SalesPoint Framework v3.1

Package users

Contains all the classes for managing users and their capabilities.


Interface Summary
Capability Capabilities guard activities and restrict the users' options in an application.
PassWDGarbler Strategy to be used when garbling passwords.

Class Summary
AbstractCapability Convenience class implementing basic capability behavior.
ActionCapability A special capability guarding an action object.
MD5 An class for generating a securly encoded passwort string using the MD5 algorithm
User A user, having a name, a password for log-in purposes, and a set of capabilities.
UserCreator A factory that can create User objects.
UserManager Manages users, their capabilities and their associations to other objects.
UserManagerFilter Filters a UserManager's users with help of a UserFilter

Exception Summary
DuplicateUserException An exception thrown if you try to create a user with a name that is already being used.
UnknownUserException An exception thrown if you try to log on an unknown user.

Package users Description

Contains all the classes for managing users and their capabilities.

Users are managed by UserManagers. UserManagers will also maintain a list of users currently associated (or in UserManager terminology "logged on") to an Object.

Users are represented by User objects. You can subclass these to provide for application dependent user information like statistics and the like. By default users will have a name, a password and a set of capabilities.

Capabilities are used to grant or deny users certain rights. You must implement the Capability interface or subclass AbstractCapability to cater for your application specific rights.

In addition to the core classes mentioned above, there are some helper and convenience classes in the package.

SalesPoint Framework v3.1