
NotEnoughMoneyException(String, int) - Constructor for class data.NotEnoughMoneyException
Creates a new NotEnoughMoneyException with a detail message.
NullDisplay - class sale.NullDisplay.
A dummy display, that cannot display anything.
NumberValue - class data.NumberValue.
Values that operate on numbers.
NumberValue(Number) - Constructor for class data.NumberValue
Create a new NumberValue.
nameHasChanged(DataBasket, String, String) - Method in interface data.NameContext
Indicate a successful name change.
nameHasChanged(DataBasket, String, String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Synchronize the Catalog's internal data with the name change.
nameHasChanged(DataBasket, String, String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Stocks will not allow name changes of StockItem, as a principle.
needModelUpdate() - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Make sure, the owner's model is up to date.
noEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called for each listener that already agreed with an editing that was then rejected by another listener.
noEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
z Called for each listener that already agreed with an editing that was then rejected by another listener.
noEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
noEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called for each listener that already agreed with an editing that was then rejected by another listener.
noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called for each listener that already agreed with an editing that was then rejected by another listener.
noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called for each listener that already agreed with a removal that was then rejected by another listener.
noRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called for each listener that already agreed with a removal that was then rejected by another listener.
noRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
noRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called for each listener that already agreed with a removal that was then rejected by another listener.
noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called for each listener that already agreed with a removal that was then rejected by another listener.
noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
noRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.


OIV - class sale.OIV.
This class is a collection of constants that describe priorities used when registering validation processes when deserializing MultiWindows and FormSheets.
OIV() - Constructor for class sale.OIV
ONLY_CATALOG_ITEMS - Static variable in class data.BasketEntryValues
A BasketEntryValue returning the value of a DataBasketEntry under the assumption that this describes a CatalogItem movement.
ONLY_STOCK_ITEMS - Static variable in class data.BasketEntryValues
A BasketEntryValue returning the value of a DataBasketEntry under the assumption that this describes a StockItem movement.
OVERLAPPED - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant for cascaded arrangement of the frames in window or desktop view mode.
ok() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Hook method called whenever the standard "OK" button was clicked.
ok() - Method in class users.stdforms.LogOnForm
Overridden to check the password input and make sure the selected user can be returned by LogOnForm.getResult().
onCanQuit() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Hook method called to determine whether a SalesPoint with no process running on it can be closed by an explicit quit call.
onDisplayFocusGained() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
onDisplayFocusGained() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Executed when the JInternalDisplay receives the focus, i.e. is being activated.
onDisplayFocusGained() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DesktopFrame
The actions to be executed when the display is brought to front.
onDisplayFocusGained() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
The actions to be executed when the display is brought to front.
onDisplayFocusGained() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
The actions to be executed when the display is brought to front.
onFinished() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Hook method called whenever the process was finished, independently of whether the process was really finished or just suspended.
onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in interface sale.FormSheetContainer
Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonAdded(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Notification event informing that a button was added to the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in interface sale.FormSheetContainer
Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonRemoved(FormSheet, FormSheet.FormButton) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Notification event informing that a button was removed from the FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet) - Method in interface sale.FormSheetContainer
Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetButtonsCleared(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Notification event informing that all buttons were removed from a FormSheet's button bar.
onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet, String) - Method in interface sale.FormSheetContainer
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet, String) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet, String) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet, String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
onFormSheetCaptionChanged(FormSheet, String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's caption.
onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet, JComponent) - Method in interface sale.FormSheetContainer
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet, JComponent) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet, JComponent) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet, JComponent) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
onFormSheetComponentChanged(FormSheet, JComponent) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Notification event informing about a change of a FormSheet's component.
onGoneAhead(TimerEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when the time has been increased.
onGoneAhead(TimerEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when the time has been increased.
onIntervalSet(TimerEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when the interval has been set.
onIntervalSet(TimerEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when the interval has been set.
onLoadFrames(ObjectInputStream) - Method in class sale.Shop
Loads the Shop's main frame and the SalesPoints' frames' states from the given stream.
onMenuSheetSet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Actions to be taken when the MenuSheet has changed.
onMenuSheetSet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
Updates the MultiFrame's MenuSheet with a call to MultiWindow.setSecondMenuSheet(sale.MenuSheet) when the display's MenuSheet has changed.
onResumeOrStart(boolean) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Hook method called on every start or resume of the process.
onSalesPointAdded(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.Shop
Hook method performing additional work when a SalesPoint was added.
onSalesPointRemoved(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.Shop
Hook method called when a SalesPoint was removed from the Shop.
onSaveFrames(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.Shop
Save the Shop's main frame's and the status frame's state to the given stream.
onSuspended() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Hook method called whenever the process was suspended.
onTimeSet(TimerEvent) - Method in class
Invoked when the time has been set.
onTimeSet(TimerEvent) - Method in interface
Invoked when the time has been set.
ooOutput - Variable in class log.Log
The log file's output stream.
orderByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Reorders the table by the specified column if that's possible.


PFENNIG_STCK_1 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
PFENNIG_STCK_10 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
PFENNIG_STCK_2 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
PFENNIG_STCK_5 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
PFENNIG_STCK_50 - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Field string represents the mainkey for an added CurrencyItemImpl.
PUT_ACTION - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Action constant for DataBasketImpl.log(int, log.Loggable).
PassWDGarbler - interface users.PassWDGarbler.
Strategy to be used when garbling passwords.
ProcessContext - interface sale.ProcessContext.
A context that allows processes to run and access certain functionality.
ProcessErrorCodes - interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes.
A collection of predefined process error codes.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane.CloseTabIcon
Paints the Icon.
parse(String) - Method in class data.AbstractCurrency
Try to interpret the given String according to the currency format of the specific currency.
parse(String) - Method in interface data.Currency
Try to interpret the given String according to the currency format of the specific currency.
parse(String) - Method in class data.filters.CurrencyFilter
Try to parse the given String as a Currency value using the source Currency.
parse(String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Try to parse the given String as a currency value in the currency's associated format.
partialRollback(int) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry
Rollback the operation described by this DataBasketEntry for a given number of items.
perform(SaleProcess, User) - Method in class sale.GateChangeTransition
Perform the Transition.
perform(SaleProcess, User) - Method in interface sale.Transition
Actually perform the transition.
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in interface sale.Display
Shows a FormSheet, but do not close the current FormSheet.
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Open a fresh JDisplayDialog and display the FormSheet in it.
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet, FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Opens a fresh JDisplayDialog which is assigned to a FormSheet and displays another FormSheet in it.
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Open a fresh JDisplayDialog and display the FormSheet in it.
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess, FormSheet) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Pop up a FormSheet for a process.
popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess, FormSheet) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Allow a process to pop up a FormSheet on the SalesPoint's current display.
popUpFormSheet(SaleProcess, FormSheet) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Opens a fresh JDisplayDialog and displays the FormSheet in it.
popUpFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Opens a fresh JDisplayDialog and display the FormSheet in it.
prepareNewContentPane(int) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Prepares the MultiWindow's content pane for a new view mode.
prepareReferentialIntegrity(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Helper method to be called in the beginning of commitAdd and rollbackRemove.
print(String, int) - Static method in class util.Debug
Print a message to STDERR.
printErrorInfo(int, Object) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Print error information to inform the user of an error condition.
processFinished(SaleProcess) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Notification that a process was finished in this ProcessContext.
processFinished(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Notification that a process finished running on this SalesPoint.
processFinished(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
processStarted(SaleProcess) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Notification that a process was started in this ProcessContext.
processStarted(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Notification that a process started on a SalesPoint.
processStarted(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
put(DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Put an entry into the DataBasket's current subbasket.
put(DataBasketEntryImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Put a DataBasketEntry into the subbasket.
put(DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Put a DataBasketEntry into the current subbasket.


QUIT_SHOP_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the "Quit" item.
QuoteValue - class data.QuoteValue.
A QuoteValue consists of two values: A bid and an offer.
QuoteValue(Value, Value) - Constructor for class data.QuoteValue
Create a new QuoteValue.
quit(boolean) - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Quit the process at the nearest gate.
quit() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Close the SalesPoint.
quit() - Method in class sale.Shop
Close the Shop and quit the application.


REMOVE_VETO_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface sale.ProcessErrorCodes
Error code constant: A VetoException occurred while trying to remove items from a container.
RESOURCE_GIF - Static variable in class resource.util.ResourceManager
Type name for resource module: GIF
ROLLBACK_ACTION - Static variable in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Action constant for DataBasketImpl.log(int, log.Loggable).
RUNNING - Static variable in class sale.Shop
Constant marking the Shop's state.
ResourceManager - class resource.util.ResourceManager.
The global manager for all resources.
ResourceManager() - Constructor for class resource.util.ResourceManager
Creates a new instance of ResourceManager.
ResourceManager.ResourceModul - interface resource.util.ResourceManager.ResourceModul.
Interface for a resource module.
ReverseOrderComparator - class util.ReverseOrderComparator.
A comparator that reverses the order implied by another comparator.
ReverseOrderComparator(Comparator) - Constructor for class util.ReverseOrderComparator
Creates new ReverseOrderComparator.
reOrderBy(Comparator) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Reorder the records displayed according to the specified comparator.
readEntry() - Method in class log.LogInputStream
Read the next log entry that is accepted by the filter from the stream.
remove(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Remove a CatalogItem from the Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Remove a CatalogItem from the Catalog.
remove(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.CountingStock
Remove a number of items of a given key from the Stock.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Remove the given item from the source Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Remove the given item from the source Stock.
remove(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Remove the given item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Remove the given item from the source Catalog if it is contained in the filtered Catalog.
remove(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CountingStockFilter
Remove at most the specified number of items from the source Stock.
remove(CatalogItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Remove the given item from the Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Remove the indicated item from the Catalog.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
remove(String, int, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Remove a number of items of a given key from the Stock.
remove(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Remove one StockItem with the specified key from the Stock.
remove(StockItem, DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Remove the given StockItem from the Stock.
remove(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Remove a tagged top level item from the MenuSheet.
remove(MenuSheetObject) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Remove a MenuSheetObject from the MenuSheet.
remove(Class, EventListener) - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Remove the listener as a listener of the specified type.
removeAllButtons() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Remove all buttons from the FormSheet's button bar.
removeAllDisplays() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Closes the displays of all open SalesPoints.
removeButton(int) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Remove a button from the FormSheet's button bar.
removeCapabilityDataListener(CapabilityDataListener) - Method in class users.User
Remove a CapabilityDataListener.
removeCatalog(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Remove a catalog from the global table of Catalogs.
removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableCatalog
Remove a listener that was informed about changes to the Catalog's contents.
removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Remove a listener that received events when the filtered Catalog changed.
removeCatalogChangeListener(CatalogChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Remove a listener that listened for changes in this Catalog's contents.
removeDataBasketListener(DataBasketListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableDataBasket
Remove a listener that was being informed about changes to the DataBasket's contents.
removeDataBasketListener(DataBasketListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Remove a listener that received events when the DataBasket's contents changed.
removeEditButtons() - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Convenience method for removing the "Add" and the "Remove" button.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in interface sale.Display
Unregisters a FormSheetListener to be informed when a FormSheet is set or closed.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Remove a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayDialog's FormSheet.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Remove a listener to receive notification on the JDisplayFrame's FormSheet.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Removse a listener to receive notification on the JInternalDisplay's FormSheet.
removeFormSheetListener(FormSheetListener) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Removes a listener to receive notification on the JTabbedDisplay's FormSheet.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "name" property.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "name" property.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Stock.
removeNameListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Catalog.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Remove a PropertyChangeListener.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Stop a listener from receiving events whenever a property changes.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Stock.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Catalog.
removeResourceModul(ResourceManager.ResourceModul) - Method in class resource.util.ResourceManager
Removes a resource module from the ResourceManager.
removeSalesPoint(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.Shop
Remove a SalesPoint from the Shop.
removeStatusDisplay(Display) - Method in class sale.Shop
Close a status display.
removeStock(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Remove a Stock from the global list of Stocks.
removeStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in interface data.ListenableStock
Remove a listener that was being informed about changes to the Stock's contents.
removeStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Un-Register a listener that received events when the Stock's contents changed.
removeStockChangeListener(StockChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Remove a listener that received events when the Stock's contents changed.
removeTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Remove the given TimerListener.
removeTimerListener(TimerListener) - Method in interface sale.Timer
Removes a listener for TimerEvents.
removeUserDataListener(UserDataListener) - Method in class users.UserManager
Remove a UserDataListener.
removeValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface data.CatalogItem
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "value" property.
removeValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Register the listener with the source Catalog.
removeValueListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for the "value" property.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever a CatalogItem was removed from the Catalog.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever a CatalogItem was removed from the Catalog.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class
Called when a DataBasketEntry was removed from the DataBasket.
removedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in interface
Called when a DataBasketEntry was removed from the DataBasket.
removedDBE(DataBasketEvent) - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever StockItems were removed from the Stock.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever StockItems were removed from the Stock.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
removedStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
resetCurrentSalesPointIsAdjusting() - Method in class sale.Shop
Reset a flag that can be used to optimize setCurrentSalesPoint calls.
resource.util - package resource.util
resourceRootPath - Variable in class resource.util.ResourceManager
The root path of all resources.
restore() - Method in class sale.Shop
Restore the Shop's state from a Stream.
resume() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Resume a previously suspended process.
resume() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Resume the SalesPoint.
resume() - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Resume the process that is handled by this ProcessHandle.
resume() - Method in class sale.Shop
Resume a suspended Shop.
retrievePersistenceInStream() - Method in class sale.Shop
Retrieves the stream from which to read the Shop's state.
retrievePersistenceOutStream() - Method in class sale.Shop
Retrieves the stream to which the Shop's state is to be written.
rollback() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back the entire contents of the DataBasket.
rollback(DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back all items that match the given condition.
rollback() - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Roll back the operation described by the DataBasketEntry.
rollback() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Rollback the operation.
rollback(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Rollback all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
rollback() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback the contents of all subbaskets of this DataBasket.
rollback(DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback all items in all subbaskets that do match the given condition.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Roll back the adding of a CatalogItem.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Rollback the adding of StockItems.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBEDestination
Called when an add must be rolled back.
rollbackAdd(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Rollback the adding of a StockItem.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the adding of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the adding of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackAddStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackCurrentSubBasket() - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back the contents of the current subbasket.
rollbackCurrentSubBasket() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback the current subbasket's contents.
rollbackDestination() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockItemDBEntry
Rollback the destination part of the operation described by this DataBasketEntry.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever editing a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the editing of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the editing of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackEditStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Roll back the removal of a CatalogItem.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Rollback the removal of StockItems.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBESource
Called when a remove must be commited.
rollbackRemove(DataBasket, DataBasketEntry) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Rollback the removal of a StockItem.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the removal of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the removal of StockItems was rolled back.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Receive the event from the source Stock, translate and propagate it to any listeners.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackRemoveStockItems(StockChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rollbackSubBasket(String) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Roll back the contents of the named subbasket.
rollbackSubBasket(String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Rollback all entries in a given subbasket.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the adding of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the adding of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackAddCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever the removal of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever the removal of a CatalogItem was rolled back.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Translate and propagate the event to all listeners of this Catalog.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
rolledbackRemoveCatalogItem(CatalogChangeEvent) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model and inform any listeners according to the received event.
runBackgroundProcess(SaleProcess, User, DataBasket) - Method in class sale.Shop
Run a background process on the Shop.
runProcess(SaleProcess) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Starts a process on this SalesPoint.
runProcess(SaleProcess, DataBasket) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Starts a process on this SalesPoint.
runProcess(SaleProcess, Display, User, DataBasket) - Method in class sale.Shop
Run a process on the Shop.


SAVE_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the "Save...
SECOND - Static variable in class sale.CalendarTime
Field number for CalendarTime.setTimeToCount(int) indicates that the seconds will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object)
SEPARATOR_ONE_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the first separator.
SEPARATOR_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the separator in the multi window menu.
SEPARATOR_TWO_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the second separator.
SET_CURRENT_SP_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the "Set Current SalesPoint" item.
SHOP_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.Shop
MenuSheetObject tag marking the entire Shop MenuSheet.
SSDBStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a StoringStock source and a DataBasket destination.
SSDBStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSDBStrategy
SSSSStrategy - class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy.
MoveStrategy for a StoringStock source and destination.
SSSSStrategy() - Constructor for class data.stdforms.twotableformsheet.SSSSStrategy
STOCK_ITEM_MAIN_KEY - Static variable in interface data.DataBasketKeys
The main key for a DataBasketEntry that describes a StockItem movement.
SUSPENDED - Static variable in class sale.Shop
Constant marking the Shop's state.
SaleProcess - class sale.SaleProcess.
A process.
SaleProcess(String) - Constructor for class sale.SaleProcess
Create a new SaleProcess with a given name.
SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry - class sale.SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry.
A log entry describing a process that was executed.
SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry(SaleProcess) - Constructor for class sale.SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry
Create a new ProcessLogEntry.
SalesPoint - class sale.SalesPoint.
A single point of sale in a shop.
SalesPoint(String) - Constructor for class sale.SalesPoint
Create a new SalesPoint.
SelfManagingDBEDestination - interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBEDestination.
DataBasketEntryDestination that knows how to rollback or commit add operations.
SelfManagingDBESource - interface data.ooimpl.SelfManagingDBESource.
DataBasketEntrySource that knows how to rollback or commit remove operations.
SerializableComparator - interface util.SerializableComparator.
A comparator that is serializable.
SerializableListener - interface util.SerializableListener.
Tag interface that must be implemented by classes that want to be serialized when a ListenerHelper that they listen to gets serialized.
Shop - class sale.Shop.
The central class in a SalesPoint application, responsible for central management tasks and for persistence.
Shop() - Constructor for class sale.Shop
Sole constructor to enforce singleton pattern.
Shop.ProcessHandle - class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle.
A ProcessContext for one remote or background process.
Shop.ProcessHandle(SaleProcess, Display, User, DataBasket) - Constructor for class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Create a new ProcessHandle.
SingleTableFormSheet - class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet.
A FormSheet displaying the contents of a Catalog, Stock or DataBasket.
SingleTableFormSheet(String, UIGate, FormSheetContentCreator) - Constructor for class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Create a new SingleTableFormSheet.
Step - class sale.Step.
This class is an implementation of the Time interface.
Step() - Constructor for class sale.Step
Creates a new step with default starting time 0.
Step(Long) - Constructor for class sale.Step
Creates a new step with the given long value as the starting time.
StepTimer - class sale.StepTimer.
This is a rather simple implementation of the Timer interface.
StepTimer() - Constructor for class sale.StepTimer
Create a new timer wich uses an instance of Step as the time object.
StepTimer(Time) - Constructor for class sale.StepTimer
Create a new timer wich uses the given Time object.
Stock - interface data.Stock.
A Stock.
StockChangeAdapter - class
An abstract adapter class for receiving stock change events.
StockChangeAdapter() - Constructor for class
StockChangeEvent - class
Abstract super class of all events indicating changes in a Stock's contents.
StockChangeEvent(ListenableStock, DataBasket) - Constructor for class
Create a new StockChangeEvent.
StockChangeListener - interface
Listener listening for StockChangeEvents.
StockFromStockCreator - class data.StockFromStockCreator.
StockFromValueCreator that tries to fill a Stock using only items from another Stock.
StockFromStockCreator(Stock, CatalogItemValue) - Constructor for class data.StockFromStockCreator
Create a new StockFromStockCreator.
StockFromStockCreatorBT - class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT.
A StockFromStockCreator that performs backtracking.
StockFromStockCreatorBT(Stock, CatalogItemValue) - Constructor for class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT
Create a new StockFromStockCreatorBT.
StockFromValueCreator - interface data.StockFromValueCreator.
Strategy that increases a Stock's total value by adding StockItems that sum up to a given amount.
StockImpl - class data.ooimpl.StockImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the Stock interface.
StockImpl(String, CatalogImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Create a new StockImpl.
StockItem - interface data.StockItem.
An item in a Stock.
StockItemDBEntry - class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.
DataBasketEntry that represents an operation with StockItems.
StockItemDBEntry(String, StockImpl, StockImpl, Object) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry
Create a new StockItemDBEntry.
StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry - class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry.
A LogEntry that describes an operation on one or more StockItem(s).
StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry(StockItemDBEntry) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry
Create a new StockItemDBELogEntry.
StockItemImpl - class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the StockItem interface.
StockItemImpl(String) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Create a new StockItemImpl.
StoringStock - interface data.StoringStock.
Tag interface that identifies StoringStocks.
StoringStockFilter - class data.filters.StoringStockFilter.
StockFilter for StoringStocks.
StoringStockFilter(StoringStock) - Constructor for class data.filters.StoringStockFilter
Create a new StoringStockFilter.
StoringStockImpl - class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl.
Pure Java implementation of the StoringStock interface.
StoringStockImpl(String, CatalogImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Create a new, initially empty StoringStockImpl.
StoringStockItemDBEntry - class data.ooimpl.StoringStockItemDBEntry.
DataBasketEntry that describes operations with StoringStock's items.
StoringStockItemDBEntry(StoringStockImpl, StoringStockImpl, StockItemImpl) - Constructor for class data.ooimpl.StoringStockItemDBEntry
Create a new StoringStockItemDBEntry.
StoringStockTableModel - class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel.
A TableModel that models the contents of a Stock, representing each StockItem as an individual record.
StoringStockTableModel(Stock, DataBasket, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Create a new StoringStockTableModel.
StreamMarker - class util.StreamMarker.
An Object to mark positions in ObjectStreams.
StreamMarker() - Constructor for class util.StreamMarker
Create a new StreamMarker.
s_ndGlobal - Static variable in class sale.NullDisplay
The singleton NullDisplay used in the entire application.
sale - package sale
This package contains the central classes of the Framework. - package
Event classes for use with the classes in the sale package.
sale.multiwindow - package sale.multiwindow
Contains classes for the standard SalesPoint application GUI.
sale.stdforms - package sale.stdforms
This package contains basic standard FormSheets.
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in interface sale.Display
Writes the display to a stream.
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Save this display frame to the given output stream.
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Saves this display frame to the given output stream.
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Saves this display frame to the given output stream.
save(ObjectOutputStream) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Saves the current state of the MultiWindow.
saveToPersistence - Variable in class log.Log
Save log file to persistence file or not.
setAccelerator(KeyStroke) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the accelerator of this MenuSheetItem.
setAction(Action) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the action that is performed when this button is clicked.
setAction(Action) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the action to perform when this item is selected.
setAllowClose(boolean) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
Specifies if closing of tabs should be permitted or not.
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in interface sale.Display
Sets size an position of the display.
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
setCapabilities(Map) - Method in class users.User
Set a range of the user's capabilities to new values.
setCapability(Capability) - Method in class users.User
Set one capability.
setCaption(String) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the caption of the button.
setCaption(String) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Set the caption for this FormSheet.
setCaption(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the caption of this MenuSheet.
setCaption(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the caption of this MenuSheetItem.
setCaption(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Set the MenuSheetObject's caption.
setCloseIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.IconTabbedPane
Specifies a new close icon.
setComponent(JComponent) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Set the component for this FormSheet.
setCurrentSalesPoint(SalesPoint) - Method in class sale.Shop
Makes a SalesPoint the current SalesPoint.
setCurrentSalesPointIsAdjusting() - Method in class sale.Shop
Sets a flag that can be used to optimize setCurrentSalesPoint calls.
setCurrentSubBasket(String) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Set the current subbasket.
setCurrentSubBasket(String) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Set the current subbasket.
setData(Object) - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class log.swing.LogTableModel
Set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
Set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Set the table's data.
setData(Object) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Set the table's data.
setDefaultCapability(Capability) - Method in class users.UserManager
Set a capability to be used as a default capability henceforward.
setDefaultCaps(Map) - Method in class users.UserManager
Specify the set of default capabilities to be used when creating new User objects.
setDefaultIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the default icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setDefaultIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the default icon of this MenuSheet.
setDefaultIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the default icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setDefaultMenuSheet() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Sets the default MenuSheet.
setDelay(long) - Method in class sale.AutoTimer
Set the delay between timer ticks.
setDestination(CatalogImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry
Set the destination of the DataBasketEntry.
setDisabledIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the disabled icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setDisabledIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the disabled icon of this MenuSheet.
setDisabledIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the disabled icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setDisabledSelectedIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the disabled selected icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setDisabledSelectedIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the disabled selected icon of this MenuSheet.
setDisabledSelectedIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the disabled selected icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setDisplayNameResourceBundleName(String) - Static method in class users.AbstractCapability
Set the base name for the resouce bundle that contains the capabilities' display names.
setDisplayTitle() - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
setDisplayTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Sets the display's title.
setDisplayTitle() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
setEditingItemsContainer(Map) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the map of items that are currently being edited.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the enabled state of the button.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the enabled state of this MenuSheetItem.
setErrorHandler(FormSheetStrategy.ErrorHandler) - Method in class sale.stdforms.FormSheetStrategy
Set the current error handler.
setFilter(UserFilter) - Method in class users.UserManagerFilter
Sets the UserFilter.
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in interface sale.Display
Sets and displays a FormSheet.
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Set and display a FormSheet.
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Set and display a FormSheet.
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
setFormSheet(SaleProcess, FormSheet) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Set a FormSheet for a process.
setFormSheet(SaleProcess, FormSheet) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Allow a process to set a FormSheet on the SalesPoint's current display.
setFormSheet(SaleProcess, FormSheet) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.UIGate
Set the FormSheet that is being displayed at this Gate.
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Sets and displays a FormSheet.
setFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Set and display a FormSheet.
setGate(UIGate) - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Set the gate at which to display the FormSheet.
setGate(UIGate) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the gate at which to display the FormSheet.
setGate(UIGate) - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Set the gate at which to display the FormSheet.
setGlobalLogFile(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class log.Log
Sets the global log file and assigns a FileOutputStream to it.
setGlobalLogFile(String) - Static method in class log.Log
Sets the global log file and assigns a FileOutputStream to it.
setGlobalOutputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class log.Log
Changes the current OutputStream of the global log file.
setGlobalPassWDGarbler(PassWDGarbler) - Static method in class users.User
Set the global password garbler.
setGlobalUM(UserManager) - Static method in class users.UserManager
Set a new UserManager to be the global UserManager from now on.
setInterval(Object) - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Set the interval to be used by the goAhead() method.
setInterval(Object) - Method in interface sale.Timer
Set the interval to be used by goAhead().
setItemsContainer(Map) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the map of items that are actually contained in the Stock.
setLeftTable(Catalog, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the left table.
setLeftTable(CountingStock, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the left table.
setLeftTable(StoringStock, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the left table.
setLeftTable(UserManager, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the left table.
setLeftTable(DataBasket, DataBasketCondition, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the left table.
setLogContext(LogContext) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Set the log context for this DataBasket.
setLogContext(LogContext) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Set the log context for this DataBasket.
setLogCreator(LogCreator) - Static method in class log.Log
Change the Log creator.
setLogMode(int) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Set the log mode for this DataBasket.
setLogMode(int) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Set the log mode for this DataBasket.
setMaxDebugLevel(int) - Static method in class util.Debug
Set the maximum debug level.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in interface sale.Display
Sets and displays a MenuSheet.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayDialog
Remove any old MenuSheet and display the new one.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
Set and display a MenuSheet.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
setMenuSheet(SaleProcess, MenuSheet) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Set a MenuSheet for a process.
setMenuSheet(SaleProcess, MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Allow a process to set a MenuSheet on the SalesPoint's current display.
setMenuSheet(SaleProcess, MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.UIGate
Set the MenuSheet that is being displayed at this gate.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Sets and displays a MenuSheet.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Sets and displays a MenuSheet.
setMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Sets the given MenuSheet as a global MenuSheet in the MultiWindow.
setMergeBefore(String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Sets the value of MultiWindow.m_sMergeBefore.
setMnemonic(char) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the mnemonic of this Button.
setMnemonic(char) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the mnemonic of this MenuSheet.
setMnemonic(char) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the mnemonic of this MenuSheetItem.
setModel(AbstractTableModel) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Sets the TableModel.
setModel(AbstractTableModel) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Sets the TableModel.
setName(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.AbstractNameable
Set the Nameable's name, using help by the NameContext.
setName(String, DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Nameable
Set the Nameable's name.
setName(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Set the source Stock's name.
setName(String, DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Set the source Catalog's name.
setNextTransition(Transition) - Method in class sale.UIGate
Set the transition that will leave this gate.
setObjectPersistent(Object, Object) - Method in class sale.Shop
Sets an object to be persistent.
setObjectTransient(Object) - Method in class sale.Shop
Set an object to be no longer persistent.
setOwner(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.DataBasketEntry
Notification that the DataBasketEntry was put into a DataBasket.
setOwner(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketEntryImpl
Set the DataBasket owning this DataBasketEntry.
setPassWd(char[]) - Method in class users.User
Set the password of this user.
setPrimaryTitle(String) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
setPrimaryTitle(String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Sets the display's primary title.
setPrimaryTitle(String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
setProcessData(String, Object) - Method in interface sale.ProcessContext
Put an object into the ProcessContext.
setProcessData(String, Object) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Put an object into the ProcessContext.
setProcessData(String, Object) - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Sets the process context data.
setProcessData(String, Object) - Method in class sale.Shop
Put an object into the ProcessContext.
setRefIntegrEditContainer(Map) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the map storing information about name changes in CatalogItems.
setRefIntegrItemsContainer(Map) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the map of items that have been removed from the Stock to ensure referential integrity.
setRightTable(Catalog, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the right table.
setRightTable(CountingStock, boolean, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the right table.
setRightTable(StoringStock, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the right table.
setRightTable(DataBasket, DataBasketCondition, DataBasketEntryGrouper, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the right table.
setRightTable(UserManager, TableEntryDescriptor) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the source of the right table.
setSalesPointFrameBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Sets the Framebounds of the SalesPoints assoziated Display (JDisplayFrame).
setSecondMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Merges the MultiWindow's MenuSheet with a second one.
setSecondaryTitle(String) - Method in class sale.JDisplayFrame
setSecondaryTitle(String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Sets the display's secondary title.
setSecondaryTitle(String) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
setSelectedIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the selected icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setSelectedIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the selected icon of this MenuSheet.
setSelectedIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the selected icon of this MenuSheetItem.
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Set the currently selected user, making sure that it is known to the UserManager.
setSelectionObserver(int[]) - Method in class util.swing.JAbstractTable
Set a selection observer for this table.
setShopFrameBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class sale.Shop
Sets the Framebounds of the Shops assoziated JFrame.
setShopFrameTitle(String) - Method in class sale.Shop
Set the Shop frame's title.
setSource(CatalogImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry
Set the source of the DataBasketEntry.
setStatusFormSheet(FormSheet) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Set a FormSheet in the SalesPoint's status display.
setStatusMenuSheet(MenuSheet) - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Set a MenuSheet in the SalesPoint's status display.
setStock(StockImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the Stock that contains this Stock.
setStock(StockImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Set the Stock that contains this StockItem.
setStock(StockImpl) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StoringStockImpl
Set the Stock and adjust the Catalog link for all Stocks that are contained in this Stock.
setStrategy(MoveStrategy) - Method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the strategy to be used when moving items between source and destination.
setTableModel(AbstractTableModel) - Method in class data.stdforms.SingleTableFormSheet
Changes the TableModel of a table.
setTableModel(AbstractTableModel) - Method in class log.stdforms.LogTableForm
Changes the TableModel of a table.
setTableModel(AbstractTableModel) - Method in class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Changes the TableModel of a table.
setTemporaryAddedItemsContainer(Map) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the map of items that have been temporaryly added to the Stock.
setTemporaryRemovedItemsContainer(Map) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Set the map of items that have been temporaryly removed from the Stock.
setTextResource(ResourceBundle) - Static method in class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Set the resource bundle that knows the labels for the buttons.
setTheShop(Shop) - Static method in class sale.Shop
Set the global, singleton Shop instance.
setTime(Object) - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Set the given date.
setTime(Object) - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Set the given date.
setTime(Object) - Method in class sale.Step
Set the given Long as the new time value.
setTime(Object) - Method in class sale.StepTimer
Set the time and fire a timeSet event.
setTime(Object) - Method in interface sale.Time
Set the time.
setTime(Object) - Method in interface sale.Timer
Set the current time.
setTimeToCount(int) - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
Set an int that will define which time field will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object).
setTimer(Timer) - Method in class sale.Shop
Set the Shop's Timer.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the ToolTip of this Button.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Set the ToolTip of this MenuSheet.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Set the ToolTip of this MenuSheetItem.
setUserCreator(UserCreator) - Method in class users.UserManager
Set the factory to be used when creating new User objects.
setValue(Number) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
Convert the given value to a Double before setting the actual value of the object.
setValue(Number) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
Convert every Number to an Integer before setting the actual value.
setValue(Number) - Method in class data.NumberValue
Set the actual value of the object.
setValue(Value) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Set the item's value.
setValueAt(Object, int, Object) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableEntryDescriptor
Does nothing because AbstractTableEntryDescriptor does not allow editing by default.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class util.swing.AbstractTableModel
Set the value of the given cell in this TableModel.
setValueAt(Object, int, Object) - Method in interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor
Set the value of the given column for the given record.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Changes the value of a table cell.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Changes the value of a table cell.
setViewMode(int) - Method in class sale.Shop
Sets the view mode for the Shop.
setViewMode(int) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Sets a new view mode.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class sale.FormSheet.FormButton
Set the visible state of the button.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class sale.MenuSheet
Mark this MenuSheet, all its descendants and merged peer MenuSheets visible or invisible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetItem
Mark the item visible or invisible.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class sale.MenuSheetObject
Mark this MenuSheetObject visible or invisible.
setWaitResponse(boolean) - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Set the waitResponse property of this FormSheet.
shutdown(boolean) - Method in class sale.Shop
Close the Shop.
size(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Catalog
Calculate the size of the Catalog.
size(DataBasket) - Method in interface data.Stock
Get the size of this Stock.
size(DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Calculate the size of the source Stock, considering only items that match the condition.
size(DataBasket) - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Calculate the size of the filtered Catalog.
size(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Calculate the size of the Catalog.
size(DataBasket) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Get the size of this Stock.
sortByColumn(int) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Sorts the table ascending by a column.
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Sorts the table by a column.
specificCatalogItem(CatalogItem) - Static method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches exactly one given CatalogItem.
specificStockItem(StockItem) - Static method in class data.DataBasketConditionImpl
A DataBasketCondition that matches exactly one given StockItem.
start() - Method in class sale.AutoTimer
Set the timer running.
start() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Start the process.
start() - Method in class sale.Shop
Start the Shop.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Implementation of the method in ChangeListener.
stop() - Method in class sale.AutoTimer
Stop the timer.
subBasketIterator(String, DataBasketCondition) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Iterate the contents of a given SubBasket.
subBasketIterator(String, DataBasketCondition) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Iterate all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
subscribe() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Subscribe as a listener to the source Catalog if that is a ListenableCatalog.
subscribe() - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Subscribe as a listener to the model.
subscribe() - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Subscribe as a listener to the model.
subscribe() - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Subscribe as a listener to the model.
subscribe() - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Subscribe as a listener to the model.
subscribe() - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Subscribe to the UserManager to be informed of any changes in its set of users.
subscribe() - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
Subscribe as a listener to the model.
subscribe() - Method in interface util.HelpableListener
Called when the listener should subscribe to its own event source.
subtract(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
subtract(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
subtract(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
subtract(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Subtract the given value from this one, and return the result.
subtractAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.DoubleValue
subtractAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.IntegerValue
subtractAccumulating(Value) - Method in class data.QuoteValue
If the given value is a QuoteValue, its bid and offer get subtracted from this value's bid and offer, resp.
subtractAccumulating(Value) - Method in interface data.Value
Subtract the given value from this one, changing this value.
sumBasket(DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Sum up the values of all items in this DataBasket that match the condition.
sumBasket(DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Sum up all entries in the DataBasket that match the given condition.
sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Sum up the values of all items in the current subbasket that match the condition.
sumCurrentSubBasket(DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Sum up all entries in the current subbasket that match the given condition.
sumStock(DataBasket, CatalogItemValue, Value) - Method in interface data.Stock
Sum up the Stock.
sumStock(DataBasket, CatalogItemValue, Value) - Method in class data.filters.AbstractStockFilter
Calculate the total value of the Stock, evaluating only items that match the condition.
sumStock(DataBasket, CatalogItemValue, Value) - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockImpl
Sum up the Stock.
sumSubBasket(String, DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in interface data.DataBasket
Sum up the values of all items in the given subbasket that match the condition.
sumSubBasket(DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.SubDataBasket
Sum up the values of all entries in this subbasket that match the condition.
sumSubBasket(String, DataBasketCondition, BasketEntryValue, Value) - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl
Sum up all entries in a given subbasket that match the given condition.
suspend() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess
Suspend the process.
suspend() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Suspend the SalesPoint.
suspend() - Method in class sale.Shop.ProcessHandle
Suspend the process that is handled by this ProcessHandle.
suspend() - Method in class sale.Shop
Suspend a running Shop.


TABBED_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the "Tabbed" menu option.
TABBED_VIEW - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant for the tabbed view mode.
TILED_HORIZONTALLY - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant for horizontally tiled arrangement of the frames in window or desktop view mode.
TILED_VERTICALLY - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant for vertically tiled arrangement of the frames in window or desktop view mode.
TILE_HORIZ_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the "Tile horizontally" option.
TILE_VERT_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the "Tile vertically" option.
TableEntryDescriptor - interface util.swing.TableEntryDescriptor.
Strategy that describes how individual records of an AbstractTableModel are to be split up into columns of a table and how the individual cells are to be displayed and edited.
TableMap - class util.swing.TableMap.
In a chain of data manipulators some behaviour is common.
TableMap() - Constructor for class util.swing.TableMap
TableSorter - class util.swing.TableSorter.
A sorter for TableModels.
TableSorter() - Constructor for class util.swing.TableSorter
TableSorter(AbstractTableModel) - Constructor for class util.swing.TableSorter
TextInputForm - class sale.stdforms.TextInputForm.
A simple FormSheet that displays a label and an input line.
TextInputForm(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class sale.stdforms.TextInputForm
Create a new TextInputForm.
TextInputForm(String, String, String) - Constructor for class sale.stdforms.TextInputForm
Create a new TextInputForm.
Time - interface sale.Time.
Interface used by implementations of the Timer interface.
Timer - interface sale.Timer.
An object that is to be able to do the time management for your application has to implement this interface.
TimerAdapter - class
An abstract adapter class for receiving timer events.
TimerAdapter() - Constructor for class
TimerEvent - class
An event to be fired by implementations of the Timer interface.
TimerEvent(Timer) - Constructor for class
Create a new TimerEvent
TimerListener - interface
This interface has to be implemented by classes that wish to receive TimerEvents.
Transition - interface sale.Transition.
An edge in the graph representing the deterministic finite automaton implementing a process.
TwoTableFormSheet - class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet.
A FormSheet that will display the contents of two data containers, a source and a destination, and will allow the user to move items between the two.
TwoTableFormSheet(String, FormSheetContentCreator, UIGate, MoveStrategy) - Constructor for class data.stdforms.TwoTableFormSheet
Create a new TwoTableFormSheet.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class util.swing.TableMap
Reacts on TableChangeEvents.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class util.swing.TableSorter
Reacts on TableChangeEvents, either converts them as needed or passes them to the model.
theGlobalOutputStream - Static variable in class log.Log
Reference to the global output stream.
toFront() - Method in interface sale.Display
Brings the display to front, i.e. activates it.
toFront() - Method in class sale.NullDisplay
Throws an InvalidDisplayException.
toFront() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JInternalDisplay
Gives the display the focus, i.e. brings it to front and activates it.
toFront() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.JTabDisplay
Activates the tab which contains this display.
toFront() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.DisplayFrame
Sets the DisplayFrame to front.
toFront() - Method in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow.TabbedFrame
Sets the DisplayFrame to front.
toString(NumberValue) - Method in class data.AbstractCurrency
Convert the given value into a String representation according to the currency format of the specific currency.
toString(NumberValue) - Method in interface data.Currency
Convert the given value into a String representation according to the currency format of the specific currency.
toString() - Method in class data.NumberValue
Return a String representation of the object.
toString(NumberValue) - Method in class data.filters.CurrencyFilter
Convert the given value to its String representation using the source Currency.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogImpl
Return a String representation of this Catalog.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemDataBasketEntry.CIDBELogEntry
Return a String representation of this LogEntry.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CatalogItemImpl
Return a String representation of the item.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockImpl
Get a String representation of the Stock.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CountingStockItemDBEntry.CSDBELogEntry
Get a String representation of the operation.
toString(NumberValue) - Method in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyImpl
Return a String representation of the given NumberValue assuming it is a value given in the smallest unit of this currency.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.CurrencyItemImpl
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.DataBasketImpl.DataBasketImplLogEntry
A short descriptive text of the log entry.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.MoneyBagImpl
Return a String representation of the MoneyBag.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemDBEntry.StockItemDBELogEntry
Get a String representation of the LogEntry.
toString() - Method in class data.ooimpl.StockItemImpl
Return a String representation of the item.
toString() - Method in class log.LogEntry
Return a String describing the object.
toString() - Method in class sale.CalendarTime
toString() - Method in class sale.Date
Deprecated. Returns the current date.
toString() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
toString() - Method in class sale.SaleProcess.ProcessLogEntry
Return descriptive information for this LogEntry.
toString() - Method in class sale.SalesPoint
Return a String description of this SalesPoint: the name.
toString() - Method in class sale.Step
Return the current time.
toString() - Method in class users.AbstractCapability
Return a string representation of this capability.
toString() - Method in class users.User
Return a String representation.
toString() - Method in class util.ListenerHelper
Return a string representation of the SerializableListenerHelper.
toString() - Method in class util.StreamMarker
Give a string representation of this object.
traceSystemMessages() - Static method in class util.Debug
Switch on printing of framework internal debug messages.
traceSystemMessages(boolean) - Static method in class util.Debug
Switch printing of framework internal debug messages.
transferMoney(MoneyBag, DataBasket, NumberValue) - Method in interface data.MoneyBag
Tries to transfer money from this DataBasket into another one.
transferMoney(MoneyBag, DataBasket, NumberValue) - Method in class data.ooimpl.MoneyBagImpl
Tries to transfer money from this DataBasket into another one.


UIGate - class sale.UIGate.
A gate at which a FormSheet and/or a MenuSheet can be displayed.
UIGate(FormSheet, MenuSheet) - Constructor for class sale.UIGate
Create a new UIGate.
UnknownUserException - exception users.UnknownUserException.
An exception thrown if you try to log on an unknown user.
UnknownUserException(String) - Constructor for class users.UnknownUserException
Create a new UnknownUserException with a detail message.
UnknownUserException() - Constructor for class users.UnknownUserException
Create a new UnknownUserException.
User - class users.User.
A user, having a name, a password for log-in purposes, and a set of capabilities.
User(String) - Constructor for class users.User
Create a new User with a given name.
UserComboBoxModel - class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel.
A ComboBoxModel modelling a UserManager.
UserComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Create a new UserComboBoxModel modelling the global UserManager.
UserComboBoxModel(UserFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Create a new UserComboBoxModel modelling the global UserManager.
UserComboBoxModel(UserManager) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Create a new UserComboBoxModel modelling a given UserManager.
UserComboBoxModel(UserManager, UserFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Create a new UserComboBoxModel modelling a given UserManager.
UserCreator - class users.UserCreator.
A factory that can create User objects.
UserCreator() - Constructor for class users.UserCreator
UserDataAdapter - class
An abstract adapter class for receiving user data events.
UserDataAdapter() - Constructor for class
UserDataEvent - class
An event indicating changes in a UserManager's list of users.
UserDataEvent(Object, User) - Constructor for class
Create a new UserDataEvent giving the source and the user that was affected.
UserDataListener - interface
A Listener listening for UserDataEvents.
UserFilter - interface users.swing.UserFilter.
A Filter function that takes Users and returns a boolean value.
UserListModel - class users.swing.UserListModel.
A ListModel modelling the set or a subset of users managed by a UserManager.
UserListModel() - Constructor for class users.swing.UserListModel
Create a new UserListModel modelling the global UserManager.
UserListModel(UserFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserListModel
Create a new UserListModel modelling the global UserManager.
UserListModel(UserManager) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserListModel
Create a new UserListModel modelling a given UserManager.
UserListModel(UserManager, UserFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserListModel
Create a new UserListModel modelling a given UserManager.
UserManager - class users.UserManager.
Manages users, their capabilities and their associations to other objects.
UserManager() - Constructor for class users.UserManager
Create a new UserManager with an empty set of default capabilities, managing direct instances of the User class.
UserManager(Map) - Constructor for class users.UserManager
Create a new UserManager, using a specific set of default capabilities.
UserManager(UserCreator) - Constructor for class users.UserManager
Create a new UserManager with an empty set of default capabilities.
UserManager(Map, UserCreator) - Constructor for class users.UserManager
Create a new UserManager providing both a set of default capabilities and a User creation factory.
UserManagerFilter - class users.UserManagerFilter.
Filters a UserManager's users with help of a UserFilter
UserManagerFilter() - Constructor for class users.UserManagerFilter
Creates a new UserManagerFilter.
UserManagerFilter(UserManager) - Constructor for class users.UserManagerFilter
Creates a new UserManagerFilter from a given UserManager.
UserManagerFilter(UserFilter) - Constructor for class users.UserManagerFilter
Creates a new UserManagerFilter.
UserManagerFilter(UserManager, UserFilter) - Constructor for class users.UserManagerFilter
Creates a new UserManagerFilter from a given UserManager and a UserFilter.
UserTableFormSheet - class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet.
A FormSheet displaying the contents of a UserManager.
UserTableFormSheet(String, UserManager, JComponent, UIGate, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class users.stdforms.UserTableFormSheet
Create a new UserTableFormSheet.
UserTableModel - class users.swing.UserTableModel.
A TableModel that models the contents of a UserManager.
UserTableModel(UserManager, Comparator, TableEntryDescriptor) - Constructor for class users.swing.UserTableModel
Create a new UserTableModel.
UserTableModel.UserComparator - class users.swing.UserTableModel.UserComparator.
This abstract class is a special Comparator, which compares Users.
UserTableModel.UserComparator() - Constructor for class users.swing.UserTableModel.UserComparator
undoFill(int, Value, Stock, DataBasket) - Method in class data.StockFromStockCreatorBT
Backtracking back-step method.
unsubscribe() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Un-Subscribe as a listener from the source Catalog if that is a ListenableCatalog.
unsubscribe() - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Un-Subscribe as a listener from the model.
unsubscribe() - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Un-Subscribe as a listener from the model.
unsubscribe() - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Un-Subscribe as a listener from the model.
unsubscribe() - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Un-Subscribe as a listener from the model.
unsubscribe() - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Unsubscribe from the UserManager as there is no need to listen to it anymore, as we are not listened to anymore.
unsubscribe() - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
Un-Subscribe as a listener from the model.
unsubscribe() - Method in interface util.HelpableListener
Called when the listener should unsubscribe from its own event source.
untraceSystemMessages() - Static method in class util.Debug
Switch off printing of framework internal debug messages.
update(File) - Method in class log.LogFileContent
Replaces all currently saved LogEntries with new ones.
update(LogInputStream) - Method in class log.LogFileContent
Replaces all currently saved LogEntries with new ones.
updateModel() - Method in class data.filters.CatalogFilter
Empty method body.
updateModel() - Method in class data.swing.CatalogTableModel
Update the internal model based on the modelled Catalog.
updateModel() - Method in class data.swing.CountingStockTableModel
Update the internal model based on the modelled CountingStock.
updateModel() - Method in class data.swing.DataBasketTableModel
Update the internal model based on the modelled DataBasket.
updateModel() - Method in class data.swing.StoringStockTableModel
Update the internal model based on the modelled Stock.
updateModel() - Method in class users.swing.UserComboBoxModel
Update the local model.
updateModel() - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Update the internal model.
updateModel() - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
Update the internal model based on the modelled UserManager.
updateModel() - Method in interface util.HelpableListener
Called to update the listeners own model representation.
userAdded(UserDataEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever a user was added to the source.
userAdded(UserDataEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever a user was added to the source.
userAdded(UserDataEvent) - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Respond to the userAdded event by updating the internal model and forwarding a translated version of the event to anyone who listens to us.
userAdded(UserDataEvent) - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
userDeleted(UserDataEvent) - Method in class
Called whenever a user was deleted from the source.
userDeleted(UserDataEvent) - Method in interface
Called whenever a user was deleted from the source.
userDeleted(UserDataEvent) - Method in class users.swing.UserListModel
Respond to the userDeleted event by updating the internal model and forwarding a translated version of the event to anyone who listens to us.
userDeleted(UserDataEvent) - Method in class users.swing.UserTableModel
users - package users
Contains all the classes for managing users and their capabilities. - package
Contains events and listeners needed by classes in the users package.
users.stdforms - package users.stdforms
Standard FormSheets that can be used together with the user management classes.
users.swing - package users.swing
Provides swing interfaces and models for displaying users and capabilities.
util - package util
Helper classes that come in handy from time to time.
util.swing - package util.swing
GUI classes and interfaces that can be of common use.


VALUE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface data.CatalogItem
The programmatical name for the "value" property.
Value - interface data.Value.
An objectified value.
VetoException - exception
Exception thrown by CatalogChangeListeners and StockChangeListeners to indicate a veto against some operation.
VetoException() - Constructor for class
Create a new VetoException.
VetoException(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new VetoException with a detail message.


WINDOW_MENU_TAG - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant used as tag for the "Window" menu option.
WINDOW_VIEW - Static variable in class sale.multiwindow.MultiWindow
Constant for the window view mode.
waitResponse() - Method in class sale.FormSheet
Return true if Display.setFormSheet(sale.FormSheet) should block until the FormSheet is closed.


YEAR - Static variable in class sale.CalendarTime
Field number for CalendarTime.setTimeToCount(int) indicates that the years will be increased by CalendarTime.goAhead(java.lang.Object)

SalesPoint Framework v3.1